Reviews from

in the past

meudeus eu tomei lacre da hatsune miku

jugarlo en 2023 no hace que sea un mal juego pero no se siente ninguna revolucion obviamente, yo que no soy el mayor fan de los juegos de puzzle no puedo decir mas que fue un buen juego

good ass game (i hate angled puzzles)

Great game so fun multiplayer wound be fun but portal 2 did that well

Valve’s wit and great game design combines to create one of the most iconic games ever. A great puzzle solving experience

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song at the end added a star.

Pretty good i think, words cannot describe how fun ive had with it, i love portal

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Great game with such a crazy idea that was perfected in the following one

A classic with a nice short runtime. Lead to great fan projects and a great sequel.

Não sou tão fã de jogos de quebra-cabeça. Mas esse aqui foi uma das razões de por a Valve no mapa. Não tinha condição alguma desse jogo ser ruim.

E é em sua simplicidade que se encontra a alta qualidade do jogo. Ele faz o que deve ser feito, sem precisar se enxertar de outras diversas adições sem sentido. Aqui nos temos os quebra-cabeças e alguns poucos diálogos de fundo, que mais para o fim se tornam parte importante do andamento do jogo.

One of the first games I ever got on Steam, super nostalgic for me and always a joy to replay (and I like to think i've gotten quicker at it over the years)

played it with a friend on discord anda that moment when glados recorded his voice it was creepy but i loved it

For the longest time this game has consistently been one of if not my favorite game of all time, even more so than Portal 2, and while the boring answer to why I like it more is just "le atmosphere" I feel life I finally have a more concrete and introspective way of answering why.

This game is like being in GLaDOS's brain

one of the best puzzle games out there

Steam Deck review.
I came into Portal having already played Portal 2 and the Half Life series. Despite knowing every trick the game would show me, I was extremely charmed by the impeccable pacing --- the escape sequence preceding the final encounter in particular, felt exactly as long as it needed to be. As with Portal 2, I never had to look up a guide when I got stuck. The puzzle design really hasn't aged a day since The Orange Box released in 2007.

Esse aqui foi sem querer kkkk

Só tava no tédio de domingo de manhã com preguiça de continuar alan wake 2 ou a hat in time, então abri portal porque tava afim de jogar uns puzzle, e sem querer fui do começo ao fim numa tacada só kkkk

Mas o jogo é muito bacana, os puzzles são bem montados super legais de desvendar o que fazer, tem uma atmosfera super imersiva e a Glados traz uma dose de diversão bem "desconfortavel" durante a jogatina kkkk vou fazer os mapas bônus antes de jogar o 2 que agora fiquei ate animado kkk

Perfect short game. Got a lot more playtime out of attempting to speedrun and do the various challenges. Forever a GOAT. Fantastic sandbox.

Portal's unique physics are complex enough to make the puzzles challenging, yet so imaginative that you never feel like you're stuck. The dark atmosphere and funny dialogue also becomes its own puzzle, as you try to figure out the true nature of the setting.

dont sleep on this gem, childhood shit