Reviews from

in the past

Pretty good start to my Destiny experience and the missions were good enough to keep me invested. Stasis mechanic was a really good addition as well.

I keep forgetting to log to the point I dont remember what day it was but it was this year I am not a huge fan of Destiny 2 but this was the only expansion of the ones I own that I hadn't finished so I might as well, it gives me an excuse to game with my gf who really likes destiny 2

Beyond Light isn't anything special. The campaign is fairly mediocre but it is at least better than Shadowkeep. The community reception of this expansion's raid is fairly positive but a bit on the easy side. Exotics are decent and the legendary gear isn't bad per say but not great either bar a few exceptions from the raid. Now for the main selling point, the stasis subclass is a must have. It is no longer blatantly overpowered but it still very strong and very fun to use.

I've played through this campaign before and I have to say that it was boring, no big surprise there. All the excitement for seeing what the Exo Stranger, Eris Morn, and the Drifter lead to being blue-balled as they were barely in the story. Europa was an awesome addition to the list of locations, and stasis is... yeah.

It’s peak. This expansion locked me in for Destinys future and I’m still here enjoying it

Stasis was kinda cool, but I also hate it for what it did to the pvp, the actual story was a forgettable fart, just random side quest with cinematics that explain the story time to time.

Só não leva 1 estrela pela Deep Stone Crypt.
Que desilusão eles voltarem a cometer o mesmo erro do lançamento e tiraarem quase todo o conteudo que o jogo ja tinha, percebo que foi por problemas de espaço mas não deixa de ser um tiro no pé.

pretty fun expansion, losing half the game sucked though. stasis rocked on launch even if it was a bit too strong. sunsetting was one of the worst ideas bungie ever came up with at the time but the rest of the year starting with season of the chosen is/was peak destiny season.

Stasis was an absolute joy at release and set an immesurable amount of things into motion for the rest of the franchise. Story was a bit lacking, however

although the story was more cohesive than Lightfall it wasnt any more interesting for me.

Muito melhor que o anterior, outro nível praticamente, tem uma conclusão da história, ganha uma nova classe e tals. Tudo de bom, além de diversas coisas ainda para liberar após a campanha.

La expansion que acabo con Destiny 2 y abrio un nuevo camino aun peor, quitaron todo el contenido anterior a Forsaken (tercera expansion). La historia mientras que servicial, el contenido añadido era mediocre, DSC es de las mejores raids pero no compensa, demasiado grindeo y demasiada cosa para extender una expansion mediocre.

Stasis was broken on release but my fav part of the game now. Smaller on content but added a lot of great systems and loot.

sunsetting hit hard but all the weapons were shit anyway... stasis is fun but its kinda shit as of 2024. bring back scourge!!

This wasn't bad but I had really high expectations and it didn't deliver

I’m a sucker for snowy maps ⛄️

I got one week before The final shape comes out and still two expansions to play through plz send help

Underwhelming and fully upgrading stasis was the most grueling Destiny 2 has been

Was excited to get the stasis power, turns out its locked behind an entire story and sidequests. Extremely disappointed by that, but what's worse is that most bosses end up loosing their difficulty halfway though the fight. At key points during the fight, you become infused with stasis and becoming so OP that they just crumble. Story was okay, maybe a bit better than shadowkeep, but the gameplay was really disappointing.

Find it a bit funny that you still need to do all the extra sidequests to fully unlock stasis, but yknow still pretty great. Love snowy icy settings, love bug dudes throwing dark magic and also some really nice environments and details.