Reviews from

in the past

What made me really excited for this game (besides the dope ass visual style), was this awesome trailer with the song Holly by Sleigh Bells. Bro this trailer made me so hype. But... in the game there isn't really any music at all :(

It just kinda has a lot of ambient loud noise which can get a bit annoying. This game would be so cool paired with a killer soundtrack and it makes me sad that there isn't one. Because the style is there already, Children of the Sun's art is super enrapturing.

And then in terms of gameplay, it's solid. The levels amps up in difficulty and scale throughout the game and by the end, the puzzle of killing everyone in the level is super fun. The last like five or so levels were great and I would've liked it if the game had some more like that. Children of the Sun doesn't overstay its welcome, clocking in at just over three hours. But I would've liked a bit more.

Definitely worth checking out.

This game focused on the right things to make a memorable and good game: aesthetics, enjoyable gameplay with unique mechanics, and story.
PSX graphics greatly help in creating the mysterious and sinister atmosphere the game aims to convey.
It has the right length to tell the character's story, keeping you hooked for a few hours while trying to solve this series of puzzles covered in blood and revenge. 😄

A satisfying, stylish puzzle shooter game. The puzzles can be figured out as you go instead of having a complete plan before I even fire a bullet which keeps things from getting to frustrating while making me feel clever. The story is about a girl taking revenge on a cult she was raised in. It's told with no dialogue using cool animations in between levels for cutscenes. The material is dark and graphic, but the story mostly serviceable. The game makes cool use of music. I really dug the bass strum that plays when I move the character.

UGH This game is so fucking cool. Taking what's at its core the Sniper Elite bullet cam shit then transforming that into a puzzle game with pretty open ended solutions is a stroke of genius. The abrasive hints of music with the much more often use of distorted and harsh ambient sounds is the perfect glue for the the equally as abrasive and harsh visual style. GOOD SHIT PLAY THIS SHIT.

Good games to play while you bored

Um jogo simples de fases que tem uma gameplay repetitiva, que difere apenas nas estratégias para passar. A arte é bonita e é divertidinho. Vou jogar de maneira gradual, um dia eu termino.

It’s like if Suda51 made a Lee Harvey Oswald simulator. There’s some weak levels but overall the visual style and addicting magic bullet puzzle gameplay carried me all the way through to the end.

imo anything related to cars was annoying

besides that the game is solid and visually is very stunning