Reviews from

in the past

This games is incredible, even after 30 years, the feeling of playing the game is greatiful, the game design, the enimies, the powers and how you progress on game, all it's awsome, on the end of the game you feel trully powerfull and it's very funny walk around the maps.
Of negative points is sometimes I feel stuck in some areas, the secret passages is hard to find, or the passage, and the water part of the game without the gravity suit is very frustrating

ambiências e trilha sonora incríveis.

One of the very best games ever done.

super is metroid is superb, valorant isn't

has its problems but it is some entrancing ass game. keeps you on the grind

Meu primeiro Metroid foi também o vicio do meu pai, ele era apaixonado por este jogo e vi ele rejogar diversas vezes fissurado, chegava do trabalho e ligava o Super Nintendo e ficava horas direto jogando este jogo, é um daqueles jogos incríveis com uma atmosfera super bem feita que além de trazer nostalgia e trazer curiosidade, no meu caso me faz lembrar do meu pai, uma das únicas coisas que compartilhávamos em comum.

Descanse em Paz Marcos.

I can see why it's considered peak to many, but it was slightly let down by floaty controls, which makes Zero Mission my more preferred game (atm).

This is still a great game with excellent atmosphere and music.

Game so good it invented a genre.

(Review from 2021) Solid Metroid game. I think I appreciate more some of the QoL improvements in later Metroids: completion trackers, quick switch for different weapons, general fluid control movement. For its time, it was very good, and it mostly holds up quite well. The X-ray visor was a good addition, although I wouldn’t mind if it also indicated which areas I already got the items.

A triumphant masterpiece of exploration, game progression, and atmosphere. It's easy to see why this birthed a genre (along with Symphony of the Night three full years later), but it's astounding how well it holds up. If, instead of releasing thirty years ago, Super Metroid had instead released this year, perhaps with better controls for weapon selection, dare I say it would still be one of the greatest games ever made.

This game is fucking cool. I love exploring every inch of the map and getting all the upgrades that I can find. The atmosphere is so engaging and the environmental storytelling is something else

Plus grand jeu de tous les temps.

i know i am far too late to having anything truly interesting to say about Super Metroid, and any real insight i can provide would be in comparisons to games that aren't actually named Super Metroid. instead, here's 4 thoughts that i might turn into a larger essay one day

1. we talk about making characters fun to move and super metroid is THE case study on making a character feel good to move within the context of their own game. every power up, new area and enemy type enhance controlling samus in a unique fashion. think one of my favourite examples is how much easier walljumping feels once you get space jump! it means we can discuss how good it feels to control Samus in Super Metroid and the context surrounding it, something i think games look over. it's deluxe feeling control is amplified by how samus interacts with the world of super metroid, not how her environment interacts with her

2. super metroid is like a pill for guys like me who haven't played metroidvania's to get why there are so many metroidvania's. i fully understand why people ONLY play metroidvanias now. it's exploration rewarding model of non-linear game design is enough to fill a bucket's worth of video games to play. i definitely want to check more out and find what differentiates a good metroidvania from the rest now

3. think something that sat quietly in the back of my mind is the believability of super metroid's planet zebes. definitely helped by building on a previously visited location and saying "what would happen if samus returned here?", and also helped by the fact i've watched a friend speedrun metroid zero mission for a few months, but it's true trick is that it works WITHOUT that prior knowledge. the placement of the six major areas in the game (brinstar, crateria, wrecked ship, norfair, tourian and miridia) all makes sense, and you can tell the developers tried to make sense of what the planet SHOULD look like layout wise early on in development. when travelling to and from each location (i hope everyone who thinks backtracking in games is lame at least thinks about whether it's lame in a world that feels realistically connected, if not we can't be friends) the magic trick works perfectly. of course norfair is where it is, and of course crateria is where it is. it's wonderful.

4. super metroid is slow and methodical. it's own genius is evident when samus has to crouch to shoot a block, or use her x-ray scope to find a hidden block, or use the triggers to aim diagonally. these movements don't just happen, there's no auto aim. it makes enemies more threatening (especially the super fast metroids late in the game!) and it's more powerful because of it. a fast paced super metroid just wouldn't work, exploration wouldn't make sense and the world would feel smaller.

again i'd like to explore these ideas more one day in a bigger essay but here's my basic thoughts. game rocks.

Thank you to QuentTheSlayer for giving me the final push that made me play through Super Metroid.

The Super Nintendo was probably the ultimate time of refinement for Video Games. So many game series, that are now held up as timeless classics found their definitive formula on Nintendo's second console generation. Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy and of course today's subject: Metroid. Super Metroid is still considered by many to be the peak of the metroidvania genre, and it's admittedly strange to realize that I had never played it. Even as a huge fan of the series, I just always put it off to the side. I'll get around to it eventually. After all: In the same amount of time it would take me to get into Super Metroid, I could just replay Fusion for the 50th time. I haven't played Prime 2 in a hot minute. What's that shiny new Dread game that just came out ? And so on and so on. But then in 2024, I set aside the excuses, committed, and I can now say that I have finally finished Super Metroid.

Its hard to put into words how much of a mindfuck my first playthrough of Super Metroid was. This almost 30-year-old Super Nintendo game has you in a chokehold the moment the title screen appears. The pan across a quiet, dark laboratory. 1994. Nintendo. Presents. Metroid 3. SUPER METROID. Right there, with the bodies of dead scientist strewn across the floor and the baby metroid trapped in a glass tube, the title of the game towers in gigantic, bold letters. It's one of the most striking introductions to a Video Game I have ever seen. A statement, before you even press a single button.

Of course this strong in medias res opening is only possible due to the fact that Super Metroid is the canonical third entry of the series, continuing on from the ending of Metroid 2: Return of Samus. And the game does an excellent job of catching you up to the events of the previous games. In a moody monologue, Samus recounts her fight against Motherbrain in her first adventure, her mission to eradicate the Metroid species for good and her sparing the last baby Metroid at the end. She brings said baby Metroid to the Galactic Research Station Ceres. There, the baby Metroid is supposed to be further studied while Samus is off hunting another bounty. Of course, she barely makes it out the door before receiving the call that Ceres is under attack. Ridley and his space pirates have decimated Ceres in order to capture the last Metroid. It's here where Super Metroid first gives you control over Samus in an action packed and atmospheric opening. She blasts through the invading space pirates and storms into an inevitable confrontation with long time nemesis Ridley. After an early sneak peek at this late game boss fight, Ridley flees with the baby Metroid in his claws. Samus follows in hot pursuit and lands on the planet Zebes. The setting of the original Metroid. This series story telling has always been and would continue to be very subtle, but even this opening stands tall among its peers in terms of how much you can get across just through a quick opening text crawl and pure gameplay. Really, the recap from our badass heroine is the only dialogue you will get across the entire game, and yet it still manages to tell an engaging story as you make your way down through the underground tunnels of Zebes.

Zebes is what all metroidvania maps should aspire to be in my opinion. Isolating, with long, winding corridors and  incredibly distinct environments. This map is so well-designed that I rarely felt lost or directionless even when I wasnt exacly sure what my next step was. The map screen is there, but it does the bare minimum to give you any general information on the environment. Because it doesn't have to tell you more. The drive to explore and the invisible hand of the developers guiding you are enough. Very, very rarely did I find myself lost as to where to go next and the few times that the game had me stumped, I can attribute to my general impatients I have been trained on due to modern video games. If I spend more than 30 minutes figuring out the way forward, then it must be bad game design, right ?. Fuck you, David Jaffe. By paying close attention to the game, you can always intuit where your way forward is. It's a masterstroke of game design.

The other side of gameplay besides navigating the game world, is combat and finding upgrades. Because Samus isnt badass enough already. That was Metroids bread and butter from the very beginning really. Super doesn't hugely change the formula, but still excels in teaching you its mechanics naturally. The game has you collect all the now famous Metroid tools like Super Missiles, the Grapple Beam and so on, while always showing you how to use them with a reward that seems just out of reach, right after you got that shiny new upgrade. Again, all without a single interruption or textbox. If somebody had to nitpick any aspects of the gameplay, it would probably have to do with Samus jump and the way you switch through different weapon modes. Firstly: Samus jump arc is a weird one to get used to for sure, since she gets an unusual amount of air time for a 2D platformer. The standard jump, which can also be altered into a summersault forward, seems very stiff as well. It almost feels like the Castlevania 1 jump arc as if some weirdo happend to turn on low gravity. Weird maybe, but those quirks still very much lend themselves to the often tubelike level design of Zebes and I rarely had any problems with jumping up to ledges or across platforms. The second, more annoying nitpick would probably be how you switch weapons via the select button. It's an awkward solution that had me often fumble around when I wanted a specific weapon equipped, but it's not a dealbreaker either, just something I wished was a bit better by default. Oh, and there is a run button. Never forget that you have a run button. It had me stuck for a bit and you will thank me later, fellow non-manual readers. Those minor flaws aside, the gameplay is incredibly rewarding to master and once you do master it, the real meta game of Super Metroid begins. Sequence Breaking.

Again: It's an aspect of the genre that Metroid is already famous for and its the game that popularized it, but Super Metroid does it on a whole other level. This game has one technique in particular, one you unknowingly have access to from the very beginning, that is designed to break the game's intended progression. It's a tricky one to execute, and the game will teach it to you in an organic way at some point. Once you fully master it, you might as well throw all preconceived notions out the window that this game was ever linear to begin with. Already deep into my second playthrough, I feel the effects of playing at a higher level. Upgrades and bosses, that seemed so far away in the beginning, can now be acquired basically as early or as late as you want to. The genius decision of teaching you this high level play during your first trip through Zebes does wonders for replayability. Pay attention and the game will infinitely reward you for it. You might of course go to areas you're not equipped for yet, but if you persevere, you get the best abilities incredibly early. Risk vs Reward, entirely on the player's own terms. Genius.

I honestly didn't expect to sing this game's praises so much, and I still haven't talked about the incredible sprite work or the god tier soundtrack. Two aspects I can not find a single flaw in, and talking about them would have me repeating myself again with only superlatives. The game is one of the most gorgeous games I have ever seen, it's like a immaculate painting. The soundtrack gives me goosebumps just thinking about it, and taking the elevator down the Brinstar for the first time is already one of my top 5 magic moments of all time. There you go.

Saving my credibility for reviewing video games, whatever that is even worth, I should probably still mention my one big rage-quit moment. As no game is perfect, but Super Metroid is damn close. Maridia. Maridia fucking sucks and seems to be the one area where the developers couldn't hold back the urge anymore to design a cryptic hell maze. Not only is getting to Maridia a bullshit ordeal all on its own, actually navigating this oversized fish tank with all its invisible walls is a confusing slog. And god help you if managed to come here without the gravity suit, like i did. Now, try to figure out how to get back to dry land while Samus jogs across the ocean floor in slowmotion. Or hope your most recent save isn't too far away. Hey, there is this giant purple tube you can go up and down through, that is clearly showing you an entirely different area in the middle. Well forget that. Ain't going there yet, no matter how hard the game implies it. Finish off the underwater journey with two really sub-par bosses. Please just end me.

Alright. Despite the grueling stretch through the sludge waters of Maridia, despite every bone in my body telling me that now this supposed all-time classic has finally fallen to the rose-tinted nostalgia glasses of fanboys across the globe, it shinesparked back up like a phoenix and stuck the landing. More than that, it destroyed the landing pad and drilled itself deep into my heart to become one of my favorite games of all time. I already know this will get more than one playthrough in the near future, because Super Metroid fucking rules. Go play Super Metroid you cowards!

Very fun - iconic setting and theme. Absolute blast to play.

Refined the good parts of the previous 2 games and created an all time great. I didn't save the animals in so I need to go back and play again and figure out how to do that and stop being evil.

Metroid is a great series and this is the greatest Metroid game. The graphics, music, gameplay, story, bosses, etc. are all fantastic. This is easily one of the greatest games of all time because it is damn near perfect. This is a great choice if you haven't played a Metroid or a Super Nintendo game.

Revisiting old games is a must and Super Metroid should be at the top of everyone's list of vintage games to revisit. This game blew me away and still holds up today. The open ended map, the tense atmosphere and high skill ceiling make for a great experience. I'm glad I finally gave this game a shot and now understand the hype and how influential this game is even 30 years later.

The perfect game doesn’t exi…..