Reviews from

in the past

I played it BEFORE Dunkey, thank you very much.

I will not spoil kayfabe by revealing what my behind the scenes knowledge is in SPECIFIC, but I will admit that the dev is my bestie and knowing what her personal interests and intentions were really make this a million times funnier. None of you have found the secret room

I actually forgot that the game was called franken until the end so that was a very effective reveal

I think there should be more gag encounters in the late game. Every enemy before the tower has some kind of joke associated with them but the later encounters don't have that for some reason. Missed opportunity in my opinion.

Good, funny, short game. If you have an hour to spare and own a computer, you should give it a go.

Parodia pequeñita pero muy bien conseguida y muy divertida. No es que sea muy complicada, pero sabe muy bien dónde golpear al respecto de los tropos típicos de los JRPGs desde un punto claramente de amor.

Hay que hacer una mención particularmente especial al trabajo que se ha hecho en la sección final del juego, que me parece increíble para ser una parodia.

En fin, dura una horita como mucho y me parece de los mejores juegos parodia que hay actualmente. Vale la pena echarle un vistazo.

Franken is pretty amateurish and very stupid but... I dunno man, this one really got me. Initial impressions were that it was just going to be a series of 'lol so random!!!'-style jokes one after another, but... well, Franken isn't not that, but there is the bare minimum framework of a more sensible JRPG hiding in the back here, and it's just enough for the jokes to somehow constantly catch me off guard.

As funny as it is though (and I genuinely did find this one very funny, is my brain broken?), Franken really isn't much more than the sum of its humour. There's no real gameplay here per se. the aesthetics are pretty crude, etc etc...; but I think all that's fine? After all, Franken quite openly sets out to be a short shitpost of a game, and it achieves that goal marvellously. This is easily the best shitpost game that I've played, and I promise that's a compliment.

again, stealing my original review from

any game that allows you to platonically marry frakenstein is an automatic 5 stars, actually.

I need more games like this in my life.

A funny little game that accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do - parody Final Fantasy with a modern sense of humor.

dude who dies in literally 10 seconds, I'll always remember you

Un RPG que se juega en media hora lleno de comedia, es un puñado de chistes y son todos muy graciosos, creo que el final se alarga demasiado pero en general es una experiencia muy recomendable.

esta guay me faltaba mas sexo gay

Juego travieso de cojones ojala hicieran un RPG serio con este mismo estilo grafico que asiente las bases del genero

I had a really good time with this. I thought the beginning part of it was awesome and it got less and less fun as it got to the end. The art was outstanding, however, and I enjoyed the music.

The laugh to gameplay venn diagram for this game is a circle.

Someone please erase my memory so I can experience this for the first time again.

you know that copypaste of "I want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to workless and I'm not kidding"? yeah is pretty [REDACTED] but this is really what people mean when they say that kind of thing. have to say, I agree!

Esto le pasó a un amigo mío (no respetó el cielo)

A very special little silly game. Ones of those games you play one time and smile the whole way though. Definitely a one and done type of game though.

Semi Spoilers:
I'd rate it higher but this is more of a short story than a game, you can get like 30 minutes out of this at most, probably less. You also get no real control in battle or anywhere else for that matter. While the game uses that to great comedic effect the lack of any choice anywhere makes it the least replayable game ever, also meaning that if you've watched someone play it there's no reason to ever try it yourself.

Cleared the game on my laptop within 60-90 minutes, and completed everything that the game asked me to do.

Splendidland is a comedic genius and, furthermore, has REALLY good taste in music we think. We don't want to say anything since it's story-driven and this game is so short, so just play the game yourself!

this game is funnier than undertale was

A very short funny game.

P.S. To my fellow Linux users, the games controls bugged out on X11 but worked perfectly on Wayland.

Very silly in an endearing rather than irritating way, a lot of the little jokes hit for me. It's incredibly quirky and most interested in making you laugh over the short runtime, while making fun of classic RPG conventions in a loving way. I enjoyed how all of the characters make an impression despite how breezy it all was, and pay off in a really fun way. It's also free, so I'd recommend.