Reviews from

in the past

I had a choice to make. For my 1000th logged game I could either hunker down and finally finish Dragon Quest XI and make that milestone something kind of special, or watch this on YouTube during my closing shift.

Dragon Quest XI, to my knowledge, doesn’t have Strong Bad doing his own stunts that cut away to Strong Sad wearing a Stong Bad mask when the actual dangeresque part of the stunt happens. I chose well

This is the only game I played that came out this year, so......

Come for voice acting for likely over 15 year old flash games, stay for the new content with some legit great comedic bits about assassinations.

I paid $8 for what's basically a handful of playable Homestar Runner webisodes, presented as a point-and-click adventure game that makes fun of the genre. As someone who grew up watching Homestar Runner constantly, this was money well spent.

I never actually thought I'd see the day this was finished. I almost thought the "Roomisode 1" in the title of the original flash game was meant to be like a "History of the World Part 1" style joke and not a promise for more episodes once enough time had passed without anymore.

That first Roomisode was without a doubt probably my favorite Videlectrix game on I can't remember if I played it before or after SBCG4AP but since that was what introduced me to the world of point and clicks through Telltale I do know that this would've been my first introduction to a proper point and click game. Whereas most of the flash point and clicks I had played before were either very simple or more akin to escape room games, this was modeled after the defining works in the point and click adventure game genre and I ate it up.

Looking back I think it very well may have been the peak experience for me when it came to classic-style point and clicks. As much as I love the Monkey Island games and Sam and Max Hit the Road, Homestar Runner is always going to take up more space in my heart. Plus with it being in a single room it was the perfect bite-sized, most accessible version of a point and click adventure game for me. No clicking around searching endlessly to find out what interactable item or batcrap insane solution I missed, everything I needed was on screen and I just needed to use my expert sunglasses'd-detective skills to figure it out. And what I'm figuring out is also the best non-issue I could have asked for out of a game like this. It was just perfect. The closest I'll ever get to a playable version of Problem Sleuth (and oddly enough it was released only a few months after Problem Sleuth's debut. A magical experience for 10-years-old me, I'm sure. It almost feels impossible to put a star rating on something like that.

But this rerelease comes with the addition of two new Roomisode adventures that are just as good as the original. A childhood wish finally come true. The feeling is not quite as magical for me now that I've played countless other point and click games, including other Roomisode-style adventures in the form of the Rick and Morty browser point and click that Mike Chapman helped develop (I thought I had heard this but can't find an official source anywhere, but the game itself is just about as perfect as ever.

With it being a rerelease there are a few changes that I feel take away from the atmosphere of the game for me, but these are all pretty minor gripes. Like some of the graphical updates don't look quite as good as the original flash version to me, but obviously it was necessary to use a new game engine so this change was unavoidable. I also feel like the addition of voice acting gives the game a more modern vibe and changes how a lot of the lines read to me, but this is at best a neutral update. While it does drastically change the tone for me, Mike Chapman is probably one of the most talented voice actors there is and getting to hear any more line deliveries from them is always welcome. Plus a lot of extra humor is added in some of these line deliveries. I guess it's just that you can tell it was written to be read, such as Renaldo's phonetically written dialogue, and then read exactly as written. Just a very different vibe is all.

Aside from the nitpicks, this is probably everything I could have asked for. It's incredibly accessible not just as a point and click game but as a Homestar Runner game for anyone unfamiliar with Homestar Runner. Whereas a lot of humor in the toons and GAMES and eeeeemaiiiillllls required prior knowledge of every other cartoon on the site, this notably avoided doing that to the point of the homemade movie framing device of most other Dangeresque stuff being mostly absent outside of a few moments. Pretty much any time they did do an inside joke it would be between the rest of the jokes, like a code being a reference to an old sbemail, or a particular line being reused from one of the other Dangeresque toons. It manages to reward fans as much as any other piece of H*R media without alienating potentially new fans. Something that I wasn't sure was even possible at this point tbh. For many reasons it's the best point and click I've played in a long time and it's a small miracle that it was ever completed. I will forever be grateful for how dedicated The Brothers Chaps are to these dumb animal characters.


My rating for this game is super biased because I grew up with Homestar Runner and the jokes in this game hit just right. It is otherwise a pretty basic point and click escape room esque game spanning three rooms. You may want a guide handy if you want to get perfect scores in the rooms.

Short and sweet point and click game, I really enjoyed it having grown up watching Homestar Runner but I think it's more than enjoyable for anyone who isn't familiar with the source material.

Puzzles didn't feel like cryptic bullshit which was a positive for me since I always get frustrated when point and clicks have puzzle solutions that are obfuscated. The game is designed around each episode being contained to one screen/room which I really enjoy! It makes experimenting and interacting much easier since you just have to work your way across a room. It's only 2 hours long so it didn't overstay its welcome. Really enjoyed the insane amount of dialogue the game has for every character and almost every interaction.

Backloggd ate my review so I'll try to reconstruct it.

Like Homestar Runner? Great, play this. I'm never too enthused by how much they go back to Dangeresque especially in the post-regular-update era but I will devour any morsels the Chaps deign to throw at us.

The game consists mostly of Strong Bad looking at things and making quips. They're fine. It's the vocal performance that brings out that old H*R magic. Coach Z managed to make me bust out laughing delivering the line "What is it?" He put all the emphasis on the last word—"What is IT?"—and turned a line with zero narrative or mechanical value into a joke. That's the stuff.

Puzzles are straightforward and rarely puzzley. You'll spend way more time talking to pieces of paper than thinking about what to do with them. Even the score counter seems to be primarily measuring amount of dialogue found. I'm not sure I has what it takes to get 100%. I will though. Who knows when I'll see these dumb animal characters again.

Finally some good graphics!
(I'm a bit surprised poopsmith didn't appear in the sewer, seems like a perfect place for him. Or at least finally give ...homsar a role)

Ok, this game is AMAZING, best game I’ve played all year, and it’s from a genre that I normally dislike.
Maybe it’s my Homestar Runner fan bias, but I would recommend this game to people who have never heard of Homestar Runner or Dangeresque even then. This game is absolutely ASTOUNDING with how much love and care was put into it, it felt so fun playing it, it was just GREAT. If you want a funny and actually good point and click puzzle game, this game is 100% for you. It’s available on Steam for only a few bucks, and it’s on SteamUnlocked if you want it free. It does have like, 2 risque jokes, which I was NOT expecting from a Homestar Runner game, but it was entertainingly shocking at the same time.
Now the game is very short, like only 3 rooms, which I wish it was longer because I enjoyed the game VERY much, but the effort put into each level of the game is extremely amazing. Also. Lets not forget the IN BETWEEN animation sequences. Genuinely amazing. You have to play this game, PLEASE.

discovering homestar runner as a small baby caused a tapeworm infestation in my brain that i fear will never be quelled


If you love Homestar Runner, you're gonna love this game. It's short but densely packed with that quintessential brand of H*R humor. It was a pleasant surprise to see this game on Steam. I love that Matt & Mike Chapman still very clearly care about this IP.

Has the quality of humor you'd expect from a H*R game, but the puzzles are a bit weak for a point-and-click. The missable bonus items you can get are a neat gameplay concept though.

He fights the law, but he also fights the crime but not as much

Real point n' click-em-up veterans know the goal isn't to win the game, it's to hear all the dialog. So it rules that the tutorial (which you're only playing to hear more dialog) straight-up tells you this.

As far as post-hiatus Homestar Runner stuff goes, this was pretty good! I had kinda felt that this series was leaning a little too far into in-jokes and call-backs so I was glad to see this game put more focus on just, y'know, regular jokes. (The call-backs and stuff are still there and plentiful, but you're not gonna be completely lost if you don't get them)
The voice acting is great as always, and there's a lot of funny lines and interactions hidden in the many, many lines you get by looking at, talking to, and trying to get/use everything you can click on. My one complaint is that trying to find "hidden actions" (achievements) can get really frustrating in the second and third episodes, given how easy it is to accidentally advance the story and how obtuse the hints can be. But that's not really gonna matter if you're just playing casually

T’was a fun! I had a fun!

Obviously a smaller game, but hey, I got lotsa laffs. It’s nice to have a little game you can play for a wee bit and get some good laughs with.

Looks like I’m gonna have to give it a 4 out of 5!!

Homestar runner has this unique hold on humor that just makes me glee with delight every time I see more stuff from it. It's basically wholesome humor of a bunch of random stringed together words that just kinda works with older internet comedy that makes it feel rather unique. When you attach that humor with the quick witted timing and charm of Homestar Runner characters you get this timeless and seemingly flawless delivery of comedy. Then The Roomisode attaches that to the quirky styling of puzzle solving that Lucas Arts is known for, and suddenly you get this incredibly charming game!

The Roomisode was certainly surprising on my behalf, not even knowing they made a demo for this game a while ago based on it's first case, but having played Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People, a lot of good similarities popped up with it. I think one of the lower qualities to SBCGFAP is it dragged on cases a little too long, and while I certainly wish this game was longer, the cases themself are perfectly paced. Using a click-a-thon style of gameplay mixed together with it's consist delivery of humor and need to combine various items provides for a lot of laughs. So much so that it's really hard to ever be bored with this game as you go through it the first time. Completing this game isn't a walk in the park as it consistently has missable points and certain orders that you need to get everything done, but this really won't impact anyone that casually wants to enjoy this game.

Sadly, The Roomisode is only 3 cases long, and while certain cases do last longer than others, the whole game can be beaten in roughly 2 hours. That being said, this game is certainly better than any given schlock movie in theaters now, and you'll still have plenty of money left over compared to going to them. This game is an absolute afternoon delight, and well worth your money.

today is alright for tonight
playin' funny game and feelin' alright
alright for 2nite

I have such warm feelings towards Homestar Runner and these games are all very funny. If adventure game puzzles were always this easy to understand and had this many good gags I would like them way more.

Feels like playing a feature length Strong Bad Email, which is just about the highest praise I can give to any piece of media.

really fun! i remember playing the flash version of the first episode as a kid and i'm glad that this is basically more of the same. i'm pretty stupid so it took me longer than most people to finish the second and third episode, but i loved the humor and puzzles

22 years later and they've still got it.

If you didn't spend the early 2000s watching Flash cartoons then this game is just a basic point and click game where every character speaks total nonsense. I did, so loved the endless ridiculously deep cuts to Homestar Runner cartoons.

Listen, im probably one of the biggest Homestar Runner guys you're liable to meet, but this game is mostly bad. This is a collection of three "roomisodes" set entirely in Strong Bads self invented crooked cop/noir/action movie franchise, "Dangeresque". A "roomisode" is just a clever way of saying these are point and click adventure games that are each limited to one room, making them quick bite sized experiences that are mostly designed to deliver gags. The first of the 3 was originally released as a flash game some 15 ish years ago, the second was started around the same time but never finished, and the third was made brand new for this collection. Unfortunately this means that while the third roomisode is the most fun, funny, and polished of the three, the first plays like a flash game from some 15ish years ago. The second is somewhere in the middle. It seems odd to say when mechanically they are all identical, but the Brothers Chaps have grown as artists in the past 15 years and it shows! Part three is more clever, less grating, and has better gags than the other two parts. Im glad i decided to finish it (i considered dropping the game after part 2), but as a package it might be a hard sell even for the most die hard of die hard Homestar fans.

Game Highlight: i actually thought the 3d cutscenes were pretty neat. I liked the pixelated 3d render look. Also the third roomisode had a fun premise and twist.

Just a short and sweet dose of fun homestar runner quips and goofy puzzle-solving.

More of a Homestar Runner quip vehicle than anything else, but the third roomisode was a strong note to end on. Hope we get more of this sort of thing from the fine folks at Videlectrix.

It was good! Some laughs, some jams. Nearly the only other thing I can say about it is that you have to be very in the zone to distinguish the jokes from the hints, never mind the fact that without a long term appreciation for these dumb animal characters (see, even that is an in joke), this would be a waste of time and money.