Reviews from

in the past

The sexual tension between my thumb and the square button was no joke.

meeeeeeeeeeeeh é definitivamente um jogo, tediante pra krl, chega a dar sono. extremamente facil, mal usei a espada do dante e se eu morri 5 vezes no jogo todo foi muito, nao entendi bulhunfas da historia e sinceramente nem me interesso de tao generica, o level desing é horroroso e o dante é completamente descaracterizado, é apenas mais um jogo que existe e vida que segue, nao espumo de odio quando penso nele que nem a maioria das pessoas mas com certeza nao foi um bom jogo pra começar o ano

The character design was great and that's the best thing i can say about this game tbh.

There is a saying in the Berserk community that “nothing can prepare you for The Eclipse”. No amount of prior information or spoilers can mentally prepare you for how devastating it is to watch/read, especially within the wider context of the story. No matter how much you know, you will still be shocked when you experience it firsthand.

Nothing can prepare you for the Infested Chopper in Devil May Cry 2. No amount of hearing from DMC fans “just skip this one”, “it’s the worst game by far” can prepare you for holding the shoot button for 10 minutes. IN A HACK AND SLASH. And that’s basically how you deal with everything in this game. Trying to use the sword will literally fling enemies away from you, and the guns do enough damage that combined with Devil Trigger you just melt bosses. You also get stunned from most attacks which further dampens any semblance of enjoyable combat.

For the first couple levels you think "this isn't that bad" but then the boredom sets in. And then you get to the infamous Infested Chopper, which is probably where most people quit, but beyond that is where the real garbage sets in. Bossfights in particular are complete trash in this game. The rest of the game teeters between dull (I recommended a podcast or music playlist to maintain sanity) and frustrating.

Levels are incredibly linear, even compared to the first game, it all just feels so bland, even if the factory was a cool contrast to the medieval/gothic DMC1.

I have no idea wtf is going on in the story. DMC1 has a pretty basic story, but this one basically doesn't even have one at all. Dante just kind of shows up in different locations and it looks like Lucia is doing something important when you run into her.

A nice change from DMC1 is that now there’s a visualiser to show what you’re targeting. But I also have no idea how to choose who to target which is annoying for boss fights with multiple hitboxes. Like just target the actual fucking boss so I can get it over with ASAP!! The targeting also worsens the already unhelpful camera as it tries to drag it towards the enemy. Trying to hit the blue orbs (in Mission 14 especially) is terrible because of the targeting making you miss them.

Platforming is not good, again unhelpful camera. Also that one mission where you're in the spinning ball room. Fuck that so much. And trying to hit the blue orbs in the air in Mission 14 is terrible

There were multiple points where the same enemy kept spawning over and over again, and I thought “am I doing this right?” only for the solution to be, yes, kill 6 larvas after the boss died, in order to progress.

I like - in theory - the new respawn system compared to DMC1, but having gold orbs auto-consumed is annoying

Terrible voice acting (that's saying something)

Also why does the villain look like Lee Van Cleef

I lost structure writing this review because I actually do not want to think about this game anymore


Just don't. I would highly recommend skipping this entry in the Devil May Cry series. Some of my personal gripes with this entry is that it is way to easy I beat in within 4 hours. Plus I only ever used Ebony and Ivory for the entire game. There was no incentive to use anything else guns are op in this game. The bosses are defiantly the worst in the series. It's overall level design also left a lot to be desired. And why I understand why Dante isn't is normal goofy cheeky self It made the overall atmosphere that much worse. The only redeeming quality of this game is Dante's outfit design.

There is only 1 button that's worth pressing.

This review contains spoilers

Copies everything from DMC 1 but does it worse. Clunky combat, unreliable lock-on, guns and devil trigger are OP, un-intuitive and boring boss fights, and worst of all; the story. There is no story. Nothing that happens in this game makes any sense in relation to DMC 1. Who is Lucia??? Where is Trish??? Why does Dante have zero personality??? Things just happen to happen. We're in a village, next we're stopping some secret evil devil that's taken over a city? Ok. Now we're in hell and fighting some big guy and oh wait- that's it.

Obviously this game is just skippable but I'm glad I played it for a fuller view of the entire series. It's not hard at all, just kind of a time waste if you're not very into DMC already. Extra half-star cause I like the diesel costume you unlock for Dante.

you shoot more here than most of the CoD games

2/10 could have less helicopters

To the game's credit, it was made in effectively six months.

But that's hardly an excuse for the fact Capcom expects you to pay £15 for this on the Nintendo Switch. This game isn't just bad, it's boring. Painfully boring.

Stay away, at all costs. Don't even play it as a joke.

You know the rules.
We don't talk about devil may cry 2!

God this game is horrible, everything sucks and it's a torture to play

Melhor fingir que esse jogo nunca existiu, é quase um milagre a saga não ter se afundado depois disso. Acho que não tem nada de bom pra falar desse jogo, tudo nele é ruim, até a trilha sonora, até o combate e ATÉ O DANTE, e não vamos esquecer que o jogo tem um chefe que é simplesmente um HELICÓPTERO ZUMBI QUE IDEIA GENIAL KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.

LMAO alright im ripping into this game.

90% of the enemies are BRAINDEAD. Some of my favourites include:
- The white wolves that have NO walking animation, the only thing they can do is jump attack, blindly jumping in every direction except for where you are, sometimes they will sit there and do nothing.
- The infested tank that can’t do anything unless you are a certain distance away from it.
- The bat swarms that die to ONE BULLET (big shoutout to the one slow elevator that’s about 30 seconds long, and has a swarm of bats to keep you busy while it’s moving, but the bats will die in 10, so you just sit there).

^ This is not limited to just enemies but half of the bosses are cheesed by either being a certain distance far or a certain distance close. The infested chopper was kind of cool with all the parkouring across buildings, but it still felt aimless and went on for SOOOO long

There is often no indication of what is happening or where to go, and I often just stumbled into an obscure section that put me into a cutscene.

Auto locking onto enemies makes everything you can think of 10x more awkward than it should be, at least add an option to be able to switch it? (just looked it up, apparently you can with an obnoxious input combination of RB + LS, you’re better off just dealing with the awkwardness).

A dynamic moving camera is a cool idea in theory but why does it so often throw itself into the ground it’s like lakitu on shrooms.

No extra weapon movesets/ upgrades?? The upgrades just increase damage i guess - BORING. Less guns as well.

Story is bad and meaningless.

Dante is nothing

Lucia is nothing

Enemy variety is not nearly as interesting. File system is not as in depth.


Cool sick moves like flips and wallrunning
Devil trigger guns are funny as hell brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
More environments? But theyre shit
More cutscenes? But theyre shit
More boss variety? But the bosses are shit

Played it on vc with friends which made it very fun !

Horrible LMAO. Everything about this game SUCKS, fuck this GAME

i didn't see a single fucking devil cry in this game man

pior jogo de todos os tempos, história sem pé nem cabeça, tudo mal explicado e não dá pra entender literalmente nada, level design é horripilante de tão ruim, os bosses são horríveis e extremamente fáceis, provavelmente o jogo mais fácil que já joguei na vida e sem dúvidas chato pra caralho, não via a hora de acabar, nunca mais irei jogar essa merda na vida

Why would anyone slap platforming on top of this pile of mess is beyond me. Heavy reliance on guns is brain-numbing, it reduces a lot of boss fights to just pressing square. Story is nonexistent that you forget the introduction after a couple of missions.

I had a lot of issues with DMC 1 but this, this doesn't hold any favor with anyone.

Devils never cry
Until they play DMC2

I literally use the devil may cry series as a form of therapy and no matter how awful I ever felt I still have never sat down and played this entire game start to finish.

It's just bad, all of it.
I actually can't believe I played this whole game and didn't abandon it.

It's a miracle that this game exists in the first place and I don't really mind that it does.

DMC2 was what a new director could cobble together from broken pieces over the course of six months. The end product is a dull game, where the best and fastest option for every encounter is always "sit in a safe spot and spam guns". Despite having some interesting ideas, the movement and melee combat are too inconsistent and clunky to cook with, and Dante's twin 1911s were made powerful to compensate. Broken AI, bizarrely open levels, janky animations, and bizarre characterization of Dante all combine to make this game funny at best and dull at worst. DMC2 is a stain on the franchise, but interestingly, it's not the most hated by a long shot, it's just kinda mourned laughed about.

DMC2 is objectively horrendous dogshit that only exists by the grace of god (Hideaki Itsuno) but it's an interesting and important part of the franchise's history, and it's really funny to meme about so I'm glad it exists.

Eu platinei essa monstruosidade.

Games I Like That Everybody Else Dislikes

A deeply stupid spectacle that I have an unbreakable love for. Forget for a moment that it has Dante's best character design ever, forget that it has an atmospherically trippy story reminiscent of when you're at that perfect level of high and you start imagining super creative but nonsensical scenarios in your head (I particularly love the way in which in depicts how the corporate world still has a grip on the demon world), and forget that its wide array of enemy/boss styles are absurdly badass (magma bats, fleshy tanks/choppers, dapper suit-clad businessman with a revolver, a skyscraper that literally comes to life, and the penultimate boss is a chaotic blob of all the previous bosses) - even without all that it's still a blast. The broken 'square-button-mash-hell' combo system is really fun to manipulate to its limits, and even the big barren environments work imo - there's an eerie sense of isolation while being in such vast cities that are totally unpopulated. The true Achilles heel for me - making this feel its most unplayable - is its obtuse lock-on system which is by far one of the most inconvenient in all of gaming. But even still, I wish the other games acknowledged this one more. Is it the weakest DMC? Sure, but it still absolutely has its own, supremely dopey place in a series known for its madcap elements which don't at all feel out of place here. People who say this is one of the worst games ever made need to play more games.

This review contains spoilers

Before getting into DMC, I was wondering how bad Devil May Cry 2 could possibly be since I've heard mixed, but usually good opinions of 1. Making me question how could its sequel get that bad or if it's as bad as everyone says it is. Fast forward to me getting into the series now and holy hell this is the most lobotomized I've felt playing a game since Megaman X7.

Now I do see some things that are appealing or that they tried doing, and there's some minor things I do like about this game more than 1. While the atmosphere of the first game is incredible and does more with it, I kind of didn't like how it felt like most of the game was inside the castle. I can appreciate 2 for having some interesting settings with cities and other places. While the levels are much linear, I like the setting this game has. Another thing I can appreciate is how the guns actually keep your stylish combo while using them which should make for better gameplay to keep your combo up without having to approach an enemy and possibly have it drop like in the first game, which is something I wished that game did. So hey, props to the poor dev team that had to make this game for that

But with guns being mentioned, my god did they make them so ridiculously overpowered with them being debatably one of if not the most overpowered guns in the entire franchise. Just by using Ebony & Ivory they can carry you throughout the entire game since they make most, if not ALL enemies in the game stunlocked by spamming/holding the shoot button. and playing the game feels so mindless and boring by making the entire game just pressing the shoot button and trust me playing like this the entire game actually feels like your entire brain just turns into mush.

Now It might seem the players fault for playing the entire game just using the guns which is fair, but using the melee combat not only feels so sluggish and barely feels like you can do different combos, but enemies feel like they get launched 50 Million miles ahead of you when you finish a basic attack combo which for me just made it slow and just not fun to use the sword. Now to give it a bit of credit, I do like the idea of keeping up your combo with you being able to use melee and then use the gun to keep up your momentum of having a high stylish combo, however it is a very flawed execution since playing melee already feels sluggish and feels so repetitive to keep your combo going since it’s the same thing on every encounter of using melee and then when they get launched you just spam the gun or roll your way over there. Even though i like how guns keep your stylish combo in this game, at least in the first game you had to be in your best attention to keep your Stylish rank while in this game it feels so repetitive and frustrating since you can’t cancel a sword swing by rolling which makes melee combat just not fun to use and is what i expected from the first game but 10 times worse.

I feel like the combat is the biggest offender of this game for me, for a hack and slash the combat just feels very sluggish and not as stylish as its predecessor. The bosses aren’t even a saving point in here, i know this is only the 2nd Devil May Cry i play but i actually can’t believe they can fumble as bad as this game when it comes to bosses they are just so horrible and can also be dealt with easily with the gun and using Devil Trigger and holding the shoot button pretty much shreds every boss in this game, the only redemption of the combat that this game gets is when you play as Trish since that’s pretty much just DMC1 Dante, and in DMD where the enemies take a bit longer to kill and can activate DT which makes them not be able to be stunlocked by the gun. But i feel like that if the game just becomes slightly better after doing a few playthroughs is just so offending to me.

Another thing that i’m very upset about this game is how there’s little to no problems fixed from its predecessor, at first i thought the camera was better due to not there being a lot of camera angles like in the first game but it’s debatably worse since there is a lot of moments where i can recall that there’s some enemy attack offscreen that i could not see. The biggest offender of this is definitely in mission 13 of Dante since the camera is so zoomed in that you can barely see anything around you and is overall a pain in the ass. Besides combat, another thing that I disliked was the platforming sections, this was a huge problem with the first game, and wouldn’t you know it this game is just as bad when it comes to the platforming. I feel bad for the developer team that had to make this game because there were some good ideas here.

For example, this game introduces a target locking which is a good idea since the first one didn’t have one making it easier to check which enemy you’re going to deal with when being in a group of enemies. However the BIG problem with this is that this lock-on is automatic meaning that you pretty much have to do every optional enemy encounter which is very frustrating if you’re doing DMD or literally the 14th mission (god that mission is frustrating). And I know you can disable this by holding the right trigger, but even so when I want to attack switches it is very difficult which just makes me want to do the encounter and then the switches which is also frustrating.

Before ending off I wanna briefly talk about the story as well, while DMC1 didn’t have the best story out there, at least it tried and hey at least I was entertained. DMC2 on the other hand feels like i left that without feeling nothing, it is the most nothing burger of a story.

Dante just does not feel like the same corny and cool character that he was from the previous game, instead he’s just some two-face wannabe. And to my knowledge there really doesn’t seem to be an explanation on why he is like this, my only guess could be how he realized that Nelo Angelo was Vergil all along but even so in the first game he seemed just fine after truly defeating him.

I also wanna talk about the new character made for this game; Lucia. It really felt like this game was meant to be played on Lucia’s campaign first because if you play as Dante some of the story would make no sense, like how Lucia is a demon and that’s just casually dropped on Dante’s campaign. Even by playing both campaigns, some of it just doesn’t make sense or it just doesn't explain things right.

For the whole story the arcana are really important relics that aren’t elaborate further upon until the end of the game, and they don’t even mention Argosax who was pretty much a rival of Mundus and none of that is mentioned, even some text would have worked like how the first game pretty much had a prologue of Sparda and what not. The whole story of this game is just a mess, none of the characters are important, none of it is elaborated, and the ending doesn’t make any sense like from my understanding this might as well be a filler game for the Devil May Cry series.

All in all, Devil May Cry 2 is possibly one of the worst games I’ve ever played. It’s just not fun, thinking about it in-depth makes the story horrible, and worst of all, how do you make such a downgrade from the first game. I’m exhausted just thinking about this game and I’m glad I’m at least glad that I could get it over with. So I just want to leave this game to rest and play Devil May Cry 3 now, since that is a game that a lot of people think is one of, if not, the best game in the series. and playing something fantastic sounds about right because of playing this shit game.

(also dante doesn't say Jackpot when he kills Argosax so this makes the game even shittier somehow)

No entiendo porque lo detestan, me imagino por tratar de ir por un lado más serio del personaje.