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Hearing that new video game system you’re about to buy comes with a free title designed to show off its special capabilities likely calls to mind some paltry minigame compilation à la Welcome Park on PS Vita. Sony has actually preloaded their latest home console with a full-fledged 3D collect-a-thon platformer of remarkable quality though! It may not end up being as iconic as Wii Sports, but is a very welcome member of the PS5’s library nonetheless.

It feels like a gleeful celebration of the company’s long history. Not in a supercilious, self-aggrandizing way, but in a manner more akin to sitting down with an old friend and reminiscing fond memories. Everywhere you look there’s an Easter egg or deep cut reference that’s been lovingly placed there to bring a smile to the face of any abiding PlayStation devotee while reminding them of the types of experiences they can’t get anywhere else.

As delightful as all of that is though, it’s the gameplay that matters most and if that didn’t hold up then this package would carry no value. Astro’s Playroom manages to succeed due to spacing out the stages meant to make use of the controller’s unique functions with excellent traditional ones that you can explore and grab things in at your leisure. The levels that see you tilting the DualSense and playing around with its touchpad and adaptive triggers admittedly are a tad gimmicky (especially those dang frog suit sections), but remain fun in spite of that by never outstaying their welcome.

Another aspect that really impressed me was the sheer amount of interactivity. In the starting hub area alone, you can smack all of the little Bots to have them tag along behind you and amass a huge horde of followers. What purpose does this serve? None as far as I can tell! It's just a single example of the many neat little features the devs have included that allow you to find extra amusement in engaging with your surroundings. It's something I wish more games would do.

This might also be the perfect length, striking that nice balance between charming demo you spend a little time with before moving on to the games you actually bought the console for and a more fulfilling offering that can keep you coming back for a few additional hours via the healthy amount of collectibles to hunt down. AP won't be on any top ten of the PS5's lifespan lists when all is said and done, yet is a fantastic freebie regardless that there's absolutely no reason for you to not check out if you own the hardware.


fofo. muita nostalgia na parte do play 3... todos os acessórios que aparecem naquela parte eu guardo na minha memória com muita nostalgia, nem se fale então no final da fase que começa a tocar a músiquinha do menu...

primeiro jogo zerado no play 5 hehe

Despite owning a PS5 for nearly 2 years now, I have only just got around to playing this game packed in the console. I had always heard how great it was and how it was still the best example of utilising the features of the PS5 controller. I'm glad I finally got around to it as it really was a delight to play. The stuff it does with the controller really is wonderful and definitely the best use of it I've experienced. Even ignoring that, it's a good 3D platformer in its own right. Furthermore there is all the nostalgia you get from unlocking various bits and pieces of random tech from PlayStations history and then saying the other Astrobots performing scenes from classic PlayStation games. The only thing I can criticise about it was that there was some very frustrating motion control bits with a rocket ship and the monkey climbing was also very annoying. But overall it was a great time and I hope Team Asobi get chance to make a fully fledged game in the future.

Legalzinho, é divertido jogar utilizando todo potencial do controle do ps5

A fun little demo of what the PS5 is capable of! I was in it for the references, and was surprised at what was included across the game. A nice reminder of the varied canon of the Sony consoles. The platforming is passable, nothing groundbreaking but the controller is used in some fun ways and overall it's well worth the few hours it took me to 100%.

Very cute, charming 3D platformer. For a pack-in title, I really couldn't ask for more. It's fun, it doesn't overstay its welcome, and I even liked it enough to grab the Platinum.

Fabulous tech demo for the ps5, amazing start up game. Only issue with it is how short it is! Fingers crossed for a psvr2 sequel

I loved this tech demo showcasing the PlayStation family of consoles' history.

isto pode parecer uma forma subtil de dizer que tenho uma PS5, mas na verdade é bem pior: é uma forma subtil de dizer que tenho um namorado.

quando instalei isto pela primeira vez joguei um pouco e imediatamente apaguei o meu save porque sabia que ele ia adorar, ele não percebe nada de videojogos então it was really fun vê-lo a jogar, e a ficar fascinado que o comando treme (ele descobriu sobre isto quando estávamos a jogar It Takes Two no ano novo na PS4, nunca me tinha apercebido que existem pessoas que não sabem que o comando reage e foi muito insightful e deixou-me muito feliz vê-lo tão investido), que os gatilhos reagem e a interagir com tantas mecânicas, é tipo abrir a porta para um mundo novo a alguém, é viciante vê-lo sorrir e surpreso com o que vê à frente dele.

o jogo é muito divertido e genuinamente deixa-me triste saber que a PlayStation não vai investir seriamente neste mercado, de diversão mecânica e pura, sem grandes truques narrativos, quase que tivemos algo quando o playlink surgiu, mas foi apenas outra gimmick que morreu tão rápido quanto nasceu, ainda te amo És Tu, Saber é Poder, Chimparty e Frantics.... gostava de meter o bichinho da playStation no meu bolso e andar por aí a mostrar-lhe coisas.

Way more fun than it needed to be

Yeah. I don't care if it's just a tech demo. This is a must-play. It's a great platformer with a ton of PlayStation nostalgia and cool mechanics, taking full advantage of the DualSense controller. I was flabbergasted at how good it was, how much content was present, and how much depth was put into everything. It gets a perfect score from me.

Great pack-in title and a celebration of the history of Playstation platforms. The gameplay isn't super deep but it doesn't need to be.

Such a cute nostalgic tech showcase. Absolutely the first thing you should play on your PS5.

The very first game I platinum on my ps5 and not gonna lie, this is such a cute game. I love the Easter eggs to some of the characters from different franchises and generations of PlayStation consoles and finding all the puzzle pieces and such was fun to do. And it is one of the easier games to platinum as well.