Reviews from

in the past

autistic girl... save me..

autistic girl

save me autistic girl

I swear to god they should've made a whole dlc dedicated just to Gabriella she singlehandedly makes every dlc worth playing

excruciatingly irritating to play whose idea was this

This was actually pretty fun and challenging at points. Last part was kinda hellish but still managed it on the third try without using heals. Didn't really care for Three's gimmick, but she is definitely the hottest one.

Takes a bold step forward in Drakengard 3's dialogue by having a character that actually talks about interesting things and not just sex. Unfortunately the horny old man character is still here but 1 out of 2 is higher marks than most of the entire game anyways.

lady three my autistic sister 😘

[reviewing this after finishing branch A and branch B but also before reviewing the entirety of drakengard 3 but I will post this after finishing all the reviews damn this is a stupid remark]

three was an interesting character as in I have no fucking idea what she was up to for the entirety of the game and then she suddenly died

a pity because I do think she would be my type like she's super cute and she dresses nicely but the whole cutting penises gist ain't for me I'm fine with my junk as it is

so I wouldn't say she is my least fav one of the bunch of sisters but I can say I could've wanted her to have much more depth in the main story but this expansion is really good as it is

octa is another very interesting character as in he speaks in sexual innuendos and jokes on his big ass cock

now I dont mind the old geezer agenda with the perverted nature trope and whatsoever I actually like this trope and I think it's pretty funny but like you talk about your huge weiner the entire time and don't show it to me ? that's kinda homophobic if I've ever been homophobisized

anyhow they explore the inner workings of threes relationship with octa and how it slowly declined through time

now three is absolutely fucking insane and her main personality trait is that she makes puppets and there's that now in the main game you only see some of her works and they're basically just lobotomised dolls the real issue tho is that in this DLC you actually see her in her whole nature and how in reality she makes DNA modifications and damn monsters like she just used to play with these fucking beasts going oh lemme make these bigger or smaller thats absolutely insane and in the final part you learn that she actually crossed humans with some monsters like she's definitely insane

what's really interesting tho is that apart from the fact that three and octas relationship was deteriorating because of the fact that three would not fuck like she used to because she grew tired of octa actually octa also grew gradually scared of his intoner since she is indeed a mad woman


so yeah thematically it's good the actual levels tho are kind of garbage and are a mess to play with threes movesets

do I mind it ? not really but this is still a notch below the other DLCs so there's that

theyre spanish for escrement and urine

and her little portrait is cute

Ok, so all of these DLCs are bad, but at least they keep being bad in different ways that give me something to write about for each one. This one is bad in two unique flavors: its a gauntlet DLC, and the writing is a perfect distillation of bad chained writing.

The other two DLCs I played before this one at least had some spice in gameplay. Either some riding around on dragons, fighting giant, juicy crabs, genociding some sky pirate elves - this one has the gimmick of, "fight the same enemy multiple times, but sometimes it'll be a different speed / a different size / there will be more of them." Like, come on. Throwing around the term "copy + paste" content is often reductive, but yeah, that's what this is. It's embarrassing.

What's more bizarre is the writing, which sets out to "answer questions" in a way I don't know how people fall for. In the base game of Drakengard 3, we know that Three makes puppets, monsters, and chimeras, and her desciple leaves her for two reasons. (He says he is disturbed by her creations, but really is just sad she's grown bored of their sex life.) I'm not sure what needed to be expanded upon in this scenario!

And the game sure doesn't either, because we learn nothing new. At the point I'm in the base game, having beaten routes A and B with C and D remaining, there is no explanation for how magic works in this universe. I only know that every one of these sisters has a "song" that gives them the means to be a boss fight. So how does Three make her monsters? Is she good at a combination of magic and science? Is her magic good for more than summoning her boss fight mechanics? Do all of the sisters have the ability to use magic in a way that does more than make a boss fight? I mean, none of those answers really matter, but that seems like the kind of information I'd expect for how Three differs from how her other sisters are presented!

Alternatively, we could ignore the logistics and peer into the why she does this "bad stuff". All this DLC gives us is... because she's like that. She has a curious nature, so she does messed Frankensteining on animals, monsters, and humans alike. Not for any particular goal. No real attachment to what she creates.

These DLCs have been trying to be funny, and since Three is such a charisma vacuum, we get more dialog from the dragon Gabriella than the others. Who goes on rants about office style mysogony, and other topics that make absolutely no sense for the setting and world these characters inhabit. It this serie's shock-value style comedy at its most desperate, which is a real shame since I've been enjoying elements of it this go-around.

1 star, D rank, the writing is so bad that it starts losing its frame of reference. If you want to be irreverant and absurd, you still have to be intentional as to what you are joking about, and mindful of what the assumed frame of reference would be for your audience. Three's desciple, Octa, is the supposed butt of many jokes for being a horny old man. But in the text of this DLC, he wasn't hopelessly lusting as a sex pest, but bringing forward real greviences in a long-term relationship - only to be brushed aside without any communication from the other party. If anything, this makes his "jokes" less funny in the main game, in a way where I am convinced that was not intentional. Not because I have strong views on the subject matter, but because Three was such a nothing character that I would happily root for anyone slighted by her for any reason.

Also, her scissors sword for Zero to use in the base game super sucks yet again. Why are the most enduring parts of the DLCs the worst ones???

Getting to spend time with the most entertaining intoner and a great disciple just going through rounds of monsters and playing off of each other. If you enjoy the main game you will enjoy this, no doubt.

insane autistic white bitch explains her hyperfixations to you for an hour

i understand why this chapter isn't everyone's favorite. doesn't mean it's not mine. three da bestest sister and i loved the downtime between arenas. in a game that's usually got a busy soundscape having no music or dialogue for a bit was lovely