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this game is a phenomenal acheivement in mystery media. holy shit. im not usually the type to get super engaged by mysteries, at least i dont attempt to solve them. but the super stylish visuals brought me in. what i didnt expect was for this game to hook me near instantly. the way bread crumbs are laid out is masterful, and youll be analyzing every little piece of information trying to claw your way to a completed case. within 2 minutes of the game starting it teaches you to fill in the blanks for yourself. theres no way to not learn everything about the ship and its crew, you need to soak in the entire story of the obra dinn. i've never played a game thats this cohesive in every way. even the (again, fucking fantastic) visuals serve obra dinn perfectly: the lack of detail adds a perfect amount of ambiguity while the contrast gives weight to each tracer and drop of blood. this game rules.

Easily one of my favourite puzzle games of all time. Solving the fate of the Obra Dinn feels entirely possible and satisfying to figure out, as the game drops enough clues and implications to help identify fates at a steady pace. There were a few that stumped me for a bit, and I felt like they needed more information to deduce (some only having very minor and missable details due to the artstyle, some relying on prior knowledge of ship positions to deduce, etc.), but overall, I felt satisfied with most of the deductions.

Honestly my only complaint is with the functionality of the book and revisiting parts. I wish you could either re-access memories through the book rather than having to go back to the corpse or, in some cases, even delve deeper into the corpses, or have the book provide more details about the part besides who was present, as I'd often have to revisit memories to remind myself of who did what or even to update names, as perpetrator's identities didn't update as you discovered them. This one is really just a nitpick for convenience, though, and it didn't hamper the overall experience, just made it take a little longer.

Overall, really great game.

Probably the greatest puzzle game of all time. The difficulty of the deduction required and the leniency of the three-at-a-time confirmation is, I think, perfectly tuned, and the metering out of information feels so organic and well-paced that it's almost difficult to say much of anything about it without just gushing. But gush I will. I adore this game.

It's pretty good. The art direction and the presentation are very strong. The gameplay loop and puzzles are quite satisfying too. Although, I personally found the final chapter to be a bit underwhelming considering how much it was teased.

ce mec a fait le meilleur jeu de l'histoire deux fois d'affilé

i wish valorant players share the same fate with the people on board of the obra dinn

fun little murder mystery game, highly recommend if you're someone who likes deducing these kinds of stories
i solved most of the deaths on my own but i had to use a guide for like two, mainly because i couldn't tell what was happening or i misunderstood the scene

Aunque he intentado deducirlo todo a lo bruta, el juego me ha obligado ha sacar deducciones que me han dejado muy impresionada tanto conmigo misma como con el nivel de detalle del juego, nivel de detalle que te permite darcuenta de esas pequeñas minucias que identifican a una persona o cuentan su historia.

My favorite game that I have ever played, nothing has ever come close to matching how much I love this one. The deduction is one part of it, yes, but obviously that only pulls through on your first, maybe second playthrough, if you ended up brute-forcing some of the fates at the end. But no, I've still been thinking about this game for nearly four years of me first playing it (at the time of writing this). And it's all thanks to the plot and characters. The first time around, the specifics of the plot and character personalities takes a backseat to the deduction gameplay. Many players may not even give a second thought to the fact that certain characters show up again and again, presenting a consistent personality every time, going through entire arcs and growth as the story progresses.

I have written paragraphs upon paragraphs analyzing and speculating about character motivations, personalities, and decisions, as well as their effects on the game's plot. I love (nearly) all of the characters, especially the midshipmen. If psychoanalyzing a bunch of dead sailors sounds like something you'd enjoy, consider playing Obra Dinn.

I always feel sad knowing that this game has all the right ingredients in it to sustain an entire fandom if it wanted to, but it never quite reached that level of popularity beyond praise for its game design (which is still a good thing, might I add!)

This game left me completely astonished. Blew me away. It feels like it could have been scripted by H.P. Lovecraft, an absolutely fantastic storytelling experience. It's so refreshing and innovative, offering the PERFECT experience of a detective game. Every aspect of the game design has been meticulously crafted down to the last detail; it's simply amazing. Two nominations at the Game of the Year awards were not enough; it deserved more recognition.

Мне не нравятся игры этого автора. Снова геймплей основанный на монотонности, только в этот раз еще и ужасно "трушная" детективность, в которой автору все очевидно, а игроку - нет. У игры необычный визуал и интересная формула, но отсутствие логики все рубит на корню.

one of my favorite games of all time i love it so much. so eerie but fun and alsome

I will buy anything made by Lucas Pope. Obra Dinn is the ultimate detective video game experience, a genre shockingly thin and poor in video games.

pretty fun mystery. an interesting tragedy to unfold, with insanely good sound design and VA. judging it as a video game is rough because you discover the full extent of its mechanics literally within ten minutes of starting it up. im not a visual novel guy but that's more akin to what this is than anything else, it just also has the logic puzzle element which is a ton of fun and right up my alley. I just wished it evolved a little over the course of its pretty short (6 hr) runtime.

very unique game where you solve for the identity and fate of every person who originally set off on a now abandoned ship. Obra Dinn unlike any game I've ever played. It's hard to say it's a mystery game, but more so a deduction game where you get a fuck ton of information, and have to parse through it to find all of the little details.

I played this game with Robert, and thoroughly enjoyed myself over the few days we played it. There's a lot of great "aha!" moments that really satisfy the player. No lie, robert did like 65% of the detective work, and it would have taken me probably 10 more hours to finish if i played it by myself.

Only gripe is really with the ending. Maybe I missed a lot of its thematic messaging in the chaos of trying to solve tha game's mysteries, but it felt like it was building up to something massive, but in the end it felt underwhelming. You get access to information that the player builds up as being the explanation for a lot in the game, but in hindsight a lot of that information is gained through deducing the identities and fates, and the whiplash of solving everything hurts the ending in a weird way. Though, I also think with how the game is made and the type of game it is, it is BETTER that all of the informative satisfaction comes from the player solving for information, rather than being given it in an ending, so this is excusable.

This review contains spoilers

feel like i need to just spoiler this whole thing because the story is one of those where pre-exposure can really damage the effectiveness of the game
(like outer wilds, a game you should absolutely play if you liked this one)

i enjoyed the mystery and presentation of the story, and while i realize the reward for fully solving the fates of everyone on the ship is having the missing piece to the story revealed to you and having the satisfaction of knowing how everything happened, it still feels pretty anticlimactic as an ending
then again, you literally see the end of the story as the very first thing so its almost definitely on purpose

this style of game would make a REALLY good series
like take the best parts of this game, fix the less great parts, and you have a really interesting type of mental challenge that you can do multiple times in different scenarios

at least it would be if the developer didn't burn himself out working on this one game

i realize this is probably controversial, but the graphical style of the game does tend to hurt your eyes after a bit and i wasn't a HUGE fan
i mean i thought it was pretty cool but by the end of it i was kind of done with it
i ended up switching to the IBM 8503 palette since it seemed to be the easiest on my eyes, as well as zooming it out a notch
the graphical style also makes it difficult to discern some details of people which is probably part of the game design
annoyingly though i kept seeing people online recommend paying attention to the shoes that people were wearing, which i honestly found useless because i could never discern any detail in the shoes due to the palette/resolution

my biggest complaint is probably that the book felt very clunky, and i never did get the controls for opening/closing menus down properly
several times i would press a button and accidentally close out of the entire book or turn a page or do something else i didn't mean to do which was pretty frustrating
not to mention the amount of time needed to get to certain areas of the book, and even navigating from pages like from the table of contents to the sketch page felt like it just took way too long
turn the pages faster insurance inspector!!!

ultimately though the challenge of figuring out how everyone died was just so intriguing i could forgive the shortcomings of other parts of the game, and the story has such expandability you cant help but theorize about certain aspects of it

i would absolutely play a game like this again, shortcomings and all
too bad it'll never happen! how lame!

Return of the Obra Dinn is an investigative mystery game, much like games such as Her Story or The Last Express, where you play as an insurance investigator trying to found out what happened to this ship after it drifts into port many years after going missing at sea.

Gameplay-wise it's quite simple; there's a lot fo exploration and with you is a journal that saves each event as you discover them. When you've gone through every "event/memory" the fun/hard part begins; you have to assign names of 60 people to the right person and also define their fate. Sounds harder than you might think!

The story is in intriguing and since it's told non-chronologically you have to puzzle the pieces together yourself of what happened to various ship crew members and passengers. While there's not much you see of the characters or their personalities, they're still distinct in both appearance and voice; with various ethnical backgrounds and professions. This makes sure that you do recognize people in the varioius events/memories as you dig deeper into the game.

Overall, this is a masterpiece and I'd love to see more games similiar to it but also more games from the developer himself. This is recommended to everyone who loves a good mystery, especially if you love solving them!

One of the best logic puzzle games I've ever played (if not the best) + amazing visual design, I've had so much fan playing this game

fantastic puzzle/mystery game; usually i suck ass at these types of games so some of the harder deductions were a real pain but i stuck with it and it was 100% worth it. sound design, gradual unfolding of the story, the whole watch mechanic... all great stuff.

cool game, but hindered because i played it in two sessions almost 7 months apart and because i thought some of the deductions were kind of stupid

Oozing style. Obra Dinn hooks you incredibly strongly within the first hour of playing with stunning scenes, a puzzle-piece narrative, and great dialogue and sound. The use of audio in this one in particularly great, and the premise is brilliant. Obra Dinn is one of the best indie games available.

There are some minor gameplay annoyances - the UI still feels like its missing some functionality (though it tries its best), the pacing in the first half is a little off especially due to the line-following minigame going from corpse to corpse, and most of the tougher puzzles relied on extremely tiny details rather than broader, more clever deductions to solve.

great atmosphere, concept and story but i hated how much it felt like the game was trying to get in the way of my thinking with its weird hurried pace and clunky interface (notes taking, anyone?)

What is this game?

You start by boarding a ship. Then get called back to the boat that you got there on, because your luggage is too heavy. You grab a log book and a compass from the luggage and enter the ship.
The log book has all the information given to you.
It seems you are an insurance investigator, who has to board the ship and figure out what has happened to the crew. Your report will be basis for any claims or rewards on the crew and their estates.
So... Detective work. Cool.
I get a map of travel, a picture of crew festivitas, a picture of asian passengers and a picture of a firing squad (these are 3 pictures that were drawn during the voyage and serve as visual aid for your work)
Also a complete crew manifest is available.
All the following pages are chapters of the voyage. Empty pages though. What happened? You must figure it out.
On the ship deck not much is present. Very little can be done. Only 1 passenger cabin can be accessed, empty, and 1 body present. Everything else is locked off.
I walk up to the dead body outside the captains quarters and the compass appears to tell me something can be done.
I press the left mouse button.
Woosh... And in to the rabbit hole I began the journey.

Chapter X, The End
Blank screen... People talking. 2 men wants to enter the captains quarters and are willing to do whatever it seems. But a uppety english voice tell them that this is not going to happen. BANG... a shot goes off.
This is done by sound, only aided with the voiced subtitles. Oh I am hooked.
Then a still image appears... I see the dead guy with a bullet pearcing his body, a crew member at his side, and a guy standing in underwear in the captains quarters with a gun pointed directly at the shot guy.
I can move. OHHHH I get to look at this still image in 3D.... I am so into this already!!!!
After 30-odd seconds, the vision fades. You are back on the deck with the remains of the shot man. But now the door to the Captain's quarters is open. I can enter, and I see dead people...

Who are these men? Why is this happening? How on earth am I going to figure this out? 60-ish crew on the manifest and I need to find them and figure out their fates? Will I ever be able to get on with my normal life before finishing this game? Questions that are vital and the primary basis for my existence from now on.

This game is not holding your hand in any way. You are going to have to love adventuring if you want to be happy about playing this game.
Absolutely only basics are given to you from the get go. Information on solving puzzles are given, but only what is absolutely needed and only when you may need the information. Until then all you do is deduce.

So basically you get a compass that can tell you the last scene of a dead persons life, accompanied by 10-30 seconds of audio prior to that snapshot of death.
The first scene you get is always the last scene of a chapter, and then the game unlocks another dead body that gives you the scene before that scene, until the entire chapter has been unlocked.

During the adventuring of the scenes you must observe and listen. You will be getting subtle and not so subtle hints. You must then use whatever knowledge you get to give each crew member a name/rank and a cause of death and if applicable the culprit.
You must use everything, from how people look to how they speak or what they say, to deduce what has happened.

After finishing this game I am awestruck by how good this game is. I am also finding it difficult to point out issues with it.
Well I could pound on the steep learning curve and no hint system if you get "lost". But then again, this is exactly why I loved this game. It was not too easy. I had to pay attention to every detail in every scene. Some scenes would give you information that has nothing to do with a person that died, but just subtle information on who a person was

I must admit that I failed my first playthrough. I got stuck. I put it down for a very long time, and just recently picked it up again. This time I sure was going to pull myself together. This second run I learned how to use the log books cross reference system, which I believe helped me tremendously.
I do believe that all the mechanics in this game are important and needed. How many games can you say that about them? I do not believe to have played that game.

If stripped down to basics, the game is very simple. But it is put so well together with a very catchy story that you just do not care.

The audio in this game is sublime. Some hints are audio only. So it is important that the audio is good. Reasearch into langauges, hiring of voice actors that can speak those languages and with correct accents IMO. I am from Denmark myself so even the dane and swede was spot on.

The graphics you could easily be critical off as it is VERY simple. 1-bit colours in an 8-bit resolution, or something approximating that. Many might give this game horrible grahics score, but not me. This was exactly the graphics that were needed for the gameplay. Some hints were VERY hard to see, and therefore made the deducing harder. Was that a knife he is stabbing that dude with or does he have another tool? If the graphics had been in full blown Unreal Engine with all the bells and whistles then I believe that many hints would have been easier. Also the charm of 19th century ship would have been gone. It seemed fitting for the times that we are in to have poor tools available for deducing.

The music score is also an awesome part of the game. It really pumps you up. Strings and brass, with pumping sounds that entice you to look around and take in whatever scene you are in. Sometimes I felt the still images of scenes to be alive because of the audio.

If you like adventures and puzzles, and you do not mind to think for yourself without a game serving the solution on a silver platter, then this game should be a must have.

This game made by 1 man? Really? Graphics design, programming, mechanics, storyboard AND music composer? Look, I could compose something too, but I will be the first to admit that it would not be at the same level as other things I can do. But Lucas Pope does all the parts so well. Is there anything he can't do?
I will surely look out for more from Lucas Pope...

One of the best games I've played, ever.

i enjoyed my time in the obra dinn! it's a game i also enjoy watching others play because of the deductions behind certain things. im not sure if im biased in my next critique or not, but i feel like the last few crewmates were a lot of guesswork, but i was also playing into the wee hours of the morning and wanting to brute force the mystery instead of exploring over and over again. there were bits and pieces i did notice, but couldn't put them together to make the whole picture, if that makes sense. still, id love to replay the game once it's been wiped from my memory enough, and maybe ill bump it up once i refuse to brute force it!

Honestamente, de los mejores juegos que he jugado, este juego te llevará en una experiencia como aseguradora para investigar lo que ocurrio en el obra dinn. No quiero decir más por que joderia la experiencia. Si dudas en pillártelo, no dudes, hazlo.

The mystery is fun and the art style is really unique. But the best thing about Obra Dinn is the presentation.
The presentation elevates an okayish story to be so so much fun. It's a crime that a similar game hasn't been made again even after 6 years.
This will forever hold a dear space in my heart.
Memento Mori