Reviews from

in the past

Executes on a really fun and creative idea with its short runtime. Controlling a bullet in the air to shoot your way through an entire group in slow motion never stops being an engaging challenge where you must building an understanding of the game's puzzle box like three-dimensional spaces. The pacing is amazingly done, the game knows exactly when to throw a new mechanic into the mix or give a curveball minigame level and it ends just as the main concept feels as though it is being stretched as far as it can go without breaking the fun. The presentation is stylish and evocative, the visuals rarely dropping the deep, moody blues, pinks and purples it is drenched in, while the bright yellows of the enemies aid the clarity of the player's view. The cutscenes and audio both have a scratchy, grimy and distorted quality that gives the game a uniquely harsh outer sheen while the gameplay remains as clean as ever. Really glad I picked it up.

korn - freak on a leash (official hd video)

Extreme catharsis dripping in pure style.

I liked it. The game introduces 2 new modifications to the core mechanic that makes the levels grow increasingly more complex as the game goes. It never felt like it outstaid its welcome. 100% completion, all achievements.

Children of the sun is a sort of unique game. It has a really violent and bizarre story and the art on this game is awesome (bizarre and unique too). It has an weird shooter/puzzle mixture that will have you hooked pretty fast. Really short game that makes a good use of its mechanics and it feels like it can be replayable.

Children of the Sun oozes style and provides a fun spin on the puzzle genre. It doesn't get too complex, but it is short and cheap enough where it's definitely worth recommending.

6.5 — O puzzle do jogo ser baseado em onde e quem atirar primeiro é muito interessante e foi divertido pra mim. A medida que as fases passam, tu ganha novas perspectivas para passar de cada puzzle com a adição de mecânicas, e acho que isso ocorre de maneira bem orgânica. Não é um jogo difícil, possui poucas fases e consegue ser zerado em menos de 2 horas. Então, se tu curte joguinhos de puzzle diferenciados e quer dar aquela rapidinha de cria, apenas jogue. Eu particularmente não me importei muito com a história do jogo, a narrativa dela é muito confusa e tem um ritmo rápido que só o cacete. As cutscenes são no geral o que contam e te dão a base do que tá rolando, tem algumas poucas fases que também são mais focadas em história que são minigames bem bacanudos. Acho que a pira do game é mais a leaderboard do que qualquer outra coisa, que é você conseguir ganhar a fase com a maior quantidade de pontos e combos. Sinceramente, joguinho bacana, nada demais, nada marcante, mas divertido. Gostaria de também dar créditos ao desenvolvedor solo René Rother que programou o jogo, deve ser loucura estruturar uma coisa dessas sozinho, baita projeto pra alguém solo.

super cool, the mini game interlude was a pain and last levels were quite easy but otherwise it's a must-buy !