Reviews from

in the past

great collection this was sadly the last time activision every thought about spyro

GooeyScale: 75/100

spyro 1 is like a 4.5, spyro 2 and 3 are like a 3. i just dont like the extra stuff they added, i wish the sequels were as simple as the first

Each game is wonderful to go trough. And each one builds upon the last game, making for a great treat when progressing from Spyro 1 to 3. Never played the originals, but playing all 3 of these to 100%+ completion was a sight to behold. Quite literally actually, as each game looks and plays fantastically.

Only issues is that the game could get a bit repetitive (especially the first game), and 100%+ for each game was a bit of a slog. But it still remained very fun. Then the game had a few glitches and visual oddities. Not enough to sour the experience, but enough to go, "Huh, that don't look right," a few times. Plus the high frame rate bug is just a weird thing that I'm shocked they have not patched yet.

Nevertheless, this remains an exceptional trilogy of wonderfully remade games and I recommend everyone gives them a shot, newcomer or not.

I took off time from work when this bad boi came out. I enjoyed every second and I felt 8 again. This remake was great and tho some bits I still prefer from the old game I wont mark it down bc its still amazing. Its a special feeling to enjoy a series again close to when you 1st played it. The short king does it again, and with all the sass.

Spyro Reignited Trilogy is super fun. The first two games are amazing! The third is great too, but feels a bit rushed and I felt as if the trilogy was getting repetitive by the time I was playing through the last game. Great game, but not worth $40. It's in a Humble Monthly now, also with the Crash N Sane Trilogy, for just $12, a mere month after its release on Steam which is a bit frustrating considering I paid full price.

Hot take, but I think Crash is better than Spyro. There's simply more variety and challenge to be had within that trilogy. Spyro is an absolute cake walk in comparison, with hardly any challenge whatsoever.

Good game, but I didn't quite enjoy it as much as others seem to. This is a fundamental issue with the trilogy that the remake didn't have anything to do with. The remake itself is extremely well-done at least, and the game is gorgeous.

Little purple dragon shows them how it's done. One of the best.

Had fun playing the first one but was a bit disappointed with the boss level where it was basically just chasing the entire time.

Second and third game I just couldn't get into as it felt like I was gonna do the same thing for another 15-20 hours. I just ended up skimming through the playthroughs on YouTube. The boss fights for those actually do look way more interesting to do, but I didn't really the energy to go through the games.

Some frustrating technical issues such as needing to cap your FPS to stop Spyro sliding (even when still). Even more frustrating is how there were a few times where some NPCs on levels couldn't do anything unless you capped it to 30, causing you to be softlocked. I just capped to 30 then 120 once the issue was solved.

Overall I enjoyed what I did play, but platformers are often not really my thing so I was unlikely to play through all 3. The minigames didn't interest me much either.

Sometimes I feel like not every game needs a remake

Я слишком устал, чтобы что-то писать. Просто скажу что игры хорошие, прошёл первую часть на одном дыхании. Вторая мне понравилась вроде бы больше, игра стала более разнообразной, появились традиционные боссы.... (в первой части они теоритически тоже есть, но я бы не назвал их традиционными боссами, ибо у них нету полоски хп ты просто за ними бегаешь по всему уровню) но в конце игра заставила меня гриндить штуки, которые до этого казались опционнальными, а в конце игры тебе говорят "собери большую часть этих штук чтобы открыть финального босса" я такой думаю "прикольно, это дроп" в тройке уже наученный второй игрой я начал собирать все коллектиблы, которые мог. К тому же, в этой игре это стало в разы интереснее, геймплейного разнообразия стало ещё больше, появились новые играбельные персонажи со своими отдельными уровнями и сегментами в основных уровнях. На финального босса нужно опять собрать 80% коллектиблсов, я буквально домучивал игру, потому что я играл марафоном всю трилогию, и к концу третьей части я заманался играть уже.


Если вам нравятся игры-собиралки, то трилогию сильно рекомендую! (вторую реально можно скипнуть, она самая слабая в трилогии мне показалась даже на фоне первой, а уж тем более третьей) Игры мне очень понравились! К концу марафона я просто устал.

P.S Уровни с полётами это какой-то пиздец! Не знаю управляется ли также как в оригинале, думаю что нет, но во всей трилогии я эти уровни нахер слал, благо их можно максимально скипать, не в одной игре ни один такой уровень не прошёл.