Reviews from

in the past

Just didn’t give me what I wanted from DLC. One of the more boring expansions Fallout has. Three side quests of hunting down different robot variations for an insanely anticlimactic ending.

3 quests is super short. Also just 3 go here kill this quests.
The robot customization is cool but a bit lackluster
Ada is cool but very shallow and feels like waste potential
Ending is stupid
Also new "rust devils" faction is literally just palette swapped raiders with no quests or lore or anything remarkable
New armor looks meh (kinda ugly tbh) and new weapons are ok.

Fun questline, but way too short. Ada is an interesting and likable character, but not at all explored or fleshed out, doesn't even have the same perk/affinity system the rest of the companions do. The robot mods and customization are cool, but I never felt super compelled to use them.

Had the potential to be really great, ended up being just ok, with some notable highlights.