Reviews from

in the past

splitscreen days, the abilities were quite special for the time, with the new running mechanic, and vehicles becoming even more fun, also the graphics were very cute, felt futuristic, people complained bout it not being like the other halos, but imo it evolved and it should have evolved, the game couldn't stay stale and the same forever.

As formas dinâmicas que configuram o espaço e o tempo na agência das imagens que pautam Halo 4, são eficientes e até um tanto inusitadas - tendo em vista que o meu referencial primário da franquia é esse jogo -, mas o mesmo exerce a mobilidade, enquanto projeção constitutiva, um movimento ativo que redige a formulação da ação remontando cada embate a desenvolturas frontais e relativamente diversas no que contrapõe o Master Chief.
De um condicionante histórico e narrativo, esse jogo viabiliza a mutabilidade interna de Halo, é a  materialização de uma prole artística apartada de sua genitora primária, e tendo de justificar as novas pretensões desse recorte do jogo. Portanto, acredito que até há um flerte metanarrativo, evidenciando figurativamente que a iminente morte e sacrifício da Cortana postula a ausência da Bungie, enquanto agente criativo de formação da poética e dinâmicas totalizantes de Halo, e o Master Chief, intuitivamente, assim como o fã predisposto nesses tecidos de reciprocidade, tenta restituir essa vitalidade, mesmo sabendo o quão artificial seria essa reivindicação, mediando nos afetos esclarecidos a potencialidade direta e substancial que mobiliza todo esse processo de esvaziamento dos signos precedentes para parir algo novo, algo que tente legitimar nessa rédea de expressão com condições e olhares internalizados nessa dialética do mito ao crente engajado com sua configuração divina que recepciona essas tensões e transformações. Por fim, o jogo é coeso, diria que tem a mesma sensibilidade de um jogo simples a um leviano Boomer Shooter que demanda do movimento enquanto forma constitutiva de ação e da disponibilidade do espaço para dimensionar essas condições, variando sua expressão por dispositivos complementares e efetivos em cada desdobramento do jogador. Sinceramente, é curioso ver que em Halo, a condição mistificada do Master Chief projeta, semioticamente, uma mecanização indissociável, uma reificação da subjetividade do personagem e, por extensão, do jogador, que têm no domínio sintomático da representação, um devaneio de sua autoalienação defronte a impessoalidade dos corpos militarizados e redigidos sempre a ação.

3.5 / 5.
An extremely mixed bag for me, the first few missions for this game are incredible, despite how the latter ones become kind of a drag to get through.
I like how Master Chief gets more lines in this and is a bit less robotic, and his relationship with Cortana is definitely one of the highlights of the game. The story was decent in this game, but the villain really sucked and the fact we didn't get to fight him really bummed me out.
There were also a few glitches in my game where I couldn't hear characters speak. ):

Wife’s Reaction:
“Isn’t this your bros’ job?”

Party’s Reaction:
“This looks nice for a 360 game.”

Legendary Bro Hammer:
This run cleaned up all of the campaigns in the Master Chief Collection. I still love the game, and I’ll continue to proclaim my love for its soundtrack. Yet I think the campaign is best solo on both the narrative and gameplay fronts.

A better game than Halo: CE, but... that's about it. Feels like a Greatest Hits of Halo rather than its own game. "Here's this bit from Halo 3, and a bit from Halo 2, and look they took this bit from Halo: Reach!" Hilariously bad ending. I'm surprised Halo 5 was greenlit after this.

I hated this game for a really long time. I still don't really like it. But honestly it's not worth getting mad at. The worst thing in the game is all the changes to the lore. But I can just ignore all that and play the old games.

It's the worst halo, it's the okayest halo.

Multiplayer is same as always, but campaign this time around felt like a clusterfuck. Introduce a race and somehow kill them off in the same game. It felt like they just needed to push something out of the halo womb to make money and this is what they made. New gun designs are alright, but just feel like they're reskinned guns that are altered a little. This is where the decline of halo starts and its sad af to see.

them showing master chiefs face at the end no lie made me so pissed im docking .5 stars off my score

The weakest of the Master Chief franchise, however, still enjoyable and entertaining.

This is actually terrible and you ruined it.

Halo fanlarının neden oyunlardan anlamadığını bu oyunun düşük not almasından anlayabilirsiniz.

Worst game I've ever played. Close to everything in this game angers me in some way when I play. It just isn't a proper Halo game, with complete ignorance to the style of Bungie's Halo games.

eu me diverti mt nesse jogo aq mas quando eu joguei eu tava no auge dos meus 12 anos então nem lembro de mta coisa

This is my review for the legendary campaign, not so much the game itself.

Honestly a huge downgrade in legendary campaign experience. The Prometheans are not fun to fight at all. Their just a more frustrating covenant, like the knights are just big bullet sponges. Not as bad as the bruts in halo 2 but still not fun to fight. And the crawlers are so easy to kill they can be one shoted with a bolt shot. And don't even get me started on the watchers. Overall not a fun faction to fight even the flood are more fun to fight. The covenant are just as fun to kill as the other games but they serve little to no point to the story. But the story itself is pretty good, not bad for a first attempt for 343I.

Also that legendary final cutscene sucks ass.

First Halo game i played through with my Dad so points for nostalgia

Halo 4 is 343i's first game in the series and it's probably their most criticized, mostly because no one really wants to talk about Halo 5, and partly because most of the criticisms leveled at this game are still because of mistakes 343i is making to this day.

Halo 4 is a much more character drama driven story than the last games, and it works for the most part. An out of commission John-117 has to navigate a world that doesn't want anything to do with him anymore, all while the only "living" thing he can call a friend right now is a AI woman who is losing her battles to her health slowly. Watching John slowly go rogue as he grapples with his humanity is compelling enough, but its the only thing I like about the story. The rest is pretty bad.

For starters lets talk about the Forerunners. Instead of being the forefathers of humanity, now they are aliens that created humanity. Ok that's fine enough, however they only created humanity to make a vessel to fight of their most dangerous adversary Ur-Didact. Who is Ur-Didact? Well I'm not sure the game knows, because the Didact hinges on you having to read THREE FUCKING BOOKS to understand a character that appears for only 20 minutes. It is ass backwards to have to do homework on the big bad, only for him to get his ass kicked in a cutscene, and be ultimately killed off in a comic book because the tie in Co-op mode got canceled for being trash (I really don't like Spartan Ops). So cliff notes: The Librarian crafts humanity to eventually produce the ultimate genome, The Mantle of Responsibility, and it so happens that the person bestowed with this gift is actually John. So John is now embroiled in this really poorly thought out Space Jesus plot after being told by Space Mary to kill Space Satan... I hate this story so much.

Even on the gameplay aspect of things, everything here is just a lesser version of Bunige Halo. It feels less emergent and more scripted, the Prometheans are a sort of cool new enemy, but they come across just as spongier variant of what we have been fighting for the past 10 years. All in all a let down in the PvE department.

PvP isn't much different. I will say that ultimately it is a better version of Reach's multiplayer, but I already don't care too much for Reach's design decisions. There are more weapons, which means that there's also even more useless precision weapons that do the same thing flooding the damn sandbox.

I don't care for Halo 4, and the sad thing is that I know it doesn't get much better from here.

Entiendo que en su momento este inicio de la nueva trilogía de Halo tuvo que ser increíblemente controvertido, pero 12 años después este humilde servidor solo puede decir que es un puto Banger de manual, de libro o incluso de enciclopedia.

Nos dan contexto y chicha de la relación entre Cortana y John, y es que en esta "nueva" entrega la historia elevó muchísimo como personajes al dúo protagonista.

Tengo ganas de ver como continua la historia porque el lore va duro de pelotas y me parece super interesante, se nota que querían hacer algo fresco y nuevo.


Gonna be 100% honest, the later half of the game is not good at all. There were some good missions in the first half like Dawn and Forerunner but everything else is not shocking or anything.
Dawn - 9/10
Requiem - 6/10
Forerunner - 7/10
Infinity - 6/10
Reclaimer - 5/10
Shutdown - 4/10
Composer - 2/10
Midnight - 3/10

Life takes a lot of turns sometimes. One day I was doing fuck all when some friends came up to me and were hey you wanna play halo 4?. It was at the time was the only halo game I had played, so I was a little weary of replaying it before I'd gotten around to playing the rest of the series. I went along anyways, and we played the game with the reflow mod, which I was told rebalances the combat. Having first played this at least a decade ago I didn't notice most of the changes, but the biggest one was probably that every gun has considerably more ammo now. All told, I had a lot of fun even if it wasn't the "intended" experience. I'm aware this game doesn't have the best of reputations with Halo fans, and much more educated people than me have written so much about 343's unbelievable levels of bag fumbling when they got handed the keys to the series, but if this is the worst Halo then what the fuck is everyone else doing? The guns felt good to shoot, it was fun to shoot at the ugly aliens, and the vehicles were fun. The story made absolutely no sense, but I wasn't expecting anything there, my fault for not playing any of the previous games. Though according to every halo liker I've asked, even having played the games isn't enough, you gotta read a bunch of novels to understand.

What happened to the Unggoy's voices. Why do they sound like goblins now?

Forward unto Dawn... of a new era! Yeah, I know, bad pun.
Halo 4 starts a new saga for the series, the Reclaimer Saga, and I won't beat around the bush, I know that this one is quite divisive among the community.
Unlike something like Halo 3 which seems to be universally praised, or something like Halo 5: Guardians, which many people hate, Halo 4 seems to be in a weird limbo of opinions.

As a newcomer to the series, this left me intrigued, but I also welcome a new direction. We had the original trilogy and two side games with Bungie. Those games have done wonders for them, and they've been great journeys. For 343 Industries, it was probably going to be very tough to follow them up, so... instead of surpassing them, why not do something different?
Instead of competing with the quality of something like Halo 3, it's better to try and do something new, and hopefully the series doesn't get stale.
Of course, we still want a new game to have good quality behind, and that's where opinions seem to differ.

Halo 4 picks up 4 years after Halo 3, with Master Chief and Cortana getting pulled into a new planet. This planet used to belong to an ancient race of individuals called the Forerunners.
There's a lot going on in this story. From the deepened relationship between Chief and Cortana, from the battle against Didact (a member of the Forerunners), to the small drama that happens because of Cortana's condition.
Because of the number of new concepts being introduced to Halo's lore, I can imagine this can be off-putting for a lot of people.
Being that I'm new to the series and don't have the same expectations people used to have back then, I can't help but feel biased in my assessment of this title.
The story was not perfect. I feel like some of the bits of drama were a bit contrived, and that Didact, while intimidating in his own right, could've been fleshed out a bit more.
I do know that there are Terminals that you can find throughout the game that give you a bit of backstory to the Forerunners. I was able to find 3 during my adventure, and I'm not sure if there are more. Regardless, I feel like these could've been better integrated in the plot itself.
Additionally, the Covenant's return feels like it was haphazardly explained. I'm not sure if there is any supplementary material that explains their return better, but I believe that this could've been improved.

In spite of my criticisms with the plot, one of my favourite things that this game does is the dynamic between Master Chief and Cortana. At the beginning of Halo 4, we get a small glimpse into the life of Chief and why he's the way he is. I was already intrigued when they went into his backstory, but one of the things they point out is that Spartans like him are very anti-social.
Then, the game's story goes out of its way to show that a Spartan can grow a deep connection with someone. So far, Halo 4 seems to be the game where Master Chief talks the most and I really liked it! I appreciate the folks over at 343 Industries making Master Chief more of a character this time around.
And there were also many moments of this story that I felt were well-written.
It's not a great story, but I had a good time seeing it unfold.

Now onto the gameplay! For the most part, 343 Industries played it mostly safe. Many of the classic weapons return, but some new Promethean ones were added, and these were okay. Some of them I liked, others didn't tickle my fancy. This game also further cements that the dual-wielding from Halo 2 and 3 is probably not coming back, as seen in 3: ODST and Reach. A bit of a shame, but I can understand why they made that decision.
I'd say level design was pretty good and well paced for the most part. I feel like maybe the final mission went on a bit too long, but besides that, don't have many complaints on that department.
The new enemies... were a bit annoying, not gonna lie. What doesn't help is that they make you fight a bunch of them, so I recommend practicing patience and covering yourself well enough to defend against them.
I ended up using melee attacks a lot more than my previous Halo adventures, because they were good at taking down most of the enemies quickly.

The presentation in this game is marvelous! Considering that this game was made on the same system as Halo 3, I'm surprised how much Halo 4 was able to showcase with the Xbox 360 hardware. There's a lot of great environments to see, and facial animations are probably some of the best so far!
The soundtrack is also pretty good. We got some new composers this time around, with Neil Davidge producing the OST. Even though it's sad not to hear the classic Halo theme, the game's new theme, Atonement, is wonderful to hear, and I did like some of the diversity in the soundtrack itself, like some of the techno-like tunes.

Overall, Halo 4 was a decent experience. I can definitely see why it's very divisive amongst the fanbase, but I can say that I had a good time playing it. The story was decent, the gameplay was still fun despite its issues, and I just had an overall good time.
It doesn't end the Master Chief Collection on the highest note, but it left me satisfied enough.

I'm not sure when I'll get to Halo 5: Guardians though. At the time of writing this review, it still does not have a native PC port, but even if it did, my PC probably could not run it. It was already a miracle that my PC could handle this one, and it wasn't always the smoothest experience. Maybe someone could make a low-end mod for it, I don't know.

With Halo 4 done, I'm now done playing the main games of the Master Chief Collection. One day, I plan on making a review for it, but not yet.
Although, even though I am done with Halo for now, I am not completely done with the Master Chief Collection... or should I say, the Mustard Beef Connection!

To be concluded...

this game gets a lot of shit and it deserves it. the campaign falls off really hard after the forerunner show up, it takes a big fat dump all over the lore, the multiplayer is pretty awful... but I am very nostalgic for it and I think the dynamic between chief and cortana is written pretty good. need halo 4 cortana sloppy asap

this game is somehow so much worse than I remembered and I remembered it as pretty bad

different but very good soundtrack and personally I loved the design of promethean enemies and forerunner levels

Final game in the collection!! Probably the most fun gameplay out of the collection. Though story was good, even if NGL, yeah the villain went out like a BITCH!!

Ps a mi si me gusto, me vicie tanto con la campaña como con el multijugador

goddam this game was peak halo

They really put you into open ass fields with no cover, weapons that barely have any ammo, and enemies equipped vehicles and are like "okay now fight them." Which is a shame cause when the game isn't doing that, it has some really neat levels.

A complaint I have is that when fighting the Prometheans, it's like 3 enemy types, and they rarely mix Prometheans with Covenant enemy types so in the back half of the game, you are just only fighting same same enemies again and again. This leads to weapon variety to be super limited as for majority of the time you have to use what the enemy drops, and the new Promethean weapons don't really feel distinct enough from already existing weapons. Like Promethean weapons are just: pistol, battle rifle, assault rifle, sniper, and rocket launcher. The only really new thing the Promethean's brought were the grenades which I found never really that effective as the enemy ai's can easily get out of the way. It's weird how they kinda fumbled with the new enemy weapon arsenal when the UNSC got some cool new weapons like the Railgun and Sticky Detonator.

I liked the story enough even though I prefer 2 and 3's. I like the unique dynamic between Cortana and Chief the game introduced though I wished they did more with it. The new main bad is a real wet fart though. He had a cool design (mask on, he's so ugly without it), but he barely leaves a presence in the game and he gets defeated in such an underwhelming way I can only describe him as a character as milquetoast.

I can forgive the game though cause it gave us the Red Vs. Blue Chorus trilogy.