Reviews from

in the past

Dearest of all my friends

Felt more like an epilogue than a sequel but like any good sequel it does more than feel like an epilogue, I won't explain myself, just play it doofus

Que sequência. Gameplay refinada em todos os aspectos, exceto o level design um pouquinho confuso só em duas partes, e uma história que é um pouco menos na cara do que a do primeiro, mas te deixa de queixo aberto em todo momento com ação e diálogos perspicazes. Como é boa a Mona!!!

Eu tinha falado que o primeiro parecia que perdia tempo quando você não estava atirando em coisas, e o 2 perde menos tempo com partes ruins de plataforma e semi-puzzles sem muito sentido. No entanto, isso não quer dizer que esse tempo está sendo gasto atirando em coisas, já que eles aumentaram consideravelmente o número de cutscenes. A história é bem massa e elas ainda são curtas, mas tenha em mente que o jogo é beeeeem mais curto se você tirar isso.

A versão de PC teve alguns momentos estranhos onde não conseguia me mexer e tinha que reiniciar o jogo, mas como ele tem savestate nativo, eu não perdia muito tempo, então apesar da irritação, dá pra passar, vai.

Decidir entre o 2 e o 3 como meu favorito vai ser duro....

Именно в этой игре можно по-настоящему оценить, как Remedy и Сэм Лейк в частности раскрыли свой потенциал и начали использовать уже всем известный фирменный стиль по типу различных телевизионных роликов, снов и т. д.

Так в целом улучшенный сиквел с доработанным лвлдизайном и c крутым на то время движком. Стало гораздо приятнее играть, а сюжет дарит много различных эмоций по ходу прохождения. Но есть ещё парочка недостатков, которые, к счастью, были пофикшены в триквеле

P.S. Как же я теперь сильно жду ремейк первой и второй части... Мне кажется, там Remedy разъебут и даже не постесняются

And we keep driving into the night
It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye
And we keep driving into the night, it's a late goodbye...

For the most concise review of all time: If you liked Max Payne, you’ll like Max Payne 2.

That might seem like a redundant thing to say for a sequel, I mean that it almost feels like DLC for the original game. You will probably feel exactly the same about both of them. I read a review that called this game just as much an epilogue as it is a sequel. I agree with this is a few ways:
One, the first game was already short, but this one is even shorter, to the point you can beat it in one sitting if you’re motivated enough. It feels more like more like wrapping up loose ends rather than branching out into new territory.
Secondly, it looks and feels almost identical to the first game, but more polished. It is similar enough that you might as well read my Max Payne review to get my opinion on gameplay and presentation.

The main gameplay difference is that instead of shitty platforming sections in the nightmare sequences, we get a couple escort missions. Said nightmare sections stand out a bit less (it’s hard to top the “funny as hell” part of the first game) but I’m still glad they kept them. They feel just as much of the series’ identity as the graphic novel cutscenes. Sadly, Sam Lake’s beautiful face has been replaced in the gameplay and graphic novel sections, but it makes sense since they were able to get animated face models. Locales are a bit more varied than the first game. I could actually understand what Payne was saying during gameplay because they added subtitles. Story was less distinctive than the first but still pretty solid. The TV shows you can catch are a nice bonus and are actually pretty detailed.

Great game. The gunplay is a lot better, but it doesn't have quite the je ne sais quoi umami of the first one. Is that solely because Sam Lake Face is absent? Who's to say.