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in the past

Honestly while I love this game a lot I do feel like several of the routes feel like wasted potential (Nanami and Yua's specifically)

I'm glad they most likely noticed this and had less but more fleshed out routes in Chaos;Child however

Rimi, Kozue and Sena's routes as well as the common route and true ending were amazing though so a couple of mid routes don't really drag it down at least

Very mediocre sci-fi concept and execution. The protagonist and its daily life (which constitutes half of the game) are extremely boring. The sci-fi elements are lazy and the general plot didn't stick to me. I was hoping the game would get better once all the plotwists were revealed, but it wasn't the case. Go play Steins;Gate instead.

This review contains spoilers

the only character i liked got fucking killed in every route like ok

An unbearable work of fiction that perfectly encapsulates everything wrong with anime, an embarrassment of the medium that frankly makes other art (especially Steins;Gate) feel worse after engaging with this. It has glimpses of being something, of doing anything well, but it's ultimately horny edgelord chuunibyou garbage through and through that fails to comment on anything but it's own state of mind. Disgustingly imbibed with misogyny and male entitlement, Takumi is an unbearable head to exist in that gets no better through his suffrage and mandatory anime power-up. For your female cast, you have all your favourite cookie-cutter archetypes with nothing beneath the hood: Kuudere, Tsundere Daddy Issues, Moe, Undying Loyalty and Sister Complex. There is one female character I took any interest in and she gets the least screentime and is written like average cartoon genius. Each one is subservient, undeveloped or perverted. I don't care if Takumi is meant to be a piece of shit, that's not my point. The issue is it's not executed in a way that is at all meaningfully critical of such an existence, drowning him in so much Christopher Nolan type BS to make his development intangible instead of at all confronting him and those who might identify with him. Takumi wins, he lives against all odds, he gets the girl. Even if he suffers for it, his delusions are rewarded and he makes no meaningful change by the end because the improvements he make aren't even in reality. The most honourable thing he does is suppress delusions rather than ever go beyond them. Perhaps it's just because I pulled the plug before the epilogue route, who knows. The entire narrative is swamped and absolutely disjointed by amateurish writing established on pseudo-science and pretentious anti-intellectualism. It gets better in the last 3 chapters, but ultimately ends on a cliche wet fart that felt like a otaku high schooler tried to rewrite the last two episodes of Evangelion without understanding half of the symbols. It sucks because there are glimpses of something, glimpses that gets realized in the rest of SciAdv. The NewGen killings are compelling and the boldness to take on a depraved protagonist has so much narrative potential, but it lacks the tact or the maturity to do any of it with grace. This is without me choosing to opt into any of the disgusting delusions the game serves to keep it's horny audience satiated. The first route was a profound waste of twenty hours of my time and I frankly don't want to stomach the six romance routes to get whatever true ending the pathetic writing and clearly fractured team of authors can muster. I really hope Chaos;Child pays off at all, makes serious positive reform for what was attempted here, because what is here is frankly an insulting and disparaging use of time.

This review contains spoilers

some stuff I have to say after finishing this a few months ago
-bro I read and waited the entire game hoping that the protagonist would get better growth but he doesn’t I almost dropped it because of him I was scammed
-I want to unread the horrors I had to read in that second ending
-take a shot every time you see the words “whose eyes are those eyes”
-theres a character in this game I’m not entirely convinced wasn’t Tohru Adachi
-I keep saying “game” but its a VN technically
-in two of the girls routes theres a fairly vivid description of Takumi digesting a girls bodily fluids and both scenes made me vomit into the trash can in my room
-dunno if I still fully understand the world building and mechanics in this game. it made way more sense after reading all other routes of this game but it still felt like they were pulling some of this stuff out of their ass lol idk I got really confused
-towards the very end Takumi says something like “don’t you know virgins have the best delusions!” and stuff like this borders on feeling like a parody/criticism of otaku culture or just trying to appeal to people who are like Takumi and idk if its ironically good or just fucking stupid but it made me laugh really hard lmfao
-there were a few good bits in the routes maybe?
-1 star for Rimi and Kozue because I thought they were cool altho they are badly written and none of the relationships Takumi has with any character feels even remotely natural
-even if you treat everyone like shit, even if you objectify every girl you meet and only think of them as sex objects or a means of helping yourself, even if you fantasize about raping your friends who try to help you, you’re still a hero and everyone will validate you, because you did a few nice things for some girls despite only thinking about yourself and not caring about how anybody else felt.
might be a personal failing on my part but at least to me, that is what this game felt like it was positing

Well it could always be worse

Great visual novel with clear "repetitivity" problems. Don't get me wrong, I loved Chaos;Head, but I think it's undeaniable that when Takumi complains about imagining things or being scared (with an amazing VA work behind) for the 5th time it starts to get tiring.

Nevertheless, I can complete see why people enjoy this VN. It has very shocking moments and a sense of tension that never fully quite comes. All the character routes are amazing, and I'll be honest I found the lack of moral bounds to be quite refreshing for a VN where the protagonist is such a shut-in.

"We all have a Takumi inside is, whether we give it form or not is a thing, an alter-ego of our conciousness, which knows no bounds."

Steins;Gate’in adını çok daha önceden duymuştum. Animesi bir görsel roman uyarlaması olduğundan dolayı uzun bir süre okuyacak fırsat bulamamış veya ertelemiştim. Nihayet 2020’in başında oynadığımda ise çok beğenmiş, bir ayda dört görsel roman, iki anime serisi ve bir film tüketmiştim. Daha sonra öğrendiğim şey ise şuydu: Meğerse Steins;Gate “Science Adventure” adı verilen birkaç farklı görsel romandan oluşan bir serinin parçasıymış. Bunu öğrendiğimde ise yapacak tek bir şey vardı, isimlerini ve hangi platformda olduklarını öğrenmek, daha sonra ise onları oynamak. Yaklaşık 7 ay sonra, serinin teknik olarak ilk görsel romanı olan Chaos;Head’e hakkında hiçbir şey bilmeden ve biraz bilim, biraz dram, biraz da... kaos (fuhihihi) beklentisi içinde olarak girişmiştim. Ancak Chaos;Head bulmayı umduğumdan çok daha farklı bir iş çıkmıştı. Cesur bir işti ve bu beni etkilemişti. Aradan geçen üç yıl sonrasında hem ilk okuyuşumda Noah sürümü çevrilmediği için okuyamadığım rotaları hem de seriye “Robotics;Notes” ile devam etmeden önce serinin ilk oyununu hatırlamak amacıyla tekrar okumaya karar verdim. Gerçekten geçmişte bulduğum kadar etkileyici miydi peki bu görsel roman?

Bu yazıyı okuyan gözler, kime ait o gözler?

Hikayenin ana karakteri Nishijou Takumi, 17 yaşındadır ve Suimei Akedemisinde 2.sınıfta okumaktadır. O sıralar Takumi’nin oturduğu semt olan Shibuya’da iki farklı cinayet işlenir. Aralarında henüz bir bağlantı bulunamamış olsa da işleniş bakımından oldukça iğrenç ve gaddarca olmasından dolayı bu iki cinayetin aynı kişi/kişi grubu tarafından işlenildiği düşünülür ve internet forumlarındaki üyeler bu seri cinayetlere “Yeni Nesil Çılgınlığı” adını verir. Bir gün Takumi internetteki sohbet odalarında takılırken “Shogun” adındaki bir üye Takumi’ye bir fotoğraf gönderir. Tanımadığı birinden gelmesinden dolayı biraz ürken Takumi, merakına yenilip fotoğrafı açma gafletinde bulunur. Fotoğrafta ise, neredeyse vücudundaki her yerine kazık saplanarak duvara saplanmış kanlar içinde bir adam bulunmaktadır. “Shogun” bunun bir sonraki cinayet olacağını ima eder ve daha çok insanın öleceğini söyler. Takumi, bunun kendisine yapılan bir eşek şakası olduğunu düşünür ve korkarak sohbet odasından çıkar. Ancak Takumi, ertesi gün okuldan dönerken girdiği bir sokak arasında, daha önce gördüğü fotoğraftaki cinayetin birebir işlenmiş hali ile karşılaşacaktır. Duvara kazıklanmış, kanlar içindeki cesedin önünde ise yüzü Takumi’ye dönük, üstü başlı kan içinde, elinde kazıklar bulunan bir kız durmaktadır. Takumi bu sahne karşısında dehşete kapılır, hızla ortamdan topuklar. Ancak ne kadar kaçarsa kaçsın beyninin bir köşesine katilin kendisini gördüğünü, kendisinin bir sonraki kurban olacağı düşüncesi çoktan yerleşmiştir. Gördüğü üstü başı kan içinde olan kızın bir iblis, “Shogun”un kendisini öldürmek için dünyanın etrafındaki uydular ile psikolojik saldırılar düzenleyen bir manyak, karşılaştığı her kişinin ise kendisini öldürmeyi amaçlayan bir “komplo teorisi”nin içinde yer aldığını düşünecektir. İnandığı “komplo teorisi” kafasındaki bir delüzyondan mı ibaret yoksa gerçek midir?

Takumi, belki de görüp görebileceğiniz en sevilmeyecek ana karakterlerden biri. Asosyalliğin, ezikliğin, sıkıcılığın, korkaklığın vücut bulmuş hali resmen. Takumi, okuyucu tarafından sevilmesi veya ilginç bulunması için yaratılmış bir karakter değil ancak Chaos;Head’in etkileyici olabilmesinin sebebi de bizzat Takumi’nin kendisi, hatta ve hatta görsel romandaki en iyi yazılmış karakter. Takumi, herkesten, her şeyden şüpheleniyor; dışarı çıkmak zorunda kaldığı zamanlarda ise her sokağın köşesinden, her bir cismin gölgesinden bir şeyler çıkmasından korkuyor; sürekli izlendiğini hissediyor. Hem oyunun hikayesi hem de Takumi’nin seslendirmeni Yoshino Hiroyuki, Takumi’nin bu çalkantılı zihnini okuyucuya başarılı yansıtıyor. Bunların yanı sıra ürkütücü sayılabilecek ortam müzikleri, Shibuya’nın çirkince, içindeki sakinlerinin ise empati yoksunu olarak tasvir edilişi, yer yer rahatsız edici (bir-iki noktada “Saya no Uta” kadar olmasa da mide ekşitici) betimlemeler ve sahneler, Chaos;Head’in bu kaotik atmosferine katkıda bulunuyor.

Bu, senin gerçek olmasını dilediğin bir delüzyondu...

Delüzyon veya başka bir deyişle sanrı, gerçek bir durum ile gerçek gibi görünen bir durumu ayırt edememe durumudur. Bu durumlar elde bir kanıt olmamasına rağmen bir komplo teorisine körü körüne inanmak gibi veya her gün duyu organları ile algılanan, artık kanıksanan ama aslında gerçek olmayan çok basit bir olgu da olabilmektedir. Delüzyon görmek bozuk bir ruh halinden ya da travma gibi çok daha ciddi psikolojik durumlar sebebiyle de kaynaklanabilmektedir.

Ana hikaye süresince belirli zamanlarda Takumi’nin karşılaştığı durum karşısında gerçeklikten kaçması için olumlu veya olumsuz delüzyonlar görmesini sağlayabiliyorsunuz. Olumlu delüzyonlar daha çok romantik, komik anlar oluşturmaya meyilli iken olumsuz delüzyonlar kabus, korku, paranoyaklık anlar oluşturmaya meyilli. Örneğin, bir kız Takumi’yi bir süredir takip ediyor. Olumlu bir delüzyona örnek olarak, kızın Takumi’nin kimliğini düşürdüğünü görüp kimliği geri vermek için takip etmesi çıkıyor. Kimliğini geri verdikten sonra kızımız bir anda Takumi’ye olan aşkını dile getiriyor. Olumsuz bir delüzyon ise, kızın köşedeki dönerciden çaldığı döner bıçağı ile sırf Takumi iğrenç zevklere sahip olduğu için, onun bakmadığı bir anda arkasından saldırması ile sonuçlanabiliyor. Tabii, Takumi’ye delüzyon gördürtebildiğiniz gibi hiçbir delüzyon seçeneğini seçmeyerek gerçeklikte kalmasını da sağlayabiliyorsunuz. Hikayenin başlangıçlarında Takumi gördüğü delüzyonların farkında iken, hikayede ilerledikçe Takumi’nin akıl sağlığı giderek kötüleşiyor ve gördüğü şeyin gerçek mi yoksa bir delüzyon olduğunu fark edememeye başlıyor. Belki gördüğü şeyler başta bir delüzyon olmasına rağmen daha sonrasında gerçeğe dönüşüyordur. Kim bilir...

Hikaye sırasında karşınıza gelen bu delüzyonları kullanarak oyunun ana rotasından çıkıp karakter rotalarına girebiliyorsunuz ancak bunun için oyunu bir kez bitirmeniz gerek. İlk oynanışta Takumi'ye nasıl bir delüzyon ve ne kadar gördürttüğünüz bir önem taşımıyor. Oyunun normal sonunu gördükten sonra bu delüzyon seçimleri farklı bir sona ve karakter rotalarına götürüyor. "Bu zamana kadar Takumi hariç başka hiçbir karakterden bahsetmedin, ama Steam sayfasına baktığımda başka karakterler var, bunlar kim?" derseniz eğer birisi Takumi’nin kız kardeşi diğer beşi ise Takumi’nin hikaye boyunca karşılaştığı, şüphelendiği, korktuğu kadın karakterler. Kendisini sürekli rahatsız ettiğini düşündüğü kız kardeşi Nanami; Takumi'yi Shibuya'da gerçekleşen "New Gen" cinayetlerini işlemekle ve onu kişilik bozukluğu olmakla suçlayan, Takumi'nin ise "Shogun'un emir kulu" adını taktığı Yua; "Kafayı yemiş, şizofren lan bu" dediği Phantasm adlı indie grubun baş solisti Ayase; Shibuya'nın sokaklarında elinde "kılıcı" ile dolaşan Sena; sınıfına yeni öğrenci olarak gelen, sesini duyduğu ama konuştuğunu görmediği Kozupii, pardon Kozue; ve kanlar içinde gördüğü ve kendisini iblis kız ilan ettiği, söyledikleri Takumi'nin anılarına uyuşmamasına ve Takumi'nin ondan korkmasına rağmen, yine yapayalnız, çaresiz iken yanında olma sözü veren Rimi... Bu karakterlerin, Takumi'nin hikayede ilerlemesinde rolleri olsa da kendileri maalesef ana hikayede yeterli derecede işlenemiyorlar. Tabii, bunda Takumi'nin bu karakterler ile zorunlu olmadıkça iletişim kurma isteği olmaması, Nanami hariç hepsinden bir şekilde şüphe duyması bunda etken.

Neyse, toplamda altı tane karakter rotası var ve her biri yaklaşık iki saat sürüyor. Bazı ilginç fikirler ortaya koymalarına –özellikle de Nanami ve Yua’nın rotaları, belki bakış açısı olarak da Ayase’nin rotası- rağmen maalesef bu rotaların hem hikayeleri sönük kalıyor hem de ön plana aldığı yan karakteri derinleştiremiyor. Bu rotalardaki bazı ilginç fikirleri Noah'da karakter rotası olarak sunmak yerine, ana hikayeye bazı noktalarda dahil etmeye çalışsaydı daha iyi olurdu düşüncesi içindeyim.

Özetlemek gerekirse, Chaos;Head, cinayetleri işleyen katili bulmaya çalıştığınız bir dedektiflik hikayesi değil. Bir kişinin etrafındaki her şeyden, herkesten ama özellikle kendinden, kendi varlığından şüphelenme hikayesi. Ancak Chaos;Head'in eksiklikleri de var. Takumi hariç diğer karakterleri, elinde ilginç fikirler olmasına rağmen başarılı işleyemiyor. Hikayenin belki bir-iki noktada gereksiz uzatıldığını, son bölüme kendi içinde çok daha tutarlı gittiğini ancak son bölümde hikayeyi artık bitirmek için işleri biraz daha hızlı ele aldığını söyleyebilirim. Ama bu eksikliklerine rağmen oldukça başarılı kısımları ve bazı cesur tercihlerden dolayı Chaos;Head beni etkilemeyi, aklımda bir yer kazanmayı başarmıştı ve bu yerini sağlamlaştırdı. Chaos;Head’den hoşlanıp hoşlanmamanız ise günün sonunda Takumi’ye bağlanıyor. Takumi’den ve onun problemlerden hoşlanmadığınız takdirde Chaos;Head’den hoşlanmanız çok zor. Ancak her şeye rağmen ben bu görsel romana bir göz atmanızı tavsiye ediyorum. Ve keşke bir anime adaptasyonu yapılsaydı demeden kendimi alıkoyamıyorum...

Dipnot: Chaos;Head’i sakın Commitee of Zero’nun patch’i olmaksızın okumayın. Bu patch, çeviriyi daha iyi hale getirmekle kalmayıp resmi çeviride çevrilmeyen CG’leri çeviriyor, PS3’e çıkarılırken oyundan çıkarılan sahneleri geri getiriyor. Kesinlikle kurun patch'i!

Dipnot 2: Son cümlemi okuyanlar MyAnimeList, AniList gibi sitelere bakıp Chaos;Head’in animesi varmış işte diyebilir. Anlatamadım sanırım, Chaos;Head'in animesi YOK! Gördüğünüz şeye inanmayın, O BİR DELÜZYON, GERÇEK DEĞİL. BUNLAR HEP ORGANİZASYONUN SUÇU, KANMAYIN BU DELÜZYONA!

Dipnot 3: Burada Chaos;Head Noah ile ilgili burada ufak bir serzenişte bulunmak istiyorum ki bunu Noah’dan önce PC’ye çıkmış ilk sürümü okumayanlar fark etmeyecektir bile. Chaos;Head’in gerçek ve kötü son olmak üzere iki sonu var ve bu sonlarının isimleri sıra ile “Blue Sky” ve “Crying Sky” idi. İlk çıkan PC sürümünde bu sonlarda sırası ile “Desire Blue Sky” ve “Cry” isimli parçalar çalıyordu. Hem şarkıların isimleri hem sözleri hem de enstrümanların uyumu olsun bu iki şarkı o sonlara cuk diye oturuyordu. Bu yüzden bu iki şarkılar Chaos;Head’in albümündeki en sevdiğim şarkılar. Noah’da bunu değiştirmişler. Farklı şarkılar çalıyor bu sonlarda. Kötü değiller ama şahsi düşüncem önceki şarkılar kadar uymadıkları yönünde, özellikle de “Crying Sky” sonunda çalan “Innocence” isimli parça. Görsel romanın menüsünde yer alan müzik çalardan bu parçaları dinleyebiliyorsunuz ama oyun boyunca hiçbir yerde çalmıyor bu iki parça. Bu durum aynı zamanda biraz şey gibi, mesela Evangelion’u tekrar izliyorsunuz, credits sahnesinde “Fly Me To The Moon” çalmasını beklerken farklı bir şarkı çalıyor. Ne yalan söyleyeyim, bir tık hayal kırıklığı oldu bu bende. Dinlemeden oyunu bitirmeniz mümkün olduğundan bu iki parçayı dinlemenizi şiddetle öneriyorum. Hatta gidin şimdi dinleyin!

This game I can't really recommend. One of the worst protags in history. The story is good but I didn't connect with the characters and I mainly just wanted to complete it because it has ties to Steins;Gate.

those last three endings really made this worth it.

I think a lot of people might be disappointed by this from the reputation it has in the English VN community prior to a translation, but I liked it a lot. I've been waiting for Noah since 2017 or 2018, and was happy with this. Most of the character routes are good, but none of them are long enough to overstay their welcome, which helps a lot. It is a much more complete experience than the original Chaos;Head release, and I'd recommend it to anyone interested in Horror/Denpa VNs, even if it might not click with some. Plus, the Committee of Zero fan patch (with its own translation) helps a lot. The amount of passion, effort, and quality but into that patch is extremely admirable.

✔️Verified Steam Deck compatibility.

The premise and the mystery surrounding the story looked very cool at first, but it ended up being pretty disappointing. You don't really know what's happening half of the time, and the other half is just the MC being a stupid, edgy, mysoginistic and horny otaku.

It's a pretty weak vn, I would only recommend reading it if you're really invested in reading all the Sci-Adv series, otherwise it's safe to skip directly to Steins;Gate.

Hard to think of a protagonist with a wider range between hateable at the start and loveable at the end than Takumi. Now That's What I Call Character Development 69! Didn't ever hit me quite as deeply as the Steins;Gate anime did but it was good fun [used the Committee of Zero patch]

This VN looks absolutely awesome on the presentation at the point it makes me wanna play this than Higurashi/Umineko (which, I know, are peak, but let's face it: the presentation in the original/Steam versions has barely any budget unlike Mages Inc.'s games).

Amazing game, hits hard. Takumi grows so much as a character throughout.

Se você ignorar os aspectos sci-fi de espadas de luz e etc, é legalzinho

Diria que tem muitos altos e baixos, por um lado os capítulos 9 e 10 são bem corridos e as rotas da Nanami e da Kozue são bem mais ou menos, por outro lado as rotas da FES, Sena e Rimi são ótimas, e o final é AA é peak, então no fim ficou um saldo positivo.

This is definitely one of the most convoluted and longest visual novels I’ve ever played, but I mostly enjoyed it. I remember when I finished the original version that my main complaint was the lack of interactivity, there was hardly anything to do but read (yes, yes, I know that this is to be expected from this genre, but still, you know what I mean, there are VNs out there with much more stuff to do in them). Not surprisingly, this is still the case here, however, we get many more endings, and reaching all of them requires a bit more work and thinking, which was a nice surprise for me, something I found a welcome addition – not to mention the graphical enhancements and all the new songs.

As for the story, the main part of every VN, well… it’s not light reading material, that’s for sure. As I already mentioned, it’s quite lengthy and crazy complex, full of many scientific and technical terms – I have to admit, I still don’t understand it completely. Nevertheless, the characters are interesting (except for the extremely irritating protagonist, I know I was supposed to sympathize with him, but I simply couldn’t…), the soundtrack is solid, there’s a little bit of humour, mystery, romance, thriller, horror… and quite a lot of gore and physical/mental torture, so keep that in mind. Recommended only for mature audiences!

I really enjoyed Steins;Gate, and I’m interested in the whole Science Adventure series in general, so I don’t regret buying this one, either – especially after all that chaos (pun not intended…) surrounding the Steam release. The publisher deserves every support for standing their ground, if you ask me. Anyway, give this one a try, even if you played the original version, you’ll find more than enough new content in it.

This is the first SciAdv VN I've read and the only one so far. The storytelling is gripping; you do find yourself pulled into the mystery. Of course, your conclusions and expectations are unlikely to be met, but the climax of C;H is satisfying nevertheless.

The start of it all in the Science Adventure series. I never thought I'd give this title a shot after I watched the horrific anime adaptation years ago, but Chaos;Child really changed my mind. With the majority of what I watched forgotten about after I pushed it out of my memory, I went in to this as blind as could be after I had played Chaos;Child, and it was a great time. This visual novel is nowhere near perfect, but it's far from being bad. It's a good VN that suffers from some clunky story structure and literal game development problems, but it still delivers a satisfying journey to embark on with multiple interesting characters and events.

The biggest problem is the protagonist, Takumi. He is weak in many regards, so he's not all that fun to follow at times in the story. But his weakness is everyone else's gain, as the story, events, and characters that surround Takumi become interesting and engaging. So I'd say it all balances out. Other than that, I'd say that there's one or two other characters that just don't end up having much of a purpose in the end, which really bummed me out. One of them just gets used as everyone's punching bag in almost every route, which really stinks. But other than that, I have no complaints with the characters. While some are quirky and weird, they're still very enjoyable.

Similarly to Chaos;Child, this title has the same approach of having everything being confusing and hard to follow as you go through the story, up until when things get revealed at the end of the common route and in the character routes. It's fun trying to figure out what's happening even so many things seem extremely disjointed and not coherent whatsoever. At times I kinda just gave up and accepted that everything is just a chaotic mess, especially with the concept of delusions. But things do come together, and it's satisfying connecting the puzzle pieces at the end of the common route and in the following alternate/character routes.

Finally, the most shared complaint is how clunky and messy this game is. This title was actually shipped out broken, where many reported that they couldn't even view the final route's ending sequences, which prevented them from finishing the game! Luckily this was fixed with an update, but there are also other problems. You have to cap the game to 60fps to avoid animations being too quick, having certain USB controllers plugged in will freak the game out in menus, the font is terrible, there's no quotations around spoken dialogue, etc. It's also unfortunate that there is cut content shipped with this game. It's super depressing for a title that many in the Science Adventure community looked forward to having all of these issues.

There is a patch that fixes some of the problems I listed, however it changes the official translation to that of a fan translation. If you use this patch, you have to use the translation that a team of Science Adventure series fans put together, which is fine. There are names and such that have been changed for a variety of reasons as they expect you to always use their patches in all other Science Adventure titles. If you don't mind that, then you do get a better font, quotations on dialogue, and the return of cut content (specifically a collection of scenes that pop up in the alternate route after completing the common route, which isn't necessary to view, but preferred in my opinion). Either way, you can absolutely play the game with or without the patch, as both translations seem to be totally fine (they both tell the same story). I played the first ~6 chapters of the common route without the patch and the rest with it. It's quite obvious of there being some glaring changes in the fan translation, like the mentioned name changes, more cursing, more aggressiveness out of Takumi, and localized lines and more modern internet slang.

In the end, I'd say this is a visual novel everyone who enjoys VNs should try out. This is a great introduction to the Science Adventure series, and also the obviously preferred one, but Steins;Gate still works as a good alternative introduction to the series. While it may not be the strongest in the series, Chaos;Head Noah is absolutely worth the time and effort to figuring out the big question of... Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes? And hey, if you went through Chaos;Child first, no worries! You didn't spoil too much and there's still a wild adventure to embark on. Plus, it'll open your eyes to some new stuff that'll make going through Chaos;Child again worth it.

Takumi is really fun, everybody else is either unmemorable or annoying. The story feels incredibly dull besides having some cool concepts.

I'm shocked that this is the first sci;adv title because it feels so distinct from the science fiction genre, but honestly it really works.

This isn't a gooner game please believe me guys.

Chaos;Head é bem pior que sua sequel, Chaos;Child. Entretanto, não deixa de ser uma história bem interessante de se acompanhar, seu principal defeito é de longe alguns maneirismos da série (que te fazem ter noção de alguns dos Plot Twists MUITO antes) e as garotas serem, no geral, bem desinteressantes. No entanto, Takumi, o protagonista, é provavelmente um dos personagens mais bem escritos desse arquétipo de "fracassado perturbado" que tanto é representado em obras japonesas, ele é desgostável? Sim, mas não dá pra dizer que é por ele ser forçado ou caricato. No geral, é bom, mas ainda bem que li depois do Chaos;Child, pois se fosse puramente por este aqui, nunca teria me empolgado de experimentar a sequel, que eu amo pra caralho.

My first contact with SciADV series and I enjoyed it a lot. It has a great art, a great cast, a great production, and handles the psicological horror very well.

A very charming and enjoyable game. Get the CoZ patch and have fun!

Chaos;Head Noah is a visual novel with quite the history, from it kickstarting one of the best-selling visual novel franchises of all time whilst still being an underdog and not being released overseas for over a decade, and then when it released it was in a broken unreadable mess state that if it hadn't been for the team over at Committee of Zero it would've probably gotten us years for it to actually be able to read it without their professional grade translation. And all of that for a denpa science fiction heavy visual novel that in my opinion is just alright.

But, don't get me wrong. I do like Chaos;Head and I appreciate some things it does, I can't lie when I say there were some times when my jaw completely dropped at some of the most horror or gorier part of the story, some negative delusions, its surreal and philosophical nature too just really sets in the distinct tone of this visual novel that got really watered down in Steins;Gate for better or for worse, and the characters are pretty unique and cool (even though I wish there were more interactions amongst themselves instead of only with Takumi), sadly though sometimes it gets too pretentious with its themes of religion and stuff that really shows that this is pretty much just Neon Genesis Evangelion in the form of a visual novel with its tendency to be about a calamity, be psychological and somewhat erotic at some points as well as showcasing the inner turmoil and problems that confine our main protagonist from just "acting like a normal person".
Some people might hate Takumi Nishijō but you cannot deny that his showcase as a socially inept NEET chunibyo riddled with an anxiety disorder thats a byproduct of both constant self-isolation and growing up in internet culture, his unability to actually talk to other people firmly and just being paranoic as hell wherever he goes is pretty much real, he's an delusional idiot who speaks with anime girl figurines and in his head thinks he's better than anybody else, and it works so well when the story takes the turn of being chuni as hell, kind of like the delusions he imagines and then inserts himself into.

As for the rest of the cast, although I wish some of them had more interactions with themselves or we saw more people in general instead of the world revolving around the same 6 people or so, their routes sometimes really make you care more for them than what you'd usually be if you only read the common route, and that's good although it feels like the bunch of them are just a lot of added backstories, and they can heavily depend on if you truly care about any of the characters in the work.

I'm both not capable and not knowingly enough to talk about the psychological aspect of the work in-depth, as I am not really in the know for any of those topics and the sci-fi concepts really are just evil corpo wants to take over the world deceiving everyone's brains via 5G electromagnetic waves (or some bullshit like that) and then it all just goes back to Takumi having to do everything he does for X or Y motive and then it ends and happy ending. But it's a bit of a brain fuck, they don't hold back for most of these scenes and it's crucial that you pay attention to the distinct themes and concepts that are will be later referenced in next works, and honestly if you don't mind any of this it will not strike as bad, sometimes it can get a little bit boring as they talk in verbose, though.

Now, there's nothing exceedingly wrong with the visual novel. More like a bunch of little things piled up, but I feel like Chaos;Head's worst failure is its exposure. It's very clearly supposed to be a thrilling slow burn of a story, and maybe I am just really bad at reading (After all, I poured 95 hours reading this) but damn is the story padded out with a lot of nothingness very earlier on, and you can tell this when they're still introducing core concepts in later chapters instead of throwing them at you as the story progresses, or keeping them in the heroine routes so they're somewhat of a resource you learn later on to continue on with the true ending of it. But, a lot of it is introduced midway through a very long and oftentimes boring common route, this is most likely the case because the original Chaos;Head just consisted of its common route and endings, but I feel like for its revision they should've stopped the kinetic novel route and actually change up the beats of the story somewhat to actually make those heroine routes be sustainable enough to not feel bored as hell when reading through them (such was my case, but this can definitely be attributed to the fact that you need to skip through the entire game a good 6 times before locking into the routes themselves). Also the PC port was completely shafted out of all the cool effects the console versions had, so every dynamic part that would make you more immersed, such as the Delusion Trigger's static or the immersive sound of parts like Phantasm's concert was pretty much broken, some of it got salvaged by the Overhaul Patch but it's very clear that the bar was in hell.

Gotta admit, in some parts this kinda hit home hard and I'm not proud of that. We gotta do better Takumibros...

when had the rain begun to fall?

Just amazing it's everything I love in one visual novel but I bet there's tons of people who would hate it, simply put it's a great visual novel that's not for everyone, but if you like murder mystery, otaku culture and unhinged psychological thriller then go for it