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Realmente es Halo dos

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Halo 2: Anniversary has much better remake graphics compared to Halo 1's, but I think I still prefer the original graphics. Wished the audio for the original's was louder like the remake portion's.

Also Heroic fucking sucks in this game.

Znacznie lepsze od H1A. Grafika świetna po dziś dzień.

This was the empire strikes back for halo. Fantastic story, gameplay, music, memorable levels as well as genre defining multiplayer

this shit is fucking gas. i fw da arbiter he like so chill and cool

This review contains spoilers

Halo 2 is def a major improvement compared to Halo CE in every way from gameplay, music, presentation and even story.

The story isn't anything really groundbreaking but it was certainly more cohesive and entertaining compared to CE and Reach for me. It was nice to actually get stuff about the covenant. The elite civil war and old grunt rebellion actually reminds me of the plot of Marathon 1 and 2 where alien species rose up against their united hegemony.

Don't like how it ends on a cliffhanger tho. You think the game is building up to something but no. It was setting up Halo 3.

The cutscenes were surprisingly good. I was not expecting them to be that high in quality on a technical level. The music is an improvement over CE both in terms of variety and just how the music is used. I can call to mind specific moments that were elevated by the sudden bombastic entrance of particular tracks.

I don't like the number of missions where its just two sides fighting each other while you walk through them. I get that the game wanted to show the elite-covenant conflict but it got too much. brutes are not fun to fight imo. The Arbiter's missions seemed oddly balanced compared to Chief's.

There is a certain lack of visual clarity at times. Its not a problem most of the time but if you're dual wielding covenant weapons it can make it hard to figure out what is happening on the screen.

Arbiter's missions have goofy visual presentation at times. They gave him invisibility instead of a flashlight but he spends a significant amount of missions in the dark making it hard to tell what is going on or where to go.

All in all, I enjoyed this game a lot despite not being that into fps games in general.

Takes what Halo 1 did and brings it to a new level entirely. The story was interesting, combat a lot better, and cutscenes and graphics absolutely stunning.

Unfortunately still has that old halo feel for combat which isn’t really deep or interesting, making me opt to run past a lot of fights towards the end of the game. However the enemies are far more balanced and way less tedious.

The option to switch between the original graphics and new on the fly, even during cutscenes, is insanely cool and I found myself impressed every time I did it.

Yet another Halo game where the more I play it, the more I love it!

A bit of a controversial opinion but I have never been big on the orginal Halo 2. I didn't like how the levels were split up and also thought the game was very ugly. This remaster though has only made me fall in love with this game though as it is perfect!

The art style and aesthetic has to be my favourite from any Halo game. The cutscenes and skyboxes are just beautiful and I have always said that this game stands as a prime example of how a remake SHOULD be made.

As for the story? Incredible and one of the strongest of the franchise. The story of both Chief and Arbiter contrast so well and the levels are just brilliant! There are so many memorbale moments and I can never get tired of the cutscenes, they look incredible still nearly a decade later!

A great evolution from the original Halo game. The characters are better, the plot has more depth, the graphics are better, and the gameplay is smoother. A worthy successor to the very influential first game. The enhanced graphics of the anniversary edition look fantastic and the Blur-animated cutscenes are some of the best looking cinematics I have ever seen and have set the standard for future games despite being animated in 2014.

personal favorite barely beating out 3

Nem sei se deveria colocar ele aqui já que tecnicamente comecei a run mais de 2 anos atrás kkkkk Mas finalmente peguei pra fazer as últimas missões com um amigo e foi bem divertido.

FPS não é meu gênero, mas tem uma história bem bacana e o coop deixa a experiencia muito mais legal.

Halo 2: Anniversary é um espetáculo visual e um marco na história dos jogos de tiro em primeira pessoa. A remasterização eleva a experiência original a novos patamares, com gráficos impressionantes e cutscenes que parecem cinematográficas. A ambientação é rica e detalhada, transportando os jogadores para um universo sci-fi fascinante e expansivo.

A jogabilidade é refinada e fluida, oferecendo batalhas intensas e emocionantes. O sistema de combate continua a ser uma referência no gênero, com armas icônicas e inimigos desafiadores. A campanha, repleta de ação e reviravoltas, mantém a adrenalina em alta do começo ao fim.

No entanto, devo admitir que em alguns momentos me senti um pouco perdido em relação aos meus objetivos. A narrativa, embora envolvente, pode ser um tanto confusa, especialmente para quem não está familiarizado com a lore extensa da série. Ainda assim, esses momentos de incerteza não tiram o brilho do jogo.

A trilha sonora épica e a melhoria sonora completam a experiência, tornando Halo 2: Anniversary um jogo espetacular. É uma celebração digna de um clássico, agradando tanto aos fãs de longa data quanto aos novos jogadores. Mesmo com alguns momentos de confusão, a grandiosidade e a qualidade do jogo são inegáveis.

Took us way too long to play through this one because my current playthrough friend kept getting too sleepy >:(

Still a great game though. Fifth time playing it in like two years. Love Keith David.

Harder, better, faster, stronger. Halo CE's formula has been iterated on and vastly improved, trimming the fat and making a much more compelling game overall. Still need to finish it though.