Reviews from

in the past

I like mid games and I'm tired of pretending I don't. Terrible hook please don't hit that non-existant dislike button. Look, I even said hook right here and didn't save the word for the shittiest pun known to mankind for a review of a game with a grappling hook (I'm pretty sure I did ima check. There we go, Sanabi review). However what I do grapple with are the controls, honestly do not use a controller. There's an impressive learning curve that is more curved with those shitty gamepad controllers but you may not have issues at all I don't wanna influence an entire generation of Hover wannabes.

This game is stuck in an all-or-nothing mindset, the line becomes blurred between insane and respectable design. The "stealth" is nothing more than lore-heavy nuisance that we could have done without considering the actual state of the story. They need an overhaul asap I am so tired boss. I did manage to reach the credits through sheer will I'll chalk this up to challenges, they were fun when they weren't one hour long bcuz I ain't tryna redo allat. While the music is kind of a shuffle between the same tunes, it kinda GOES. All's I'm sayin'. It does be givin Jet Set Radio wannabe, but what they gonna do? Play Environmental Noises (G-Major Version) - Super Smash Bros. Brawl???

The social aspect of the game basically amounts to NPCs mentioning your "team" that just isn't there because there's little incentive to make different characters or find friends to play with. You can make your little guys look like other characters but it's not a big thing really, modders could have done that pronto. These hubs make me feel like a kid lost at a mall that grows up and learns the layout so yeah it'sđź‘Ť Feels "dead" though. Fun isn't allowed, so it makes sense, people are walking home from their factory job and that's it. I had some amount of fun, but take solace in knowing I haven't been arrested for that yet. We will be seeing new reviews from me.

Still need to knuckle down and finish Hover, but it's a good game through and through.

From tone of the game, which falls some where in-between weirdly mid 2000s and more average and modern 2017 with it's humour, character interactions and designs, and the overall gameplay.

The story is, there... Mostly cause I can hardly remember it, a much better and stronger point toward the game is-

Gameplay, both the gameplay loop and objectives, one of the few games alongside Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, that I would play just to play, movement feels strange at first, but once you get used to it, it's nice and expressive, with plenty of ways to move around such massive maps, level design seems clever and intentional due to the players ability to manoeuvre around the map and is incredibly satisfying, coupled with the fact that it has collectibles (I love collectathon games) all over the place, plenty of side objectives.

Honestly if this game had support for modding and a more alive community to mod for it, this game would probably be an easy 5/5 for me. I normally would deduct points for having a mid/bad story, but honestly, I never was forced to follow it, so really I had the freedom to just explore the world, learn the game, familiarise myself with the world and just skate around.

I really couldn’t get into this game. I tried

Maybe I'll finish it someday, but every time I come back I am off as fast as it took to download.

Unfortunately it needed more time to cook as there's some mechanics/collectibles/missions that feel like they're there just because. Movement mechanics are solid and fun.

Best movement ever.
It's really something you can enjoy regardless of anything else related to the game.

Was interested in this Jet Set Radio-inspired game. Very vertical city, and I love the verticality. I do find its attempts to be "cool" corny, but otherwise I found it fun enough.

Except for the "gameball" stuff. Absolutely hate those missions. They simply take choices away from the player when it comes to control, and I just didn't like that.

The game, last time I played it, was also bad about making it clear where missions were or where to go. I just moved around randomly and did whatever.

I enjoyed the game despite these flaws, but I really didn't enjoy these flaws. I eventually lost interest.

Su música es pegadiza, visualmente es muy atrayente y parece muy inspirado en predecesores del mismo género; en diseño de niveles se enreda mucho con la verticalidad y aun siendo su aparente punto fuerte, resulta en unos picos de dificultad poco naturales. Sumado a una gestión de la cámara poco amigable en momentos clave y algunas mecánicas implementadas poco acertadas de sigilo, la jugabilidad se vuelve frustrante cuando debe ser divertida.

Tem uma movimentação incrível! Estava super ansioso pra jogar esse jogo desde que joguei "A Hat in Time". Definitivamente não cumpriu minhas expectativas, mas tem sido uma ótima experiência de jogo.

Like the style, music, setup, but game feels aimless. A new Jet Set Radio this isn't.

The music is great. The gameplay is not too bad, but the idea of an online Jet Set Radio game, while great in theory, didn’t quite pan out. The character creation also felt lacking

I enjoyed it, just wish I could restart my saves.

This game is pretty much mirrors edge, cyberpunk and jet set radio had a baby. Great OST. Easy to learn hard to master mechanics and a fun experience. Decent customization and def a serious challenge with certain missions. This game is even better with friends as you can all help each other out and boost characters faster. It does have some issues like the prison and end game sections are extremely tedious and I think its absurd to trap a true ending behind collecting all 206 game girls ( yes I did it). But despite that I think its a solid experience and is worth a buy especially on a sale.
The story is very simple but it gets the job done for what this game is. Def worth a run and dont forget to grab the unofficial patch for the two extra dna kits and additional game changes. Could be a easy 4.5 if there was full VA and if it was easier to navigate quest strings (and a better main plot).