Reviews from

in the past

this does a good job at fleshing out The Fallen and is fun enough, but as a story it's not even there. There's a setup, then you do some nothing missions, kill a few commanders, and the campaign's done

Better than Shadowkeep in terms of delivering story.

Beyond Light feels like a turning point for Destiny once again, now in regards to storytelling because this feels like the first time that Bungie has truly cared about trying to make the enemy factions we've known for years more fleshed out and multilayered. The Fallen, now more regularly referred to as the Eliksni, has far more depth to them and is shown directly to the player in-game the different factions within them and their reasoning for going after humanity and the Traveler. Eramis is a cool villain because you can empathize with her situation and history, and also casts doubt on how much the Traveler can really be trusted. Cool stuff!

Beyond Light is also incredibly tedious with one of the single worst endgame grinds that Destiny has ever had. Europa is a gorgeous location (as usual for Bungie's art team striking gold), but it's also one of the most obnoxious to actually travel through because it's 95% empty space that you will just be boosting through on your vehicle. The fast travel locations are purposefully sparse and it feels like it was just done to waste your time and literally nothing else. But the Stasis grind? Genuine disbelief that Bungie has not gone back and changed any part of it even long into Witch Queen's current run. It's a grind so atrocious that I have caught up with Witch Queen and every season at this point in time in the span of several weeks, and I still have barely made a dent in Stasis progression because it's gated behind weekly quests that are insanely obnoxious and force you to play the game in very specific ways that just are not fun period.

Could have been better with more density and less filler.

La expansion que acabo con Destiny 2 y abrio un nuevo camino aun peor, quitaron todo el contenido anterior a Forsaken (tercera expansion). La historia mientras que servicial, el contenido añadido era mediocre, DSC es de las mejores raids pero no compensa, demasiado grindeo y demasiada cosa para extender una expansion mediocre.

Destiny 2 is good (?) again. Preemptively saying goodbye to the dozens of hours of my future I'm going to lose to this but hey, it's easier to look cool now

a great expansion, europa was a fantastic addition location-wise, and the raid that came was one of the best we've had in a while. i think the story could've been a smidge better, but its definitely still enjoyable and MUCH better than shadowkeep.

as for the seasons that came after, season of the hunt had some cool story beats and arguably the best season pass ornaments, but everything else about it sucked fucking ass, one of the worst seasons we've had.
the FOLLOWING seasons however (chosen, splicer, lost), have all been absolute fucking bangers (even if lost had a couple drought periods) and absolutely make me excited for what bungie brings with the witch queen and forward.

The campaign is the most okay thing ever. Stasis carries the entire plot.

I've played through this campaign before and I have to say that it was boring, no big surprise there. All the excitement for seeing what the Exo Stranger, Eris Morn, and the Drifter lead to being blue-balled as they were barely in the story. Europa was an awesome addition to the list of locations, and stasis is... yeah.

Muito melhor que o anterior, outro nível praticamente, tem uma conclusão da história, ganha uma nova classe e tals. Tudo de bom, além de diversas coisas ainda para liberar após a campanha.

It’s peak. This expansion locked me in for Destinys future and I’m still here enjoying it

What could have been a pretty solid expansion, plagued by terrible choices by the developer.

Europa is a unique and pretty map, the endgame progression is decent, and the raid is very enjoyable if a bit on the easy side.

On the other hand, the new Stasis subclasses are overwhelmingly strong compared to the old ones, especially in PvP, to an extent that calling Stasis pay-to-win isn't too much of an exaggeration.

Furthermore, the patch that brought BL also brought a "sunsetting" of most gear in the game, preventing their level from being raised to the point where they can be used in BL content or any endgame activities. All items in the game that have yet to be sunset now have an "expiration date" of roughly one year after they were introduced, after which the item can't be leveled up past whatever the level cap is at that time, requiring players to keep playing not only to get new gear, but to find replacements for their gear as it sunsets.

Pese a que se ha expandido mucho el lore y aspectos jugables, si que se nota que han quitado una gran parte de contenido antiguo.

It was ok at best. Very mediocure story which is suprising by bungie and a failed attempt at getting rid of old weapons done before this expansion. It was rough for the player base and honestly the only thing of value that the expansion truly gave to the community were the new subclasses and the exotics that came with the expansion (we forget one stasis exotic just becuase it was shit :) ). This was a rough patch for Destiny and Im glad we moved on from it.

Standard destiny 2 PvE gameplay with a story that was occasionally interesting, though nothing here was truly amazing.

didnt enjoy it much, i guess i came in too late to get into it

It veers dangerously close to jingoistic militarism before reverting to what Destiny does best once you penetrate the Deep Stone Crypt : Monumental firefights and sprinkles of existentialism to keep you on edge.

How often do videogames take you to space and back again in a wonderfully circular movement around a single boss fight ? That's what happens when Bungie doesn't take itself so seriously and instead plays to the strengths of their franchise. The best raid since Leviathan.

Pretty good start to my Destiny experience and the missions were good enough to keep me invested. Stasis mechanic was a really good addition as well.

Yeah this was super mediocre. The gameplay is good of course but the campaign of this DLC is actually a joke: horrendously bad story and dialogue, re-used levels ad absurdum and just a lackluster feeling to it all.

Hey at least the Stasis subclass is fantastic, super fun abilities.

The story is good, the strike is good, and the raid is really good. Stasis is very powerful, to the point of being broken. Kind of lackluster legendary weapons this time around, though, and the good exotics are tied to soloing Legendary/Master Lost Sectors.

While the campaign and new destination can be underwhelming, the additions of new subclasses and fun end game activities does give it an edge. The raid is quite good.

Beyond Lght teve momentos brilhantes, mas são pequenos e curtos.
Felizmente, são o suficiente para eu ter um carinho muito forte com momentos do ano 4.
Foi um ano mais experimental uma nova classe, muitas novas mecânicas e o desenvolvimento mais a fundo da quebra da dicotomia no destiny.
Essa temporada tem a solidão como um tema recorrente, uma pena que senti isso em poucos momentos da jornada.
Mas devo dizer viver o primeiro dia de raid foi espetacular. Lidar com as setpieces gigantescas e ousadas em que a Incursão dessa dlc traz é simplesmente mágico e espacial (humor).
Aqui, a fantasia deu mais espaço ao sci-fi e, francamente, eu gostei disso.
Apesar de adorar os mistérios do lado mais místico de Destiny, uma expansão que trata de linhas tênues conseguiu fazer o mesmo entre essa dicotomia e esquisofrenia de construção de mundo desse jogo quebrado, confuso e fragmentado.

Killing my ps plus backlog. Did not enjoy this.

Beyond Light isn't anything special. The campaign is fairly mediocre but it is at least better than Shadowkeep. The community reception of this expansion's raid is fairly positive but a bit on the easy side. Exotics are decent and the legendary gear isn't bad per say but not great either bar a few exceptions from the raid. Now for the main selling point, the stasis subclass is a must have. It is no longer blatantly overpowered but it still very strong and very fun to use.

I keep forgetting to log to the point I dont remember what day it was but it was this year I am not a huge fan of Destiny 2 but this was the only expansion of the ones I own that I hadn't finished so I might as well, it gives me an excuse to game with my gf who really likes destiny 2

mis amigos y yo nos hicimos a eramis sin disparar una sola bala

Deep Stone Crypt is fucking amazing

This might be the most embarrassing game i've ever purchased

A significant step in the right direction from Shadowkeep. Beyond Light does not quite offer the magic that Forsaken did but is getting there. Backed by a fantastic soundtrack, Beyond Light began the on-going storytelling of D2 Year 4 that has improved the narrative of the game so much. The Stranger and Clovis Bray are two very welcome additions to the cast, and add some of the most intriguing lore to date. While Stasis had a rough start, the addition of an entirely new element with a much better system of customization has been an overall success and added an important level of depth to the game. Beyond Light's exotics were great, although the quantity could still have been better. Europa is a great location as well, with secrets and lots of unique and interesting locations. Beyond Light kickstarted a great year of Destiny, and is not at all the best expansion in Destiny history but is a promising step as we await Witch Queen.

Eris, the Exo Stranger, and the Drifter on a fireteam together made me cum my lorts (lort jorts (jean shorts))

The campaign is somewhere between Forsaken and Shadowkeep in terms of quality, but the new environments and subclasses are neat. Also heard the raid is great, but I haven't been able to give that a go yet.