Reviews from

in the past

the X is my answer to "do you recommend valorant?"

Que jogo delicinha vtmnc
What a delicious game

I think this might be the best Mega Man game actually.

This is my Mega Man, now and forever.

Damn near perfect game spoiled only by the placement of the leg parts.
Because the leg parts are a core part of your movement kit, you're always going to want them first, and because the leg parts are just lying in the middle of Chill Penguin's stage, you're always going to complete his stage first on repeat playthroughs.
If the leg parts were instead placed in, say, the intro stage right after fighting one of the wasp gunships, then it would signal to the player that there are hidden armor upgrades that change your abilities, it would give the game a chance to tutorialize the dash jump better, and it would allow more flexibility in which mavericks you decide to fight first.

Mega man X es el juego más molón que tu yo de 7 años ha visto nunca. Cada parte del producto está pensado para maximizar lo mucho que le hubiera encantado a tu niño interior jugar esto en una etapa formativa, desde el diseño de niveles a la banda sonora pasando por lo satisfactorio del plataformeo y el combate. Los receptores de dopamina de mi cerebro se iluminan como un árbol de navidad cada vez que vuelo por los aires a un robotito con un disparo cargado en mitad de un dash hacía delante y Mega Man X tiene a bien darme situaciones como está continuamente.

¿Tiene el juego problemas? Por supuesto. El perro de sigma es una pelea terrible. El orden en que eliges que jefes acometer primero y las mejoras que obtengas puede cambiar radicalmente el disfrute que extraigas del juego. Las armas de jefe son demasiado poderosas cuando son usadas contra jefes débiles a ellas, trivializando peleas que podrían ser mucho más interesantes.

Ninguno de estos problemas anula el increíble jueguito que es Mega Man X, especialmente teniendo en cuenta que salió en 1993, y no puedo sino recomendarlo a todo el mundo.

The absolute best mega man game there is.

The quintessential action platformer that all games in the genre should follow!

Mega Man X is tied for my favorite game of all time. After the 6 games on the NES had grown stale Capcom revived the franchise with a new story and character. The soundtrack is my favorite in any video game, the gameplay is spectacular, the story is great, the villains are fun, and overall, this is the epitome of a perfect video game to me.

I played this game on my Wii so I could play it on a real CRT instead of using a filter, no matter where I play it Mega Man X is the perfect action platformer. Everything about this game feels great, whether that's from how many times I've replayed it or not I cannot tell. Since the emulator on my Wii wouldn't save state I had to play the game naturally for the first time in a while, it was really exciting, especially the final boss!

takes what worked about the classic mega man formula and twists it enough into something new.
Some segments of the game feel a bit unfair but then again it is a mega man game

The jump n shoot n SLIDE game. Changing just enough from the classic series to make it feel fresh was a smart move. Very replayable and very fun to try and complete quickly.

one of the best soundtracks in retro games, specially the song that plays on the opening stage, love it

crazy fucking good its a timeless classic for a reason. X is just the coolest

Stellar SNES title but held back by not badly designed, just extremely difficult final boss fight.

mega man classic if it LOCKED IN

Eu tenho um carinho tão grande por esse jogo, foi o primeiro da saga X que eu finalizei e sou muito grato por ter dado uma chance a ele.

Welp. This is the best platformer ever, I guess. Only problems I had was with the checkpoints at the end. I just decided to use a save state there so I didn't have to and fill up my sub tanks again after every single death. Also you have to beat all the Sigma stages in one play session. But other than that, this game is PERFECT. My first playthrough (dropped at the first Sigma stage after struggling on the Spider boss), I didn't get any upgrades besides the Dash, no heart tanks, no sub tanks. This time 'round, I learned about all of these, and had an absolute BLAST finding them all.
Music? Phenomenal.
Gameplay? Slick, great to control.
Graphics? Amazing.
Difficulty? Just right.
Story? You know what, I wasn't expecting much, and I was pleasantly surprised. Pretty good, honestly.
Length? Perfect.
Overall presentation? Fantastic.
Besides that little nitpick I mentioned earlier, this game is pretty damn close to perfect.
Also, I feel like you should be able to crouch in the game. I know none of the Mega Man classic games had this, but it just feels like it should be there.

By far one of the most essential snes games the system has to offer

pretty damn good game, not perfect, but a lot of ideas they had were very innovative for the franchise. The dash is so much fun to use. I think the weaker parts of this game were definitely the vertical levels. Being able to use the dash to do tight jumps and blast aggressive enemies is way more fun then just sitting there and camping them out.

GOD I don’t think anything has been more raw as the opening for this

i like killing everything in one hit with the hadouken.

Simplesmente foda, não tem como não

Mega Man X me cativou muito mais que a série clássica, a dinâmica de boss rush, as trilhas sonoras PQP, quando você joga esse jogo sabendo a ordem certa de cada chefe fica bem melhor jogo, tirando um pouco da dificuldade absurda que essa franquia tem, um começo excelente, na expectativa pros próximos.

oh my god it is so much better than i thought it was gonna be holy shit
it controls SO good its insane
the bosses are so fun even if i only use the buster
the only parts that sucked were wolf sigma and the spider boss but the rest was pretty perfect
i dont really like enemies respawning when theyre off screen because sometimes it feels really cheap

When you realize the random data in the start is X booting up :O

mt bonito bem feito e nao tao dificil quanto parece