Reviews from

in the past

Desde que eu vi o Splatoon 1 eu me interessei quase de imediato no jogo, ele não era só mais qualquer jogo multiplayer no estilo fps, ele tinha um estilo artístico que me encantava, com uma trilha sonora bem caprichada e parecia ser absolutamente divertido, sempre tendo desejo de jogar o game, mas nunca tive oportunidade de jogar principalmente por ser um jogo preso no switch e mesmo após eu ter pego um switch não tiver oportunidade de comprar pelo seu alto preço, então resolvi alugar o jogo para testar rapidamente e ver se era realmente aquilo tudo que imaginei, eu realmente nunca tinha pesquisado muito sobre nem nada do tipo, só peguei e fui e realmente era o que eu esperava e muito mais eu amei o modo Salmon Run, foi uma das coisas mais viciantes e divertidas que eu jogo a muito tempo, após eu me acostumar com seu controle de movimento ficou tudo melhor ainda foi tudo gostosinho e muito divertido e queria continuar jogando por mais horas e horas, mas infelizmente o tempo chegou ao fim, espero em um futuro conseguir joga-lo novamente e eu tenho certeza que irei aproveitar mais cada minuto, de suas músicas e sua carisma.

charm wore off faster than this game fell off

i always buy the 3 month long online subscriptions bc i dont have money but whenever i do i never use it and then i miss out on playing this forever. when will i be smarter. i miss my octo. i have 5 total poses


Realistically, this should be a 2-or-2.5 by our usual metrics. There isn't much "objectively" wrong with this game. But we can't think of a game we had less fun with relative to how long we played it. We played this thing for a year straight, and what do we have to show for it? Hours wasted grinding away for basically nothing, 0 splatfest wins, and 2 entire times the community that loves to ask you to celebrate it oh-so much sent us literal, actual hatecrimes for wanting to... have fun with the video game we spent 95 USD on including the online price! And the single player is just a downgrade to Octo Expansion--sorry, if we wanted to play Octo Expansion, we already own Splatoon 2!

We realize we're just proving how "entitled" we are for giving this score, but we were asked for our opinion--and we'll give our opinion. The only reason you're not the worst game of the 2020s is a certain Pluralphobic Genshin Impact in the room.

There's a lot to discuss about this game if you get into the details, so people have a lot of criticism for it, but for me it's just really good.

I don't normally play competitive shooters or find them interesting, but this one REALLY hooked me. It's very artistically interesting and charming (unlike most 3D shooters imo) with interesting movement and weapons, without having too much going on. I also love how much of a focus on customization it has, while I don't care for the gear ability system, the gear itself has a lot to offer, so making outfits is really fun.

Also, Salmon Run is an amazing mode. The new egg throwing mechanic really saved it. All around, it has great contrast to the competitive modes for when you don't feel up to that, and is a nice way to get cash and ability chunks.

If you try to go pro with this game then I know there are a lot of criticisms to have, and the game can definitely be grindy, but I love it. 10/10 vibes, very fun. Also has a great community (mostly).

The campaign is the main highlight I found in Splatoon 3. All the new changes added to the multiplayer I didn’t click with much. Map design feels too cramped, Tri Color Battle is a mess, and the 2 new weapons aren’t that fun to play. It seems the campaign was inspired by the Octo Expansion, which I probably should check out in the future. I think I would have been okay if Splatoon 2 was the only entry on the Switch tbh. Still a fun addition to the Switch library to play with friends!


After Alternia






Good game 10/10

I get dc'd more that not at this point. This suck ass switch can't handle eight fucking players? This is why Nintendo is always 3rd. Would be good otherwise. And what the fuck is woomy?

legally i have to give this game a good score since it's my most played switch game, but i think it's fun.

i hate this stupid fucking game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have too many thoughts on this game to put into one review so i’ll just say. too grindy. gameplay is fun and an upgrade from 2. unsure of how balanced tricolor splatfests truly are but we already got that shit so it aint going away. i like how ranked modes are split up. Skibidi

Splatoing my thang while i can (i suck at this game)

I played the story mode of this game while inside of a Popeyes after work. The new weapon and mode additions are incredible. While 2 felt like an afterthought, 3 feels like a worthwhile successor to the original. Salmon Run is crazy fun when squading up with friends.

The art direction was INCREDIBLE, they based the entire astory around the final Splatoon 2's Splatfest so that it was decided by players, it blew my mind

Can't wait for more single player Splatoon campaigns and soundtracks, they have been killing it since 2015

Funny how playing Foamstars made me love this game even more since I had never played a shooter like it, so I had never seen what a shitty version of this game looked like

The world is so colorful as always and the ost is a banger. I love deep cut and all the new bands and all. But they could've done way more but still this game is amazing and ignoring the FOMO behind it. Its amazing

The yappers gonna have fun with this one

this would be the best splatoon if it didn't have awful maps >:( we got splatanas and horrors beyond our comprehension in salmon run tho

salmon run goated, rest of the game doesnt matter

GooeyScale: 75/100

This game makes me feel meh. I felt it to be a little unnecessary and does little to improve upon Splatoon 2. At this point I play this game super super casually and every time I try to play a CASUAL NON RANKED turf war mode match it is FILLED with people that have 1,000+ hours in this game so all I do is get dominated. Go to ranked modes you fucking dorks. (Seriously, look at their switch profiles, I'm not exaggerating.)

Call of Duty number 23 is still more unique than this in their respective series.

Splatoon must be the best game ever made, the way that Nintendo has re-released it three times in less than a decade.

As with Splatoon 2, the only serious new draw to this entry is the DLC, at which point you'll have spent full price + DLC price for one pretty interesting campaign that clocks in at less than half the runtime of any other full price video game.

Maybe we can just skip the DLC and actually get a good campaign to ship WITH the game next time, guys.

no. 1 activity for neurodivergents

god this game so perfect! im wish this game updated new special things! 5 stars!

Kind of a weird game. IDK why they always run all these events for the PVP side mode. Who fucking cares? Anyone cultured bought this game for Salmon Run, obviously.

Salmon Run in this game makes the original look like a joke. Clearing that top 5% barrier in Eggstra Work or Big Run is so fucking satisfying, especially when me and my team smash that barrier like it's nothing.

Loved the story mode and thought the setting was super dope. The gameplay is also really just an upgrade from 2 and is all around a better package. 🗿