Reviews from

in the past

A great example of how tone is important to a game as much as a tight and addictive gameplay loop. Yeah. I like hurting other people.

this is what i imagine everytime i'm in a discord vc and everyone's playing valorant

Perfectly fine puzzle game that i wish had some more depth like i dont see myself ever playing this again

I'm trying to play through more of the classic indie games I missed back in the day, but Hotline is just absolutely not for me. I usually like twin stick shooters and games that have quick but difficult levels, but the controls, enemy AI, overall game feel, etc. are not at all what I enjoy.

Soundtrack is great, though.

Note: haven't done the second campaign yet, maybe that'll change my views, IDK

Hotline Miami is a game about violence. "Do you like hurting other people?" the game regularly asks you. It's meant to be a commentary on game violence itself, and separating the actions of the avatar from the player commanding them to do said actions. Issue is, I didn't enjoy hurting other people. Not because of the hyperviolence or intense pixelated gore or whatever, I just found the whole thing stressful rather than fun.

The game's premise is pretty simple. You're a nameless guy who keeps getting phone calls to go into random buildings and kill everyone there. The main method of achieving this is by going in guns blazing and dying. You die a lot here and then respawn instantly. And by dying, you eventually figure out the perfect route to kill everyone and move on.

Only issue is, the game is clearly trying to reward skill in planning and getting better through repetition, but a lot of issues arise in the execution.

Enemy AI is a main issue here, in that it seems completely random how competent it'll be in a given run. One run I'll walk into a room, shoot a guy, and the guy in that room doesn't react at all, the next run I shoot a guy and half the map seems to be alerted and ready to turn me into a fine red mist, and another run I'll walk into a room holding a knife, and the shotgun guy in the room will instantly rotate 180 degrees and blow my brains out. As well as the small chance everyone has to tank an attack, meaning I'll think I'm done only for the second guy I killed to actually be alive and now my face is splattered on the ceiling in a way that's probably just inconvenient for the cleaning staff, you prick.

It's about getting the perfect run after practicing a lot, only all these variables weren't leaving me satisfied at the end of a level and instead made me think I was just lucky this time around. Doesn't help that some levels spawn random weapons around that change each run. So sometimes it'll be the effective 6 blast shotgun, the less effective but okay 2 blast one, or the AR which felt more unwieldy and inaccurate. I was in the A- to B- range for a lot of the game, so maybe I was doing things right? I genuinely could not tell you. I won't lie in saying there's no fun in walking in and doing a good run, but those moments are fleeting amongst the mounting frustrations.

But everything else about the game does admittedly go hard. The story of whose calling you as well as what's real amongst the 80's aesthetic is really intriguing, as well as what kept me in the game. The downtime as you go to random locations in an infinite void around you is also well done, adding to the mystique. And I will praise the ending of each level having you manually leave the building and let you walk past the carnage you just caused. It's an effective way of driving the main game's theme home, I really like it.

So overall, I can't say don't play Hotline Miami. It's cheap, goes on sale for like a couple euro pretty regularly, and I seem to be one the few people who don't like it. It's good ideas and vibes hiding some really annoying gameplay.

the best outlet that can exist in the world the music the graphics all agree to give rise to a master class

the twist at the game had me so confused!

The amount of deaths i have just to get back to my previous spot whenever I died is immeasurable. The bosses were actually scary difficult, mainly due to the fear of dying and starting at square one. A blast of a game!

The french fish's the best mask.

Short and sweet with great music.

Perfeito, melhor jogo indie ever

alucinante, russos, telefone, sangue

do you like being kind and nice to other people

Classy, iconic, hectic. A rush of fun.

Back when indie games were unique, underground and pushing against the mainstream. Now we just get endless cut and paste metroidvanias, survival and rogueshite games, sigh...

Spent years avoiding this game due to the violence. Finally played it, I understood the hype. It's fantastic.

un des jeux les plus mal interprétés les pauvres, sinon 1111111111111111111111111111100000000000000/10

Esse jogo deve tá na minha lista 5 jogos favoritos....

É uma obra prima esse jogo, a jogabilidade, mecânicas e.....
A TRILHA SONORA, essas soundtracks desse jogo é para ser tocadas em uma rave de festa, balada não sei o nome disso kkkkk, mas na realidade faço é matar todo mundo no mapa. E isso que é loucura, a sensação da trilha sonora impactam da gente de ter a sensação de objetivo do jogo, por que só fiz a violência exagerada do jogo por conta da soundtrack e isso é estranho, lembrando que a violência do jogo é muito pesada, então geralmente esse tipo de jogo que contém muita coisa que é MUITO VIOLENTO. A dificuldade do jogo é difícil por conta que o seu personagem tem uma vida, só um soco ou um tiro morre, para mim no começo é difícil, mas com tempo ao longo que você progredi no jogo, você se acostuma e não tem aquele medo de antes e você começa a fica rápido no jogo, você libera armas novas e mascarás novas. E a história achei legal, original e confusa kkkkk, só achei vacilo que o final verdadeiro, você tem que encontrar diversas palavras nas fases por conta de um puzzle, se você não encontra as palavras do puzzle você vai ter um final meio sem graça e acreditei que o jogo parou com essa resposta, mas eu fiz o puzzle de procurar as palavras de cada fase, e bom.....
achei razoável kkkkkkk, não é ótimo e nem ruim, eles só mandam uma resposta para a história. E o designer do jogo em pixel art e as fases do jogo PERFEITO. Definitivamente esse jogo para mim é uma obra prima, divertido, difícil e sensacional.

Hotline Miami é um jogo incrível. Já ouvi falar dele há muito tempo, mas nunca joguei ou vi algo relacionado ao jogo. Acabei o comprando recentemente já que estava em promoção e também me disseram que é parecido com Katana ZERO, um jogo que gosto muito. Cara, Hotline Miami tem o seu charme, mesmo sendo um jogo simples. Você morrer centenas ou até milhares de vezes ao longo do jogo enquanto tenta passar das fases da melhor forma possível enquanto escuta aquela trilha sonora impecável traz um sentimento que quase nenhum outro jogo consegue trazer. E me diverti bastante com a história mesmo não entendendo muita coisa kkkkkkkkkk. Enfim, recomendo 10/10

-Do you like hurting other people?

as an unproud miamian, this game nails the "miami vice themed bath salts trip" vibe incredibly well. the saturated violence and meaty heft of killing in hotline miami turn you into a drooling idiot. sometimes. thats when youre not an anxious freak trying to dodge that one cross map projectile that one of the guys somehow shoots through two panes of glass. but thats ok, because you wanted this. hotline miami turns undescribable violence into a puzzle, forcing you to map your bloody way through levels with a surveyors touch. youre constantly juggling every angle and at least 2 guns at a time, desperately trying to make sure you can make it 40 seconds without dying just this once. every mistake fucks you over. bullets cannot hit you. just like in real life. and neither can those uptight pansies who tell you that hotline miami is about "consequences" or "thinking". you dont have to think. just kill. kill hard and fast and loud. just make sure you swing around that corner a little wider next time.