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A brutish declaration, a comprehensive set of instructions, and my new favorite animal verb phrase: Ape Out is an even more adrenalized Hotline Miami, with more true to form environments that prioritize constant streams of spatial intuition over bursts of planned violence. Ape Out employs procedural generation, a reactive soundtrack and seamless level transitions to indulge the player in four uninterrupted sprees of Aping Out.

What is Aping Out? Well, It’s sort of like pigging out but with your arms instead of your mouth, to anything that moves instead of anything that doesn’t. To Ape Out is to demolish any distinction between instinctual and improvisational; to perform “jazz” on hapless grunts in the same way a drummer goes “ape-shit” on cymbals, toms and high hats. To Ape Out is to synonymize “flow state” with “call of the void." Skyscrapers were built solely to launch sorry goons through panes of glass, to make them go SPLAT onto pavement. Zoo animals were enclosed just so I may free them to tear and maul and stampede the world.

Ape Out is fun and Ape Out is right. Beat your chest. Grin ear to ear. Ape Out in Ape Out. Ape Out forever.

This is like my morning routine

Beautifully stylized game with a gameloop I'm lukewarm with. I love how it looks and how the sound plays in, but the gameplay itself is just alright. Wonderful piece of art, alright game.

visualmente e auditivamente fixe, mas a gameplay é só okay

still need to beat it but very unique indie gem. saul bass meets birdman soundtrack (all drums) meets ape throwing guard top down gameplay.

Fun and fast paced, nice fairly short levels, great sound design. This game knows what it's trying to do, does that really well, and doesn't mess about with adding other fluff in anywhere.

Really visually striking and sonically chaotic game. Gameplay is solid as well with most levels playing differently from each other until about the last fourth or so.

Play it for the art, *excellent music", and be surprised by how fun it is overall. But don't expect the gameplay to be quite on par with the other elements of the game.

marvelous music, great graphics, brilliant bloodshed

I got shot to death while free jazz played in the background

Short and sweet. The simple controls, art, and sound design come together to make for an extremely satisfying experience.

Ape Out is a quick and brutal gorilla escape game with an incredibly stylish aesthetic. Every visual and auditory element is absolutely flawless and the overall vibe massively elevates what is otherwise a pretty simple game. Unfortunately the gameplay is a bit too minimalist for my tastes, and I've had difficulty engaging with games like this since Hotline Miami. Regardless this is a very high quality game with a lot of polish and a clear direction, well worth checking out.

Lo arranqué pero no me gustó 😔

visuellement interessant et cest tout cest bien chiant

Do you like Hotline Miami? Did you ever wonder if you could play it as an ape-shit insane ape? No? Then wanna try?

The game is incredibly fun; once you start playing, you kind of forget about everything else, and all of a sudden, it's 3:30 in the morning, and you're still playing.

Omg, Omg. Este juego es increible, es como si PETA se hubiera comprometido a sacar buenos juegos. Dura poco, pero a las pocas mecanicas limitadas a dos botones logra extraer y extenderlas lo maximo posible, todo eso acompañado de la musica y los titulos de introducción, este es de los juegos más simples que he jugado pero con sus limitadas herramientas es de los juegos más cinematograficos que he podido disfrutar.

After the hair-raising action in the Hotline Miami series, I always want to return there. A slight taste of blood on the bitten lips, trembling in the hands from adrenaline rushes and finally an absolute loss of contact with reality. You, like a machine, count your rhythm in your head, hone your skills and get a thrill from the endless retrowave combined with brutal scenes. Ape Out, in part, was able to return that feeling of drive to me, only in a slightly different style.

We will play as an unnamed gorilla who is kept in a cage in a highly guarded secret facility. It is not completely known whether we were experimented with, but we understand one thing for sure - our hero is tired of sitting in a cage. At one point we decide to escape and now we have no way back. It's time to show humanity that their time has passed and punish them for all the cruelties that they allowed themselves against our fellow humans.

The gameplay here is extremely simple - we will play as an orange gorilla and our task is to find a way out of the level. On the way we will meet various opponents whom we can kill. Our hero knows how to grab into his paws some objects and even enemies, who will be our human shield and our weapon. Our gorilla's body can withstand only three shots, after which we will be sent to the beginning of the level. The gameplay will be accompanied by selected jazz compositions, which force you to mechanically beat out the rhythm with your feet under the table. The faster we go through the level, the more the sound will accelerate, turning the whole process into an enchanting show. In fact, we ourselves choose the pace of the game and the manner of passing. The graphic component here is minimalistic, but quite stylish and will constantly change depending on the conditions. Gray walls of a scientific center, a wooden deck of a cargo ship or a jungle on fire - every time the game will surprise us with new conditions and possibilities. At first it seems that the main character’s lack of firearms is a serious disadvantage, but soon you will understand that there is a special pleasure in this. If you're missing the brutal action of Hotline Miami, this is the place for you. A great time killer for one evening.

A masterpiece. Beaten (normal mode) first on the Switch then later on the Steam Deck. Specially great if you like jazz music.

Ape Out is a joyous game. Frantic and explosive fun with a killer theme and an even more killerer soundtrack.

Worth playing just for the music. Controls can get annoying at times, but it was no big deal still had fun playing it.

A very entertaining short experience

juego muy entretenido, la musica combina muy bien con cada nivel, además que le da su toque.
Sin querer complete el juego sin usar a ningun humano como escudo, asi que al lea esto lo desafio a completar este reto

Improvisación de jazz donde llevas a un gorila que lo mata todo de un golpe. Huyes, coges a escudos humanos, y los empujas contra una pared. Nada más. Te superan en número, pero tu eres un maldito gorila, por cada bala que recibas, numerosos miembros serán cercenados a ritmo de platillo. A veces aparecen muchos enemigos juntos si avanzas rápido, lo cual vuelve muy injusta la cosa. Tiene pantallas variadas, aunque siempre sea ir hacia un lado.

This game is really fun. Far more violence than I expected.
The jazzy beats are great, and the way they morph and change as you move and perform actions is mesmerizing.
It’s art style might put some off, but I not only grew accustomed them I appreciate them. M

Un juego corto, simple y que funciona gracias al uso de la música jazz.

Such a destinct visual style. Very simple, fun and engaging gameplay that makes you feel like you are playing as an actual ape.

A great time. Not a top tier indie necessarily, but it gets close