Reviews from

in the past

Asteroids is an interesting game and I thought it was alright, but much like a lot of the games on this system, it is an inferior version to the arcade versions. I did have some fun with it, though.

I once did a 20 hour marathon of a single playthrough. I don't know why, I think I wanted to score as much as possible.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 5: Atari Vol 2

Honestly its so nice to actually have a proper port of Asteroids after Vol 1 gave us what was essentially Babys first Asteroids (the Atari 2600 version). Its a nice little blast to play, the new graphics are chunky but cute and it all hits that nice little 'Just one more go' feeling.

It is still Asteroids though so its still quite limited, especially given its 1986 and we have stuff like Ikari Warriors, Side-Arms and Salamander all rushing for attention.... and the teleport function is still as garbage as ever.... But hey! Its Asteroids!

Played as part of Atari 50.

Another day, another Asteroids port. Same criticisms apply. It's the best a home port of this game has looked yet, but it's still the same okayish game underneath. Need to start really paying attention to these release dates, since they're still playing these nearly decade-old hits a whole year after Super Mario Bros released stateside, lol.