Reviews from

in the past

This game sucks. The locations are extremely boring and the fights are SUPREMELY frustrating. It's incredibly easy for computers to stun lock you and they do way too much damage, and even when I won none of it felt earned. Genuinely the worst fighting game I've ever played in my life. I can't believe how good the game series gets from here.

Tekken 1 me enseñó a que si quieres que tu hijo sea fuerte tíralo a la verga de un barranco cuando este tenga 5 años.

This game has NOT aged well. I'll try to get the hang of it, but man is it clunky. Also, fuck Paul.

Now this is peak PS1 core. The type of thing that'd make kids go "boomers think these graphics are good" but outside those character renders on the CSS and in cutscenes (Kazuya's ending is peak comedy though), the graphics are pretty good. Music is great too.

Gameplay is basic, I do like the button system being tied to body parts rather than LMH, with Right/Left Punch/Kick. The other inputs are a bit tricky and single player definitely relies on the same single player "spam the button that works" of games of its era, but as the first entry it does an alright job laying down the ground work of a massive series.

I'd say this aged like milk but this came out AFTER Virtua Fighter 2 which still plays great to this very day.

Bro it sucks
The characters attack and move so slow yet jump absurdly high? This game is fucked up

Kind of shit, no reason to play this over its sequels.

I played Tekken at Lightwater Valley on an arcade machine instead of going on rollercoasters and I loved it so much I ended up asking my parents for a PlayStation to play it and now thirty years later I'm a video game reviewer so hey you gotta chase your dreams.

Tekken, lançado em 9 de dezembro de 1994, é um marco na história dos jogos de luta, sendo o jogo que deu início a uma das franquias mais populares do gênero. No entanto, ao olharmos para ele retrospectivamente, é evidente que algumas de suas características não resistiram tão bem ao teste do tempo.

Começando pelos pontos positivos, Tekken foi inovador em muitos aspectos. Introduziu uma mecânica de luta em 3D que era revolucionária para a época, permitindo que os jogadores movessem seus personagens em um plano tridimensional em vez de apenas para frente e para trás. Além disso, apresentou uma variedade interessante de personagens, cada um com seu próprio estilo de luta único.

No entanto, comparado aos jogos posteriores da série, Tekken pode parecer um pouco rudimentar. Os gráficos e animações, embora impressionantes para a época, agora parecem datados e ásperos. A jogabilidade também pode ser um pouco desajeitada em comparação com os jogos mais recentes da série, com movimentos e combos menos suaves e fluidos.

Além disso, a falta de modos de jogo e opções de personalização limita a longevidade e o apelo do jogo. Enquanto os jogos posteriores da série ofereceram uma variedade de modos, desde o modo história até os modos de treinamento e desafio, Tekken fica um pouco aquém nesse aspecto.

Em resumo, Tekken é um jogo importante na história dos jogos de luta e merece ser reconhecido como tal. No entanto, quando avaliamos sua qualidade em relação aos padrões atuais, é evidente que ele tem suas limitações. Por isso, uma nota de 6/10 parece justa. É um jogo que vale a pena jogar para entender as origens da série, mas pode não oferecer a mesma experiência satisfatória que os jogos mais recentes da franquia.

I think Kazuya was onto something when he threw Heihachi off that cliff

Melhor que o primeiro street fighter mas com uma jogabilidade bem travadinha. Porém o 1 Tekken tá longe de ser injogavel. Terminei com o King e o Kazuya. Menó tem alguns golpes super bugados q nem fazem sentindo mas ainda é um jogo legal.

Suicidal thoughts are strong when Heihachi perfects you for the fourth time in a row

É legal acompanhar o início dessa saga, que já possui personagens emblemáticos que marcaram o mundo dos jogos.

Com uma história interessante, Tekken apresenta bons personagens. No entanto, a jogabilidade do primeiro jogo ainda é um pouco travada.

i can safely say that i beat the game as kazuya in under an hour!!!

the cast were pretty cool tho

(Played through the arcade mode through Tekken 5 arcade history)
This might be fun with friends but the arcade mode on its own is extremely infuriating.
Mindreading AI, poor input reading, the lack of story in the arcade version and no command list make this title borderline unenjoyable on its own nowadays.
Pretty impressive for its time though!

Retro Yearly List #20 [1994: Tekken]

Kuma back in the day was creepy as hell.
So, first Tekken title, also my first Tekken beaten game. Yes, I was never really attracted by the series and preferred MK and SF when younger, mostly because those are more focused on powers, projectiles, etc. These seemed to be more unique characters for me, who always saw Tekken chars being pretty equal, fancy punches and kicks with some visual effects.

Playing it today, is a bit better than I imagined, but not so different from the most recent games, which I had experienced before for some minutes or hours, is just a lot more simple, the movelists are not so large, not difficult to pull out, different from many other fighting games' debuting titles, in overall the gameplay is satisfying and decent, aside from specific moments where moves will fail to connect when it was supposed to, with the opponent magically slipping through my arms.

The graphics are... old, let's say that way, that's something we already expected, those are the first years ever of 3D games, so it had to start somewhere, It's not that great to see today, but at the time it was both revolutionary and somehow, gorgeous. For the music, did not expect anything, but I was surprised, getting addicted to Kyoto and Stadium tracks, nicely done here.

The lore told here is simple, it solidifies what would we have in the future, each character has its own background, I managed to beat it with everyone because I want to finally understand Tekken's story from start. The ending cutscenes are welcome, although suffering from the same I described for the game's graphics, Kazyua's one is still an iconic peace of gaming history till this day. (King's ending using real live children is... cursed) For each character you can unlock a new one, that's great, but they are not entirely "new", as their movelists are mixed up with the original ones', but it's alright for a first game, that already has 8 chars.

A nice start for an iconic franchise.

What a neat start despite aging pretty poorly

a game of patience. You hold block the entire match and then throw out a kick when you see that glimering opportunity...except when the enemy decides it can see the future and dodge all your attacks frame perfect. except when the enemy decides to do extra moves that didn't happen the past 10 continues, or when the enemy decides to grab you, and my favorite is when the enemy starts to see what is working for you so they never let you have those opportunities again. Lee you are my greatest enemy and i hate you >:(

Why did i replayed this

fiz so o arcade do kazuya e quase fui de comes

pqp que jogo MALDITO

Tekken is one of the fighting games of all time. The story is written, the voice acting is done, the bosses are designed, and the gameplay is an example of gameplay. Truly, one of the games of all time.

Been playing T8 with my brother a lot recently so wanted to try my hand at the older games in the series (Wasn’t quite sure what counts as beating a game with no story mode so I fought every single character and won. Hardest character for sure was Paul. His annoying ass fight took atleast 30 minutes 🗿)
Ranging from 4.5-5

It is ugly, old, and plays like shit. It is however, very funny

legal pois é o inicio de tudo mas é bem dificil viu

De fato é o Jogo que iniciou a carreira da série. Mas infelizmente para os padrões de Hoje o jogo é extremamente Datado e com um Input delay miserável que é de estourar uma veia.

funny proof of concept for Tekken 2. Very ugly in every way and if you're just slamming through all the character arcade modes you're gonna want to throw your (legitimate Playstation 1 Entertainment Console) into the river.