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While Halo 4 boasts a character driven narrative on par with 2 and Reach its visual and enemy design make the game feel off to play after the first 4 Bungie games.

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Esse é definitivamente um dos jogos já feitos, tudo nele é mediano, a campanha é estranha com um vilão sem graça, o combate é mediano e os inimigos são totalmente irritantes. Fizeram uma descaracterização do Master Chief, tornando ele mais falador do que de costume, e ainda tentaram forçar uma paixão entre ele e a Cortana que é completamente esquisito. A única coisa que realmente achei interessante do jogo foi explorar um pouco da ambiguidade dos humanos em relação aos Covenants, principalmente na figura da Dra. Halsey e em como e porque ela criou o projeto Spartan.

its not as bad as they say but its not like a hidden gem or anything

For me its one of the better halo games in terms of single player. Nice weapon variety and fun enemy's to fight. A good story. Almost no back tracking through levels witch has always been a huge issue in Halo games. When you have promethean weapons you don`t have an issue with ammo witch has also been a huge issue in halo games. It wasn't frustrating to play and overall a fun game

lembro de cor cada pedaço desse jogo

Considering the final boss was a quick time event, Chief should have stayed in the cryo pod.
There's a lot of problems I have here with the direction of the game, but it's somehow not the worst thing to happen to the franchise. In retrospect the game is fun, I like that Master Chief and Cortana's relationship was explored further, but every other character is so uninteresting (except Laskey, he's a bro.)

So you're telling me there are FIFTY extra missions that can all be played split screen in addition to the campaign? Ok so this game might be a banger.

Sé que no es muy bueno, pero le tengo mucho cariño

It's still a good halo game but the magic is gone

Достойное продолжение серии от новых разработчиков. А в компании с другом ещё интереснее. К тому же, игра полностью на русском

Me da igual lo que digan, la historia es bestial, se ve de cojones y el multi es divertidísimo, aunque no era muy fan de las clases. Conocí a Bruno y a Maxi en él así que 5 estrellas

I last played this game back when I was 12 and didn't understand a lot of the hate for it. Since I've changed my opinion on a lot of things since then, I figured I'd jump back in and see if I was just naive or if I truly just stood apart from everyone else. Having finished the campaign again, yeah I was definitely just naive.

That's not to say Halo 4 doesn't get some things right. The game still looks very good for a 2012 game, even if the classic distant environment jpegs of the era are still present. It also manages to tell a solid overarching story, one that's successfully a lot more personal than previous entries in the franchise. It's even got some sequences toward the end that properly stand out.

However, the rest of the experience is notably disjointed, resulting in at best mediocre execution. Most notably was the new Promethean faction. While the enemies introduced aren't bad and offer a nice challenge compared to the Covenant, the weapons they offer are almost entirely reskins of other weapons. The Lightrifle is a Covenant Carbine, the Scattershot is the Shotgun, the Boltshot is a worse Plasma Pistol. The list goes on. It feels more like a cool new set of weapon skins than their own thing.

Some plot choices are left full of holes too. The Covenant being at Requiem is a mystery from the beginning, and even Chief and Cortana question it at the beginning. However, it's never explained more than a long-winded version of "because they are". Alongside that, the Didact just isn't an interesting antagonist. His backstory and motives are explained way better by another person than the Didact himself, and even that wasn't a great explanation.

The whole thing just reeks of another studio attempting to replicate one of the most well-known game series of all time. It is exactly that, but so little is done to mask that. There's rarely anything surprising beyond the final quarter of the game, and the pacing is all over the place. You're either going through a very slow mission that wants to make out with the Rule of Three, or you're going from story moment to intense firefight in the period of a single black screen.

I do think Halo 4 is worth playing in the end since the story between Master Chief and Cortana is worth experiencing, and that last quarter of the game is pretty enjoyable. However, it's one of the least enjoyable Halo games only beaten by Halo 5. Shame my opinion on the game has soured so much, but thus is the nature of replaying games a decade later.

It really is Halo copying Cod. One of my first 360 games for the Series E circa 2017. Online multiplayer was still hella fun like Reach. They may have copied COD but that formula works for a reason. The multiplayer honestly is the best part of this title. However, the story left something to be desired. First off, WTF was the point, it made no sense. Lastly, Prometheans suck as an enemy type and the maps were way too linear for a Halo game. Overall, it's just average. Personally though, I'd play this over 1 and 2 still.

i think praetoreans are straight ass but the whole cortana chief part was the most redeemable part of this game

cortana's rampancy was a interesting concept!

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Diadact was so damn cool, but I hated the retcon. Forerunners were supposed to be ancient humans. Multiplayer was so fun and the maps are very underated. Overhated TBH.

The story really fumbled, enjoyed the concept, but hated the final product. Weapons are the worst. MP is actually really fun.

Honestly, I was fine with it at the start, but the further I went the more I just didn't really feel like playing. Granted, it's not BAD or anything, but it just doesn't really capture my interest like the rest of the Halo games did. The Forerunner mission in particular just reeked of issues such as enemies blending in with the background, really annoying enemy gimmicks, and the missions felt a lot longer than in the other games. I know the game is only eight missions meaning longer missions make sense, but nothing was really impressive of the first three we did. My partner for the game wanted to quit during the third and after playing a bit of the fourth, I agreed. A lot of stuff is also pretty jarring, mainly the sound design. Some of the guns are fine but the newer ones just didn't really feel all that good to use. I don't hate the game, it's far from the worst thing I've ever played clearly, but it's not enticing enough for me to want to continue. Overall, pretty disappointing Halo game that isn't terrible but but interesting enough either.

Halo 4 pode ser o pior Halo que eu joguei, mas tá longe de ser ruim. Uma campanha que tenta muito ser CoD, com uma história confusa, mas que apresenta um desenvolvimento da parceria do Chief com Cortana, que infelizmente nunca mais é bem aprofundada. Um multiplayer ainda divertido, mas que tentou ser bem CoD (com sistema de loadouts e caixas de suprimentos sendo depositadas no mapa, além de um map design que não incentivava tanto o sandbox igual nos outros jogos). Mesmo assim, ainda acho ele divertido e um começo mediado para a 343.

Halo 4 had the extremely unenviable task of living up to the standards set by the Bungie era of Halo, the sad but unsurprising truth is that Halo 4 could never have lived up to the high expectations. With that in mind I do still believe it did an admirable job, it has a compelling narrative, new enemies and weapons, what truly holds this game back is it's gameplay with feels like a butchered version of Halo Reach, a myriad of strange creative decisions including the choice to redesign almost every recognisable asset and sound, but also a distinctly different characterisation for the Master Chief making him almost seem like an entirely different character. In summery Halo 4 is still largely slept on and I'd say is probably worth a shot.

An excellent campaign and first start for 343 Industries. I really enjoyed diving into forerunners after Greg Bear beautifully fleshed them out in the Forerunner book trilogy. I do find myself skipping enemies after a while because encounters get boring and tedious, Halo 4's campaign suffers from the gameplay loop of run somewhere -> push button -> kill enemies -> run somewhere.. , but is otherwise very fun with a great variety of settings.

Spartan Ops was an interesting addition and the original weekly episodic release made every week a blast. I do not think SpOps was a good replacement for Firefight, but it scratches the PvE itch enough. It is a shame that the next set of SpOps were canceled as I would have liked to see where the story continued.

Halo 4 is the first case of 343 creating amazing story threads which they end up dropping in the next game, Halo 5, where they do the same thing, and then do it a third time in Halo Infinite.

The standard multiplayer was fun, but it does deserve some criticism for the loadout system. If you take out the loadout system, it feels like a newer take on the classic Halo formula, so I tended to stick to playlists which disabled it. I did use the loadout system for a while, but it does become very meta heavy and being able to spawn with weapons such as plasma grenades and plasma pistols gets very overpowered very quickly.

finally... the LAST halo game...
really though im not playing any more this is the last one for me (unless halo 5 comes to pc and infinite goes WAAAY on sale because i am NOT paying 60 bucks)

actually kind of okay, didn't hate it, thought the story was alright but it was pretty predictable even before i played it
like of course after 3 games of "ARMY HOO-RAH" they gotta go with the very subversive "but what if army structures lead to bad people in charge???? questionable morals for super soldier creation????" "master chief SAD????????"

in this game cortana has lost her chin. i think it's in the next game
she's also the bluest she has literally ever been, which i think at this point is established to be related to her age which makes sense considering one of the key plot points
she also removes your suit flashlight? like she says at the beginning "i updated your suit firmware" and then you just dont have a flashlight the entire game so thanks for that i guess cortana?

the forerunner areas reminded me of the original covenant areas in the first game (in that they looked really boring and repetitive) though other areas were pretty alright

they brought the special abilities back which is cool but wow do all but a couple suck
the shield slows you way too much to make it useful at all for traversing between cover,
the camo is SUPER nerfed compared to the camo in like halo 2 or something,
the decoy just doesn't seem to do anything? you can't really make good use of it because once you expose yourself so you can send it on a path to distract the enemies, they are already focused on you,
the armor lock literally makes you a sitting duck (i actually forget if it was in this game or reach tbh either way its bad),
the forward launch both never showed up for me until the end of the game and also just seemed pretty difficult to use in general,
and the x-ray vision is mostly useless because even though it lets you know where enemies are they almost always are immediately aware of where YOU are, which then alerts you to them anyways because they start shooting at you, also i never got it in an area where i could really take advantage of it with grenades or sneak attacks or anything
that leaves just the jetpack which provides pretty useful upward mobility (can skip taking the stairs) and the auto-turret which is basically like a more useful decoy because it actually draws fire to it, shoots back, and splits the enemies attention

the ending of this game is really unintentionally funny, just (SPOILERS SPOILERS FOR THIS ONE LINE CMON BACKLOGGD!!! INLINE SPOILERS PLEASE???? IM DESPERATE!!!!! I CANT TAKE IT!!!!!!) master chief going "oh yeahhhh she said that once" and it just ending with that

thats basically all i have to say, honestly these games aren't super deep or involved, i beat this one in 2 days (i had basically no distractions)

i dont really remember what happens in this game

ok kinda game, not as good as the 3rd one but I think it will be better on the next one

Writing was alright but man this game is ugly. And the multiplayer was barely touched.

Ugh this was a disappointing mess. Just thinking about writing a review for it is exhausting.

I thought this game was alright. Not every section is that good, for example there's one too many sections where you drive some vehicle and basically every enemy is also in a vehicle. But overall, it played pretty well and struck a really good balance in difficulty, at least for me playing on normal difficulty. 343 basically says "We know we have big shoes to fill, but we hope we can prove our worthiness to make Halo" in the end credits, and for what it's worth, I think they did show that they were able to handle Halo, even if they could never be like Bungie.