Reviews from

in the past

Now this is peak PS1 core. The type of thing that'd make kids go "boomers think these graphics are good" but outside those character renders on the CSS and in cutscenes (Kazuya's ending is peak comedy though), the graphics are pretty good. Music is great too.

Gameplay is basic, I do like the button system being tied to body parts rather than LMH, with Right/Left Punch/Kick. The other inputs are a bit tricky and single player definitely relies on the same single player "spam the button that works" of games of its era, but as the first entry it does an alright job laying down the ground work of a massive series.

I'd say this aged like milk but this came out AFTER Virtua Fighter 2 which still plays great to this very day.

a game of patience. You hold block the entire match and then throw out a kick when you see that glimering opportunity...except when the enemy decides it can see the future and dodge all your attacks frame perfect. except when the enemy decides to do extra moves that didn't happen the past 10 continues, or when the enemy decides to grab you, and my favorite is when the enemy starts to see what is working for you so they never let you have those opportunities again. Lee you are my greatest enemy and i hate you >:(