Reviews from

in the past

A masterpiece. Obra Dinn in it's core is a detective game where you need to go back to past memories in an abandoned ship using a time traveling divice. This divice gives you a snap to the exact time someone died, helping you to achieve your goal of identifying everyone that was once aboard on the ghost ship, as well as discovering how they died. The lore is mysterious and gives off big cosmic horror vibes, a lot of things are left unanswered. It is a difficult game requiring a lot of inspecting. I found that I ended up a litte nauseous while playing it, not sure why, but probably because it's very difficult to distinguish background from front action, since everything runs in granulated B&W. Overall very good, but sadly it's a one time adventure with little to no replay value.

An inventive, stylish, and satisfying jigsaw puzzle. Return of the Obra Dinn is a game about finding the pieces and seeing what you can fit together, even if you have to mash some of the edges together in blind hope. It does an excellent job of engaging the player in every step of this, even if it ends up leading them to an anticlimax.

A very beautifully designed concept and a gripping mystery story, Obra Dinn is a game like no other. The concept is genuinely unique and the backstories are quite fleshed out for how many characters, accents and quirks it juggles with.
The mystery is gripping with every character and their fate fun to investigate. The music is immersive and the story flows smoothly.
The only minor criticism I have is the fates of some characters can be a bit obscure and I solved them with probability (who is close to who in the image depiction) and video game logic (brave acts=american, bad guy=russian). I believe it is on me to some degree that I dont understand accents too well.
The graphics also give me a migraine over long times which is also a me problem but I would say its a complement that I played this game through all the 60 fates in one long sitting.
Very rarely do I solve a long intricate puzzle in one sitting.
And that is a testament to the writing and immersion of Obra Dinn. A game that graphically looks like it was drawn with a pencil providing much much greater immersion than super realistic modern day games is as much a complement to Obra Dinn as it is a criticism of AAA titles.
A very unique game that makes you feel like supernatural sherlock, Return of the Obra Dinn is worth trying for anyone who is interested in puzzles and mysteries. Definitely recommend a try!

Really fantastic game! I thought the deductions were very fun to figure out, you are given a lot of freedom on how you want to figure out each one. I think the story is interesting, but I think it's a bit of a missed opportunity to not make the plot have more crazy plot twists and moments, it's relatively simple and by the books as it stands.

Me senti uma verdadeira detetive analisando cada mísero detalhe. viciei de uma maneira absurda, acordava e ia dormir pensando em quem morreu e como morreu kkkkkkk simplesmente incrível, lucas pope nunca erra!

Great game, worth the price. Finished it in one night. Some of the solutions are definitely iffy though

Games that tell stories only capable of being relayed through the medium of gaming will always hold a special place in my heart. Since my first encounters with video games as a whole, I've never quite found any method of storytelling to even compare to it. Sure, the occasional film or manga or what have you might catch my attention, but those I hold at the peak of any other medium don't really come close to the experiences I've had with gaming.

Return of the Obra Dinn has once again solidified this idea for me, and it does so in such a way where I feel that everything within the experience is deserving of commendation. The actors, writing, art, music, and everything all together unite for an extremely fleshed out and cohesive experience that held my attention the whole way through. I believe this holds true for much of the game's playerbase due to the incredible completion rates seen on each of the achievements. Return of the Obra Dinn manages to create a very unique gameplay loop I haven't quite seen elsewhere, it's an incredibly fresh and engaging experience that I feel anyone with a brain could hold appreciation for. It might not be a grand story in comparison to other titles of today, but it sure as hell is a good one, a GREAT one.

A game that will constantly have you thinking, theorizing, trying new things, finding new angles, and most importantly, keeping you engaged following through its bizarre and beautiful storytelling. This is a game that I believe couldn't and shouldn't be passed up, if you're interested, play it. You won't regret it.

I think about this game often. Much has been said about the evocative art style and deduction-based gameplay, both of which are major points of appreciation for me, but the reason why I think about it a lot is because it's premise of playing as a guy who has to figure out who, if anyone on this doomed vessel, is getting insurance money, somehow felt like a personal experience, the way any job that asks you to look holistically at a body of information relating to the subjective experience of a person or persons and make an objective conclusion, and the inner conflict that arises in that judgement, inevitably sticks with you. Doing your job well means being thorough and getting the whole story, and the consequence of that lies in the distillation of the story into numbers and figures.

Não tem nenhuma outra palavra pra esse jogo que não seja genial. Mecânica muito única e o livro funciona muito bem. A arte é linda e cria alguns cenários muito bem compostos, além do design de som (que geralmente não é algo que reparo, mas aqui me chamou muita a atenção) que é simplesmente incrível. A trilha e os efeitos são bons demais.

As histórias do Obra Dinn são muito criativas e imagino o trabalho que deve ser ter posto todos os elementos pra que fosse possível completar o mistério.

Consegui resolver a maior parte do livro sozinho, mas meu único problema com o jogo está justamente na parte que não consegui resolver. Acho que os últimos casos tem resoluções muito, muito específicas, que eu realmente acho, mesmo sabendo as respostas, muito difíceis de chegar a tal conclusão. Isso e algumas mortes meio interpretativas me incomodaram um tanto, mas dá pra relevar quando me diverti demais com o jogo.

Por mais jogos de pirata!