Reviews from

in the past

I forgot how boring it is to play a bethesda game without mods and quicksaves. I didn't get too far, and the focus in building shit + the incredibly bad PC UI just really turned me off.

Everyone said that this game is good now so I tried it and it still sucks just as much as before. Though playing it with other people is fun so that's a net positive.

My first impressions with this game were abhorrent. There was absolutely nothing to do in this wasteland of a game. Since then Bethesda has updated it a ton, and with the hype of the Fallout TV show, I figured I'd dive in and give it another go. I mean yeah, there is certainly much more to do. I wouldn't say I absolutely hate the game now, but the content that was added isn't all that engaging. Most of it feels like busy work. Really, it feels like a watered down Fallout 4 with multiplayer slapped on top of it.

Really couldn’t force myself through it. Fallout 76 borrows a lot of the stuff I didn’t like about Fallout 4 and on top of that adds boring multiplayer game padding, and it’s not like the gunplay is at least enough to power through this. I can at least appreciate them trying new stuff like some of the wildlife in Appalachia and mutations, but those are about the only positives I took away from this. Writing is incredibly boring, the engine bogs down the experience, and there’s just not a ton of engaging content, if at all (in the base game, don’t know about the expansions). Here’s hoping the next Fallout game won’t be this much of a slog.

I should've never played this game because now everytime I see Fallout I get a bad taste in my mouth. An absolutely horrible introduction to this series and to whoever it was that made me play this game instead of any of the other Fallouts: Fuck You

Dude, I swear on my whole life people will get on the internet and just tell lies. All these lame ass normies that play like 3 video games a year watch Fallout on Amazon and are on Tiktok and shit now saying that this shit is sweet. Dude, tell me how this 6 year old game is STILL broken as fuck, still has awful netcode and graphical glitching. This is a fucking full release that plays and feels like an amateur's mod and its fucking embarrassing. The UI is shit, progression is shit, and building literally anything at all will require you to play for hours to find these randomized crafting blueprints for literally everything. This game is abysmal, I refuse to allow you people to whitewash this stain the same way you did Cyberpunk. The fucking game sucks, it sucked when it came out and it sucks now, stop peddling that fucking brainlet ass shit in an attempt to gaslight people into wasting their time with this GARBAGE.

It's not terrible, but it feels weird in a sense. I can't exactly put my finger on it.

la verdad que no es TAN mierda como dicen todos, pero sigue siendo bastante mierda. (Aunque es divertido dentro de todo)

Pese al desastre que fue cuando salio, hoy en día es un juego muy disfrutable y divertido con amigos y en solitario.

super underrated game in the series! no man's sky type deal where it sucked on launch, but rocks now. most people making fun of it haven't played it in years, or at all. the main story is lackluster but it's not really the point. the nuka world event was pretty neat, some of the side quests are cool, and i like the idea of being able to drop nukes on the world for some reason. take it as a multiplayer fallout game instead of fallout 4.5, and you get a pretty fun experience

Despite tweaking the ini file, turning off vsync to uncap the framerate, and turning down the graphics settings, I can't get this to run at a consistent 60 fps. The framerate is all over the place - it goes from 40 to 70 to 50 to 120 to 30, seemingly at random. It appears there is an actual improvement in Fallout 76 since its initial release (though I'm sceptical to what extent this may be), but I'm unable to experience it due to pathetic techincal issues, typical of Bethesda.

i dont know man it just scratches that fucking itch

Really bizarre. Simultaneously incredibly shallow and incredibly overwhelming. Runs like shit despite looking worse than Fallout 4. It feels... wrong to play, if that makes sense. But in a indescribable sort of way; it just doesn't feel right. There's no atmosphere, both because they do a dreadful job at establishing an interesting world and, y'know, because it's a multiplayer game. Just doesn't work on any level, utterly atrocious idea.

People can laugh if they want but the game is actually good now. I enjoy the gameplay loop of 4 and now with NPCs and plenty of quests the game is basically fallout 4 with some live service multiplayer on top, which i think mostly works, other than the really awful fallout 1st and purchasable items such as repair kits, scrap kits and locking certain storage behind paywalls. The base story of 76, while a bit samey at times, is actually pretty good and has some pretty well written characters that would be even better if they were, y'know, actually characters and not just logs. The wastelanders update added a different main quest which im most of the way through, and outside of some grind its definitely improved. I'm excited to get into more of the content. If you like the gameplay loop of fallout 4 and you can tolerate some of the online aspects, its worth playing.

Mothman my beloved. Why is the online mode so.. weird with the quest stystem

If I could give this 0 stars I would. Genuinely terrible game. Even with 3 of my friends it was a slog. I was tricked by the internet into believing this game was actually good now. Lesson learned, everyone on twitter has terrible game tastes.