Reviews from

in the past

Every one of these games is an absolute masterpiece. All classics worth playing.


Ace Attorney is one of the funniest games I've ever played while also having some of the most engrossing stories and mysteries I've ever played. Highly recommend this series. (Oh, and the music is AMAZING).

Great game with good music 87/100

the writing in general is so witty and fun! i really want to finish this one

I played these games on my DS. These games are still frustratingly great.

I think the only Visual Novel game I'll ever play...maybe.

A fabulously good trilogy pretty much from start to finish -- fun characters, engaging mysteries, and some of the best music ever to show up in a video game. Classics for a reason, and absolutely worth your time.

(Played on Android, now watching girlfriend play on Windows PC.) These bitches have so many problems. <3

This trilogy is a 60 hour journey! But it is a great journey, I was surprised how many of the background story threads got intertwined to the cases to form a narrative across the three games. I found the dialogue and the little side jokes entertaining, but the humor could be described as finely aged dad comedy.
There’s not much I can say without spoilers, apart from beware that this is a visual novel and there is not much of a gameplay otherwise. If you are expecting puzzles and minigames, this might be a disappointment.

Showed everyone my badge. Banger game. Save me gay lawyers save me.

i actually played the gba ones individually but this is faster. really fun games!! the story is really engaging

to me perguntando por que nunca joguei isso antes caras!! pra quem entende inglês, vale muito a pena, todos os jogos são incríveis e já to com saudade de bater na mesa e gritar objection!

no geral mesmo algumas partes sendo meio longas me diverti bastante, é uma visual novel click and point mas tem tanta coisa pra fazer que nem da pra achar chato. senti que voce realmente joga ao invés de só ficar lendo o tempo inteiro. fora que tinha uns personagens que só de aparecerem na tela eu já dava risada.

acho que o terceiro jogo é meu favorito e o último caso cheio de mistérios me prendeu a atenção do início ao fim. um advogado só chora uma vez, e é quando tudo acaba!!

im on and off with this but i love ace attorney sm thank u kubz scouts for getting me into this and starting my edgeworth obsession

Love the art, characters, story, MUSIC, peak game.

great port job that is the latest version available still recommended to play due to the low resolution of the 3ds. the redrawn sprites still look natural enough on its screen, and the bloated cgs and godawful ui of the later ports to more modern systems seriously damper their quality.

Drags at points, but mostly just rules

Also played on: DS (every seperate entry) and 3DS (collection)

Just a treasure. A joyous set of games to bumble through. Basically a visual novel. Surprisingly deep story tools at times. Other times a shade too convoluted. Controls when investigating certain evidence items can be an absolute shitshow which is the reason for taking off half a star. A really fun time otherwise. Too anime to be purely a Nintendo game but honestly Ace Attorney gives me Nintendo vibes.