Reviews from

in the past

Half-life 3 and Silksong fans are so melodramatic when they say how long they've been waiting for a sequel. Try being a Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device fan

Wow, the first video game.
You launch a projectile and you see if you can hit three planes/boats with it, it's a pretty sophisticated game for being made not too long after World War 2. Pretty neat game.
Shame there's not much replayability, but the novelty of being the first videogame is nice.

Colorblindness Rating: A+
You see, there is brilliance in simplicity. The fact that every plane/boat is a different color (red, yellow, grey) means that you cannot possibly confuse your target's color because they are all incredibly distinct. Bravo Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr, you made the first videogame pretty damn accessible for the colorblind.

The golden age of video games began and ended with the Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device.

So firstly, I obviously didn't play this on the original hardware given the fact that this was really a patented proof of concept that as far as I'm aware never made it to any sort of production model so I used an online simulator to experience the magnificence that is the Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device. You can play it for yourself here

Anyways, what the hell do I actually say here? The core gameplay comes from positioning little planes on the screen and then essentially tuning the CRT beam to move over a plane and then blow it up by moving various dials. There is a bit of a dead-zone on the left and bottommost corners of the screen so it makes some areas impossible to hit (or I just don't know how to move these dials properly), so it's up to you to make sure the game is possible in the first place. Moreover, there's no in-game logic to check on whether or not you are playing correctly, so really the whole game is beholden to the honor system of the player. I guess it works given the fact that it's an "amusement device" and not necessarily a game.

I guess what's more interesting than the game itself is moreso the context behind it as being one of the first instances of using video display technology for recreational entertainment purposes. There has been a reasonable amount of debate on whether or not this counts as a computer video game given the fact that there is no in-game logic and it's moreso just tuning a CRT beam in a fun way. These days there has been a lot of discussion as to what defines a video game and giving examples of acclaimed modern games that challenge the medium, when my homeboy Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. did that shit all the way back in 1947. Truly a revolutionary.

At the end of the day it certainly is more of a historical curiosity than anything, this is like reviewing a museum artifact. You'd definitely have to be a very certain type of person to even know about this thing though, let alone play and review it on a site like this. I've always been a fan of playing old titles to see where things have gone, and you really can't go any farther back than here. It's nice to pay the extremely primitive origins of video games their dues.

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Responsible for Yandere Sim

Just started gaming, pretty mid so far, hope it gets better with the later episodes

Pretty good, but definitely shrouded by nostalgia

this is the shit u have to do to open a door in spencer mansion

Gamers these days don't know how bad we had it back in the 40s.

do you think the guy that made this knew that seaman would exist

thank you Miyamoto san for Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device... this is truly amazing

Meu personagem favorito de ADVENTURE do ATARI pqp

video games fell off after this, if only the industry chose to keep making sequels about this then it'd be PEAK

"Amusement"? Where do the lies end?

Bring back gaming to its roots please.

Hello fellow individual who was curious about the oldest game on this site. Fancy some humus??

They don't make 'em like they used to!

tryin to figure out how to crank up the clocktime on this bad boy pewpewpewpewpew

from here to Yakuza... thank you Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device...

This was the moment video games peaked.

if you think about it this was the first sandbox game.

Innovative and aged as well as can be expected.

ya ben bunu anal yoldan almalık sex oyuncağı sanmıştım değilmiş meğersem çok çabuk kırıldı ama zevk verme konusunda bayağı başarılı