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Realmente es Halo dos

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Halo 2: Anniversary has much better remake graphics compared to Halo 1's, but I think I still prefer the original graphics. Wished the audio for the original's was louder like the remake portion's.

Also Heroic fucking sucks in this game.

Znacznie lepsze od H1A. Grafika świetna po dziś dzień.

This was the empire strikes back for halo. Fantastic story, gameplay, music, memorable levels as well as genre defining multiplayer

this shit is fucking gas. i fw da arbiter he like so chill and cool

This review contains spoilers

Halo 2 is def a major improvement compared to Halo CE in every way from gameplay, music, presentation and even story.

The story isn't anything really groundbreaking but it was certainly more cohesive and entertaining compared to CE and Reach for me. It was nice to actually get stuff about the covenant. The elite civil war and old grunt rebellion actually reminds me of the plot of Marathon 1 and 2 where alien species rose up against their united hegemony.

Don't like how it ends on a cliffhanger tho. You think the game is building up to something but no. It was setting up Halo 3.

The cutscenes were surprisingly good. I was not expecting them to be that high in quality on a technical level. The music is an improvement over CE both in terms of variety and just how the music is used. I can call to mind specific moments that were elevated by the sudden bombastic entrance of particular tracks.

I don't like the number of missions where its just two sides fighting each other while you walk through them. I get that the game wanted to show the elite-covenant conflict but it got too much. brutes are not fun to fight imo. The Arbiter's missions seemed oddly balanced compared to Chief's.

There is a certain lack of visual clarity at times. Its not a problem most of the time but if you're dual wielding covenant weapons it can make it hard to figure out what is happening on the screen.

Arbiter's missions have goofy visual presentation at times. They gave him invisibility instead of a flashlight but he spends a significant amount of missions in the dark making it hard to tell what is going on or where to go.

All in all, I enjoyed this game a lot despite not being that into fps games in general.

Takes what Halo 1 did and brings it to a new level entirely. The story was interesting, combat a lot better, and cutscenes and graphics absolutely stunning.

Unfortunately still has that old halo feel for combat which isn’t really deep or interesting, making me opt to run past a lot of fights towards the end of the game. However the enemies are far more balanced and way less tedious.

The option to switch between the original graphics and new on the fly, even during cutscenes, is insanely cool and I found myself impressed every time I did it.

Yet another Halo game where the more I play it, the more I love it!

A bit of a controversial opinion but I have never been big on the orginal Halo 2. I didn't like how the levels were split up and also thought the game was very ugly. This remaster though has only made me fall in love with this game though as it is perfect!

The art style and aesthetic has to be my favourite from any Halo game. The cutscenes and skyboxes are just beautiful and I have always said that this game stands as a prime example of how a remake SHOULD be made.

As for the story? Incredible and one of the strongest of the franchise. The story of both Chief and Arbiter contrast so well and the levels are just brilliant! There are so many memorbale moments and I can never get tired of the cutscenes, they look incredible still nearly a decade later!

Halo 2 is like, the perfect game honestly. Shoutouts dual wielding, the Arbiter sections, the great vehicle sections, the kino writing, etc
The Anniversary update here is much better than CE's - while I'll always prefer the original Xbox version the new prerendered cutscenes are a delight

*Played as part of the Master Chief Collection

Holy shit, this game is just fucking awesome. From the word go it's a non-stop thrill ride that takes everything from the original and enhances it.
There are actual, movie-level cutscenes that explain a lot of the lore and world-building that was missing from the first entry. You can dual-wield small arms to feel like an absolute badass, and the arsenal of weapons you get to use has just been expanded in general as well. The vehicles control much better and are more fun to utilize (except for the slow-ass tank, but that kinda makes up for it by just obliterating every single obstacle in your path with little to no effort). There are two protagonists even, as we get to see things from the Covenant's perspective as well. The map design is also better and eliminates all the tedious back-tracking that padded out the first game, and the enemy variety has also been increased, each with their own tactics and nuances.
This is one of those perfect sequels I was talking about when I played Ragnarok, and the only thing holding it back from a perfect score is the abrupt, cliffhanger ending.

Another positive side-effect this game had on me was sending me down the Halo Wiki rabbit hole, where I spent a few hours pouring over lore articles and learning about things I probably shouldn't know at this point in time. As someone who once thought of Halo as just another dudebro shooter and scoffed at the thought of buying a console for one franchise while I gobbled my fill of PS3 exclusives greedily, I must apologize to my Xbox homies as the lore is actually pretty sweet. Kind of makes me wish Gears of War had a similar collection on PC so I could go through that franchise as well to see what all the fuss was about.

Aunque sea el peor Halo para mí, sigue siendo infinitamente mejor que muchos juegos. Lo de las armas duales nunca me gustó. Lo de los Jackal francotiradores es un tema

Halo 2 delivers an electrifying narrative that keeps you on the edge of your seat with its unexpected twists and turns, all of which hit the mark flawlessly. Playing the campaign in co-op mode proved to be a wise choice, as it provided both thrilling action and moments of frustration, even on normal difficulty. However, the tight gameplay mechanics ensure an immersive experience throughout. With an ending that leaves you pumped and eager for more, Halo 2 sets the stage perfectly for the next installment in the series.

A strong follow up to CE. Better gunplay, dual wielding whichever guns you want, better story, better layouts, it's all here. I didn't grow up with Halo, so reminder that I'll never have the nostalgia goggles for it that some do, but I even I can recognize that this is a great game, even if I have some gripes with certain missions and certain boss fights.
The anniversary edition especially looks amazing with incredible cutscenes and sound design, and remastered music that sounds amazing.

I understand now why y'all won't shut up about this one

Incredibly faithful remaster of the original Halo 2 campaign which continues to look gorgeous even compared to modern games.

A great evolution from the original Halo game. The characters are better, the plot has more depth, the graphics are better, and the gameplay is smoother. A worthy successor to the very influential first game. The enhanced graphics of the anniversary edition look fantastic and the Blur-animated cutscenes are some of the best looking cinematics I have ever seen and have set the standard for future games despite being animated in 2014.

personal favorite barely beating out 3

Nem sei se deveria colocar ele aqui já que tecnicamente comecei a run mais de 2 anos atrás kkkkk Mas finalmente peguei pra fazer as últimas missões com um amigo e foi bem divertido.

FPS não é meu gênero, mas tem uma história bem bacana e o coop deixa a experiencia muito mais legal.

Halo 2: Anniversary é um espetáculo visual e um marco na história dos jogos de tiro em primeira pessoa. A remasterização eleva a experiência original a novos patamares, com gráficos impressionantes e cutscenes que parecem cinematográficas. A ambientação é rica e detalhada, transportando os jogadores para um universo sci-fi fascinante e expansivo.

A jogabilidade é refinada e fluida, oferecendo batalhas intensas e emocionantes. O sistema de combate continua a ser uma referência no gênero, com armas icônicas e inimigos desafiadores. A campanha, repleta de ação e reviravoltas, mantém a adrenalina em alta do começo ao fim.

No entanto, devo admitir que em alguns momentos me senti um pouco perdido em relação aos meus objetivos. A narrativa, embora envolvente, pode ser um tanto confusa, especialmente para quem não está familiarizado com a lore extensa da série. Ainda assim, esses momentos de incerteza não tiram o brilho do jogo.

A trilha sonora épica e a melhoria sonora completam a experiência, tornando Halo 2: Anniversary um jogo espetacular. É uma celebração digna de um clássico, agradando tanto aos fãs de longa data quanto aos novos jogadores. Mesmo com alguns momentos de confusão, a grandiosidade e a qualidade do jogo são inegáveis.

Took us way too long to play through this one because my current playthrough friend kept getting too sleepy >:(

Still a great game though. Fifth time playing it in like two years. Love Keith David.

Harder, better, faster, stronger. Halo CE's formula has been iterated on and vastly improved, trimming the fat and making a much more compelling game overall. Still need to finish it though.

Esto si es un juegazo, calidad en FPS incluso para mi. Es todo lo que es el Halo 1 pero mejor tanto en gameplay como en historia. Las armas, los niveles, incluso las formas de jugar. La parte del inquisidor, el nivel en que te subes a una nave y tienes como que esquivar y pelear con otras naves. Es un juegazo increible

Sinematiklere güzel el atmışlar onun hariç çok kaliteli bir remastered değil.

if it wasnt for the cliff hanger on the end it would be perfect, I only wish it had a sequel

Before I started playing Halo 2, I decided to look up its development history, and I found out some pretty interesting stuff.
The folks over at Bungie wanted to not just improve on what had been established with the 1st game, but also to bring in a lot of new ideas and concepts to the table. To triple everything!
But the devs bit off more than they could chew, and the game went through a bunch of changes during its dev time, with a lack of focus during most of it. The game suffered many delays as a result.

With all of that being said, it's a fucking miracle Halo 2 turned out as great as it did!
Now, it's not free from issues, but I had a lot of fun with this title, and it improves on everything that Halo 1 offered!

The plot tackles many more themes than last time, ranging from politics to religion. We see more of the Covenant alien species this time around, and hear them interact with each other.
And this also adds to the fact that there's a 2nd playable character who's from the Covenant, the Arbiter!

And that leads me into the gameplay. You'll alternate between Master Chief and the Arbiter throughout the game, especially when you pass the first third of the game. They don't play much differently from each other, except Master Chieft has a flashlight, and the Arbiter has a temporary camoflauge system.

The biggest new addition to the game, however, is that you can now dual-wield weapons! Of course, if you wanna use a grenade, you will have to put down your left weapon to throw it, but you can easily pick it back up afterwards. Not all weapons can be dual-wield, but many of them do.
It's crazy how such a simple addition can make a game more fun!

There are also some new weapons like the Spartan Sword, which are really fun to use! And the vehicles are also back, and they control better too! The Warthog didn't feel as slippery as before, and the new vehicles are just fun to use... except the tank, that one was a bit too slow for my liking.
At least you only use it in one level.

The overall level design has also seen a significant boost! I criticized Halo 1 for having a lot of empty space, and Halo 2 fixes that by being very no non-sense.
Sometimes you do have to stop for some enemies to appear, and at the beginning of the game, it was a bit annoying. But as you go through the game, you find less and less of those situations, which I appreciate.
The variety of environments, too, is also a big step up from last time! There's a lot to see and to explore, and there were some part where I found the game to be gorgeous!
And this is from 2004!

On the topic of presentation, this game also very much improves on that. Human character models are way more detailed and expressive, and don't feel as dated as last time. I will say that the Alien character models weren't super great, but I do appreciate some of the detail on their models.
The voice acting is also stellar, with the Arbiter being voiced by Keith David, who does an excellent job!

I do think that the game's lighting system is not the best. Like, most places that have light in them are just fine, but when it's dark, it's really dark. The few times that I did get lost, it was because I couldn't see shit. The Arbiter not having a flashlight made it worse.

Although since I was playing Halo 2: Anniversary, I could temporarily go to the modern graphics, and see that the lighting was better. Then I would switch back to the old graphics, once I found my way, so that the game would run smoother on my PC.

All in all, while Halo 2 is not perfect, it was a really fun first-person shooter, that I'm glad I got to play!

Not sure if I'll be able to play Halo 3, but I want to, one day, finish the fight!

best story in all shooter history

A big step up from CE in terms of gameplay itself. The Anniversary graphics also look very good. The dialogue is pretty cheesy and that's a bit of a turn off for me personally, but if you can look past that, this is probably a perfect FPS campaign.

unnecessary. the re-recorded music is filled with obtruding elements which were not present in the original perfected recordings from it's holy inception in the year of our lord 2004.