Reviews from

in the past

100% культовая и важная для индустрии игра, но абсолютно не прошедшая проверку временем

i played this game when i was way too young to play it but my vehicle kept flipping over and exploding in the tutorial and id keep failing and it made me so upset that i turned it off

Esse é definitivamente um dos GTA já feitos.

O jogo é antigo e é bom pra época, mas hoje é frustrante jogar isso.

A classic game that I played as kid but never actually beat until now that I picked up the Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy for Xbox. Its flawed but man do later games get exponentially better.

also vividly remember the kid at my elementary school who told me about the word "shit" loving the Shit out of this game back around 2003 and i was fascinated by his descriptions of what could take place in it. probably better than most Sony Computer Entertainment Incorporated Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC works from the past 6-7 or so years, which are just barely-evolved versions of what DMA design was cooking up here and a little bit earlier with space station silicon valley on the n64. i usually get pretty bored about halfway in every time i've played, and just end up driving around liberty city listening to some mad tunes from the legendary moving shadow records or some dubs mixed by the scientist over at king tubby's (rip) studio. that's pretty much the case with every subsequent game in this series, but with different music, actually.

23 years old and still has a better open world then some games nowadays

Had this on PS2 back in 2020. Can't really recall thoughts. All I know is I never got to thoroughly play it.