Reviews from

in the past

Por ser um remake, eu esperava uma melhora interessante, trazendo o que aprendemos nos últimos anos, em level design, qualidade de vida, controles e câmera... Mas é só os mesmos jogos do PS1 com uma repaginada total nos gráficos (pelo menos, isso ficou realmente bom, tá tudo lindo). Eu cansei de jogar porque não aguento mais entrar em uma fase nova e saber que vou fazer a mesma coisa das outras 15.

Welcome back my favourite purple dragon ❤️
HD Spyro, same old great game but made even more gorgeous. A great nod to the original too is that you can change the soundtrack to play the original PS1 track versions.

Now this is a trilogy done right. Everything is the same as the original three games, but with an amazing redesign in animation. I do hate they made Hunter into a surfer dude, he was much better and funnier in the original games.

Individual ratings;
Spyro; 5/10
Spyro 2; 6/10
Spyro 3; 4/10

Was shocked by how poorly these held up to my memory of playing them in my childhood. You don't get to get away with not having much in the way of compelling gameplay by just stuffing a bunch of gems in worlds; exploration should be motivated by worlds being interesting to explore, not by having treasure spread out on every single inch of the floor. Most challenge presented by the game isn't intentional but instead due to poor game design; it's both frustrating that the games generally aren't remotely challenging and also frustrating that the bits where you do struggle are due to bad design.

The series in general seems like it doesn't believe its platforming is actually compelling enough on its own (correct) so inserts a bunch of underdeveloped minigames and side-distractions. This gets particularly bad with the third game where all five of the additional characters control and play much worse than Spyro does.

Three dragon chunguses in one package what more could you possibly want

Playing these games took me back to my childhood. A truly memorable experience.

I think Crash had the better collection, but Spyro gives me the more enjoyable time. Those Flying levels can die in a hole tho

Leuke 3D platformers. Achievements zijn goed te doen. 1 is redelijk, 2 is beter, en Year of the Dragon zit daar tussenin. Maar alle drie spellen zijn mooi

fuckign awesome purple dragon


Reviewed all the games individually, won't do it again 😂. I very much enjoyed this collection. Having not played the original versions, this was a great way for me to experience these for the first time. I've seen footage from the PS1 versions, and the jump in graphics is huge. I like the OG look a little more, but the actual color, resolution, and vividness of the graphics are significantly better. It controls really well, and all of these games are so much fun. My ranking would be 2, 3, 1. 2 has become an all-timer for me so I'm happy this collection showed me that one. It's only a 4.5 since that's my average rating of the three games, but this collection is a fantastic remaster.

Dragon balls

Dragon my balls all over your face

Welp, here we are. I've already done individual reviews for each game but in summary. Trilogy good!

I do indeed enjoy to destory and collect jewel :o

Spyro Reignited is a great remake of three beloved titles. The worlds are colorful, the characters are cartoony and likable, and the levels are a lot of fun to traverse. Collecting gems and bashing enemies never felt so good!

My only gripe(s) with the game is the occasional glitches and wonky hitbox detection. I've died many times because of random enemies killing me from a distance or the hitbox not registering properly. It's tolerable but still annoying.

At the end of the day, these games are still worth playing. If you dig platformers, then you will definitely like this. Here are my ratings for each game.

Spyro The Dragon (8/10)

Ripto's Rage (9/10)

Year of the Dragon (TBA)

Nostalgic as hell. Spyro 3 was easily the worst among these in terms of level design and characters, but god damn if these games didn't have one of the most satisfying walk cycles I've ever seen.

A fantastic collection and incredible value. These games are so fun and the animation is movie level. Such fun games and I would okay again

Spyro 2 is a cool game with dense, purposeful level design. 1 and 3, not so much.

As a pick up and play for all the spyro games, this is a great collection. This was my first time playing the original trilogy and I can see why the games were popular over two decades ago. Nevertheless, the games are all too mindlessy easy and lack any compelling narrative. Adult cycmism is the killjoy

plataformas sencillito con un protagonista interesante y ojala se pudiese decir los mismo del resto de personajes, historia estándar a rabiar y unos bosses terribles

Too easy, gets boring. That might be the point of the game but it's not entertaining. I completed first one and half of second one.

I'd never played the Spyro games before this. They're fun! The graphics are great, and the gameplay is fun. Spyro 1 is best btw

J'ADORE SPYRO et c'est un bon jeu pour faire les 3 premiers en HD

An almost perfect remake of some of my favourite games ever. They're fantastic late 90's collectathon games with great characters and levels. There are a few redesigns and recasted voices I don't like as much and it's a bit buggy sometimes, but that hardly takes away from how beautifully crafted this is.