Reviews from

in the past

One of the best games ever created.

One of the best games I've ever played. There's not much else beside I wish I got amnesia so I could play this game again. Although, that were my thoughts about 5 years ago when I played it for the first time. I think now, I've become so jaded in video games that I have no idea how well BoTW holds up today.

La sensacion de libertad es barbara, solo le falta un verdaero challenge para ser un 5/5

Tres bon jeux gameplay parfois repetitif, bon game design

My introductory to Zelda. I was not disappointed and enjoyed the open world aspect.

Tried playing this game multiple times but got bored. I don't like LoZ in open world style, I miss the puzzles and dungeons.

great game with a huge open world, and its a joy to explore. though with all the open world games these days, it feels very similar to a lot of games of late. still great game and one of the best open worlds.

Found the game very tedious, with a bunch of copy paste outposts, smaller places of interests inbetween and a large walk to the other side of the map just to advance the story a little. The story was decent although I don't remember much from my DS days. Maybe it's just not what I look for in a game now

Была отличной игрой, но после выхода Tears of the kingdom ощущается как-то посредственно....

P.s Не пройдена на 100%

Easily one of the greatest games of all time

This game consistently hovers around my 1-3 spot in my favorite games ever for numerous reasons, but anyone who's played the game before knows that the reason it's so good is the open world.
Breath of the Wild was one of the first AAA games to give players a truly free open world. Players could do anything they wanted to, however they wanted to, and whenever they wanted to. The only mandatory part of the game was the tutorial section and after that there was 100 hours of you being able to mess around however you want. Playing this game made me feel like a little kid out on a playground doing whatever I thought was fun. I didn't have any parents telling me to get down from there, or to do this quest before I go beat the boss. There weren't any parents yelling at me to get down from there or telling me that this area is too high level for me. Breath of the Wild was a truly free experience and it perfectly encapsulates what a videogame should be.

very good open world, really enjoyable experience

Good open world, repetition does hinder it though

Absolutely fantastic open world game. With that, I do wish there was more to the story and we got more drawn out characters. Clearly that was not the objective of this game but I always look for that kind of stuff in Zelda games. Since Link himself has no personality, the lack of other characters and lack of personality from other characters makes the game feel soulless at times.

pure undisputable peak, defined a whole new style of open world and the one game i would give anything to experience for the first time again 😭😭

One of the greatest open world games ever made

I was hesitant to try this one out because of the changes. I was wrong. It's very very good.

I don't have a Switch anymore, but I remember finding this game too tedious to enjoy. I get why people love it, but for me, this is a stinker. It just isn't very fun or interesting. It's just not what I look for in a video game.

Replayed the game, but in mastermode for the first time. It was difficult at the begining but wasn't too hard after a while. I also never used fast travel and instead just wandered around the map on foot/horse. It was fun to revisit it after tears of the kingdoms' release, and it still holds up I'd say. Its a lot simpler and lacks a few of the QOL changes in totk, but unless youre playing them back to back its not really something you notice or pay attention to, besides a few times where I wish i could use ascend.

estou entendendo porque ele é o goty

Where do I even begin with how great this game is I love it some much it is probably my favorite game of all time. One of my favorite parts about it is freedom to do whatever you want and there is so much to do. The story is great, the bosses are mostly great and the npcs and enemies are great. So much fun.

La revolución de los juegos de mundo abierto. Y una capacidad de simular cosas del entorno y una interactividad pocas veces vista. Además respeto mucho que puedas terminarlo en cualquier momento.

My favorite part was looking for the Korok's golden shits.

first experience with it is great and the game is excellent, but I wouldn't call it a Zelda game

Truthfully the zelda game that brought me back to the series after forgetting it