Reviews from

in the past

Um jogo bem bonito, uma gameplay que te instiga a aprender as mecânicas e uma experiência de tirar o fôlego, e o recomendável é jogar no difícil, a sua experiência vai ser mil vezes mais gratificante!

It's been a while since I played an action-adventure game that delivered solid gameplay, fun exploration, and a great narrative, but Kena: Bridge of Spirits brought me back to the days of the original Ubisoft's Prince of Persia trilogy.
I was particularly impressed by the game's visuals, which could easily be mistaken for a Pixar movie.

The game's story, while not groundbreaking, is well-written and has good plot twists, making it an enjoyable experience. Despite the theme, it's a positive story, much like a Disney movie, which is always welcome.

Exploration is very similar to the Prince of Persia games and the trilogy of Tomb Raider following Legends. Solving puzzles and exploring is enjoyable, and as you progress through the story, you are offered more tools to explore, making it a diverse and engaging experience. This entails a Metroid-like map exploration, where certain parts are inaccessible until you obtain specific abilities.

When it comes to the gameplay, it's extremely solid with a souls-inspired take on combat, but without a stamina bar. All the bosses are good and very different, and the game doesn't shy from introducing gimmicks for more fight variety.

As in games like God Of War, early and non-unique bosses eventually become enemies, but that is where the game faltered a bit for me.
I could not find a difficulty balance I liked for the whole playthrough. As you progress through the game, fights become longer and more tedious, and it's challenging to find a difficulty that strikes the perfect balance between enemy and boss fights.
I understand it has probably been done like this because the game does not respawn enemies once defeated, but it's the one thing I didn't appreciate.
There's no conventional way to heal, and instead, you must perform an action on the map using one-time flowers in the arena when available.

Another issue is the "mastery challenges" that are affected by difficulty and offer no extra reward for doing them at hard. This makes the real challenge not lowering the difficulty for the cosmetic item that is rewarded from completing them and struggling to meet a timer that would be an afterthought on easy.

The content of the Anniversary update along with many things brought the charms, that when equipped add another layer to your abilities similar to rings in Souls games.

The game is very well optimized with exception of the sporadic stutters when changing maps. It supports DLSS but not ray-tracing, and the cutscenes are locked at 24fps, although the community has released well-interpolated AI upscales of them.

It was genuinely a fun game, making the whole experience enjoyable and worth suggesting. A solid action-adventure title I thoroughly enjoyed!


very pretty game with the most basic boring story ive ever done see and dull combat

Continuing my marathon of games with a summer atmosphere, I couldn’t pass up this colorful action game that came out a few years ago. Kena: Bridge of Spirits has long lured me to its colorful landscapes and action-packed gameplay, but I always had neither the opportunity nor the time. Now, when this game was in my hands, I decided that I would not miss my chance and set off to study the world of spirits.

Being a conductor between worlds is not an easy job. The whole life of such people consists of endless wandering through thousands of worlds in order to give the spirits long-awaited peace. Some departed souls, on the contrary, do not want to go to the kingdom of the dead, so an experienced guide, in addition to diplomacy, should have several attack spells at his disposal.

A guide named Kena mastered this craft as a child and now continues her father’s work. He was an experienced shaman and helped more than one hundred souls cross the threshold of the Kingdom of the Dead, but one day he disappeared. Kena, armed with her father's staff, quickly began her duties and soon became a recognizable and beloved wanderer in any of the settlements. She constantly improved her skills and honed her skills, but at one point she faced an opponent who was too tough for her. He turned out to be a powerful spirit who was possessed by strong malice, and Kena was unable to banish him to the Kingdom of the Dead. The battle was unequal and the Guide almost died herself, but she was rescued by the creatures living in these magical forests. In common people, these small spirits of nature are called “decayers” and their task is to take care of the forests and keep their lands in order. Having recovered from the battle, Kena decides to look into a village located near the forest to find out the nature of the malice of a powerful spirit. Making her way between the destroyed houses, our heroine could not believe her eyes, but very soon she would have to witness even more terrible tragedies that filled these lifeless lands.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a colorful action game with Metroidvania elements, where we, in the role of a Spirit Guide named Kena, will go to study the nature of the curse that has engulfed the area, which has caused the possession of spirits. We shouldn’t console ourselves with the thought that an open world is available to us here, because all locations, regardless of size and appearance, are gut-shaped, limited paths with access to the central hub. We will not be allowed to veer off the beaten path for long, limiting our research by the lack of abilities that we will have to obtain in the story. However, you won’t miss anything special, because there are no side stories, and all the “content in the bushes” is a collection of various pretty rubbish. If collecting decay is still an important game mechanic because it increases our number of action points, then collecting ghost mail, caps for decay or runes has no practical value. The player’s task is to move along the path to the next plot script, simultaneously solving simple puzzles and fighting opponents.

The battles in the game are implemented in the form of closed arenas, where you will have to kill all opponents in order to advance further. The opponents in the game are extremely mobile and treacherous, and when they attack in a crowd, it’s no time for jokes. On high difficulties there is a risk of simply getting sweaty from the abundance of difficult opponents in the late game, so if you came to the game to enjoy the views, then it is better to play on the story difficulty level. There are essentially only three types of weapons in the game and they are represented by a staff, a bow and bombs. Each weapon can be upgraded in the skill tree by spending karma points on it. We can earn them by performing various good deeds, such as feeding carrion creatures, repairing shrines, or clearing infected locations. Karmas are poured in very generously, so already in the middle of the game you can get hold of almost all the upgraded skill branches, the main thing is to be careful and look into the nooks and crannies.

The visuals of the game are really cute and reminiscent of the creations of Pixar. It was interesting for me to explore this small world and look at the majestic landscapes from the heights. Music also adds atmosphere and brings peace to the soul.

As a result, I certainly liked Kena: Bridge of Spirits and enjoyed vacuuming bushes and hiding places to look for hats and collectibles. I liked the dynamic combat, solving puzzles and interacting with the decaying creatures. If we consider the game as a colorful action platformer aimed at collecting and exploring the world, then the developers did a great job here, but the plot let us down. I also found the additional challenges interesting, where you can try yourself in difficult parkour, extreme shooting range and even in arenas with additional challenges. In addition, as a reward you will be able to unlock beautiful costumes for the main character. Overall, I enjoyed this vibrant magical world and earned myself many new experiences. These 10 hours flew by and I'm glad I was able to have such a good time.

Kena é um ótimo jogo de aventura, tem um ritmo agradável, gráficos e direção artística bem bonitos com combate até que robusto e mais desafiador que eu esperava, mas ele tem seus tropeços, ele depois de um tempo acaba ficando levemente repetitivo, eu não curti o gameplay de controlar "espíritos" de animais pra fazer puzzles, ficou meio confuso de controlar, a história tem seus momentos legais e me surpreendeu na temática de recuperar espíritos na escuridão, mas se torna qualquer coisa pelo desenvolvimento fraco e possui alguns bugs, mas vale a pena jogar, principalmente numa promoção, 7,5.

The story's not that great but I like the world and characters.

Ember lab really did a great job making this game, the visuals made me feel like I was watching/playing a Pixar movie and just for that it was worth it the playthrough. But I felt that the combat specially against bosses kinda unfair tbh.

Really pretty art style and enjoyed the combat and story. Excited for what they release next.