Reviews from

in the past

Wow. I mean, he really tumbles everywhere on his own and dies, I never expected such realism in regards to the elderly. These lilypads are something else!

The game has a good vision and executes it well. Well-crafted mechanics behind a simple story (I understood the assignement). And the cherry on the cake: collectibles!! Couldn't be a 3D platformer without those.

Nothing like playing a platformer with inconsistent fall damage. You basically have to guess which pathway is preprogrammed to determine if you’ll survive the jump. Except this game has collectable memories located off the main pathway so you are ‘encouraged’ to explore. There wasnt REALLY any personal incentive to explore since the easter egg memories dont add anything to the main lore. Oh the theme of this level is his wife being sick? Here’s 3 almost copy pasted pictures of him standing next to her bed.
Interesting last level design

A Good game with a terribly slow introduction period. If you can make it through the first 3 levels, the fun factor really starts to pick up.

Collectables were pretty fun to get, the story was told wordlessly and while heartwarming and, at times, thought provoking... was not an interesting story at all.

Frustrating platforming at times. But great visuals and music and it got me emotional.

I liked it. I thought the overall vibe was cute and cozy. It told a story that is heartbreaking as you go through and watch their life together.

Good looking but dogshit game design + the story was not interesting enough to keep me playing

very pretty, especially the pink level about fruits, but the gameplay becomes quite repetitive after a while.

Es un juego PRECIOSO. Muy inmersivo, un soundtrack precioso que te hace sentir la historia, que es simple pero muy bella.

Lovely scenery but dubious game design.

Game is weirdly punishing and the controls are just not up to the task.

There's a climbing mechanic that is like Uncharted if that game hated you.
Fall damage kills you a lot. You're playing a spirit in the afterlife why is fall damage even a thing?

It's clunky and I eventually gave up trying to pull a jump one too many times.

Journey had almost no physical challenge and you had to go out of your way to die in that one segment (and I'm still not sure if it counts as a failure state or the games lets you continue on).

I feel many Journey likes fail because they skip this design philosophy and insist this genre needs more "game".

It doesn't.

The subtitle 'A Simple Story' is very true, so if you have ever played a sad indie adventure, you won't find anything new here. Did you know that your child and your wife and finally yourself dying is sad? In any case, it's aesthetically way ahead of other games (The First Tree among others) and especially early on the time manipulation feels very good to use. I just feel like they missed the opportunity to tie that into the narrative - Timelie did it for example.

In the end, it really just becomes way too kitschy. Play RiME instead, which also uses tropes a bit too hard but ties its gameplay better into the narrative and has a more nuanced metaphorical world. And it's not the constant black-and-white switches between love (good) and sad (bad) while a big bearded man is faceplanting onto the floor for the fiftieth time.

This is a moderately challenging platformer with time manipulation as its main mechanic for solving puzzles. The art style is pleasant with its soft edges and dreamy lighting. The soundtrack is equal parts beautiful and sentimental, which works in a game like this. I highly recommend this game for people who are looking for a short, relatively easy, and kind of touching experience.

Fun game with a good story, but movement is a bit janky, especially with the lack of control over the camera. The levels are beautifully conceived and executed though. Probably would not have finished it if we weren't playing it in a game club setting.

I did play it for a little while, the controls just weren't great. Gorgeous though. Maybe i'll try it again some day, highly doubt it

it's a nice narrative puzzle game... his back hurts :(

Decent game. The time-controlling mechanic is used in some fun and clever ways. However, other mechanics, such as jumping, can feel a bit clumsy. The story is, like the subtitle says, simple. But the pretty visuals and music make it a worthwhile experience.