Reviews from

in the past

they had to hold this game back by giving it stinky controls just so other 3DS games still had a chance (it's true my dad works at nintendo)

i really hope this gets a switch port one day

this game gave me arthritis but i can stomach that knowing that i've experienced the peak of third=person shooters, sakurai really is that guy

A FUN On rail shooter made by Nintendo that has memorable banter with good ground segments AND reboots an old forgotten Nintendo IP into critical acclaim? Holy shit this game did all in one entry what Star Fox has failed to do since 64

This was my first Kid Icarus game and I immediately fell in love with Pit!
He's basically an even more childish KH Sora. Adorable.

The (frequent) dubbed dialogues are super amusing and cute. Pit is iconic. He calls his dark version Pittoo (Pit two).
Palutena is the sweetest, Viridi is sassy, Pandora sounds like an old lady trying to be cute. Hades is a sassy dandy man.

The Tempura Wizard transforms Pit into TEMPURA and can eat him. The Eggplant Wizard into... yes, an eggplant.

The combat system is certainly unique: you can fight while moving in flight or on land with a wide variety of claws, staffs, clubs, orbitars, blades, bows, palms, cannons or arms. They each have different stats and range, so it's fun to find what works best on which enemy and for your own playing style.
I usually go for the Pandora Claws.

It's very HARD!! I simply cannot pass the higher difficulties, because tons of enemies arrive from all directions. It's a bit frustrating, but still pretty fun.
Also, sometimes I get distracted listening to the dialogues and get hit by enemies.

Game was worth destroying my hands over tbh

Creo que los rail shooters son lo más cercano en la actualidad a Dragon's Lair. Una peliculita animada en la que no dejan de suceder cosas rimbombantes de fondo mientras como jugadores nos limitamos a una suma de comandos anecdótica. Nada de lo que ves se siente real y encima todo está sobrelabrado. Cada animación de caminar, de disparar, de atacar, de esquivar es excesiva a la vista en esta estética kingdomheartera de polígolonos inflados y destellos para todo. Y entre tanto artificio está un sistema de control que te desliga más todavía de lo que acontece. Con todas las acciones posibles en un único botón se crea una falta de consistencia constante. Pegar cuerpo a cuerpo y disparar se hacen con la misma acción, girar la cámara y apuntar lo mismo, o moverte y dashear. Y no es un asunto de sistema de control extraño al que cuesta acostumbrarse (estoy jugando Resident Evil 5 en paralelo y su control es tan peculiar como consistente), es un tema de falta de saber ligar todo este desorden de animaciones, acciones, destellos y juego de cámara en un sistema compacto. Porque entonces se perdería la pretendida espectacularidad de estos juegos donde hay que creerse que lo que ves y juegas es lo más increíble que has visto y jugado nunca.

This game is phenomenal, and utterly unique. Excellent graphics for the 3Ds, stellar music, snappy writing, great characters and a fun overarching story all culminate in a game that I am so happy I played unspoiled. The gameplay can be a bit janky at times, and the controls as mentioned by others will cramp your hands, but Kid Icarus: Uprising is such a fantastic overall experience that I don't regret a single moment playing it. Have I mentioned the protagonist is adorable? Play Kid Icarus: Uprising.


The best game of all time limited only by being trapped on the 3ds. The music, the gameplay, the characters and the whole damn story are so good.

One of the most innovative and enjoyable difficulty systems in any game and this mixed with the weapon variety makes it so damn replayable. Not to mention how much fun the stupid multiplayer mode is. I would honestly give anything for a port of this game on modern systems. Please... Please.

A must play 3DS gem, the story is very fun to follow, might not be the best one out there specially since it has a lot of fourth-wall breaks that might be get annoying after some time but still a really great experience. The soundtrack has to be one of the best i heard. It has online play but personally never got to play it too much, sadly online services shut down but you can still play it with a third party service called Pretendo and check if someone wants to play.

would be 5 stars but im left handed

would be a 10 but palu isn't a bbw and this is stuck ON THE 3DS

Best 3DS game. Easily. The only pain worse than the wrist strain is the emotional pain of not playing Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Give this game a port with good controls and i will love it

a lot of nintendo games from this era would remind you to take breaks now and then. kid icarus uprising enforces these by having a control scheme that physically hurts to use after 30 minutes of play

- Visually impressive
- Flight sequences are incredible. Beautifully done in a creative and epic way
- I just love the casual and funny talking between good guys and villains, how it makes no sense that they're are chatting out of nowhere, making the game so lively and charming
- English voice-acting is quite good (not something I often say about a non-original VA)
- The soundtrack is great, thanks to the star composers behind it
- Pretty generous game with a lengthy main story, a multiplayer mode, and a insane completion potential
- Being able to adjust difficulty is really nice, also it can be super hard especially for a Nintendo game
- The amount of weapons, which can be fuse between them for even more
- Lots of different monsters

- Ground sequence's controls are painful and irritating. There are a few control layouts but none of them feel natural and confortable. Constantly flicking the touch-screen for turning the camera become quickly tiring. Also, Pit's movement lacks some precision.
- Overall the ground sequences are not that fun. They are often too long, kinda repetitive, and the level-designs are just basic most of the times.
- Pit become exhausted after running, why ?! Pit even need to catch his breath is you don't stop. Irritating and unnecessary design choice, especially since it occurs even outside battles.
- Monsters design are quite random
- A remaster would be much appreciated, with reworked controls and 60 fps

You may think that it's unjustifiable to give a game that actively physically harms you while you play it 5 stars, but this game is just that good.

I am still waiting for a port/sequel and losing bets on Nintendo Direct predictions against my schizophrenic self.

Back when I got this game in 2012, I was in a tight spot when it comes to my passions in media. Most of my family and friends considered videogames as a "worthless waste of time", that are only capable of damaging your mind and will never be able to make anything other than that. Behing a big insecure fella, this pressure would have led me to agree with them.

Then I played this game, and it changed my mind forever.
Not only it's one of the best game I have ever played... it's probably the piece of media that shaped me the most and is responsible for the person I am today.

This game is a masterpiece. The main director, Masahiro Sakurai (the mastermind behind Super Smash Bros and Kirby) takes the premise of a goofy NES title, ressurrect it and evolves it in so many ways, that makes it stand out so hard over the landscape of modern videogames. It does so many things well that are even hard to list in a single review.

The presentation is immaculate, using the console it was build for to its limits. It takes big inspiation by greek mythology while also twisting most of the things we know about it, to create a really creative, wacky and endearing world.
The writing is incredible, lighthearted and full of hilarious moments, but it's also able to hit hard when the story is at its darker moments.
The characters and their banters are some of the best part of the game. All of them have these bombastic personalities, enhanced by the always amazing voice acting performances, and the way they interact with each others lead to one of the best cast in Nintendo's catalogues of heroes and villains.

The gameplay is addictive, with almost infinite levels of customization and over 100 types of weapons and combat styles to perfect.
The music and graphics are stuck in my mind for years, and complements really well the wacky adventures the games unfold.
It has one of the best multiplayer mode I have ever seen in a game, so good that has been active for more than a decade, with a community always open to new players.

Like everything, it does have its flaws: the fact that this gem is a Thid-person shooter stuck on a portable console means that the way the control works can be considered janky or even hurtful for a lot of people. I totally get that.

But aside from that, if people come to me and ask "What kind of game you consider timeless art?".....
THIS is one of the things I will immediately point at!

My favorite videogames ever and an incredibly underrated masterpiece.
You will not regret it.

So I'm only chapter 3/4, kind of forgot. But I've gotta say for what it is, I love this game. The humor is great, and I love some good ol' comedy. And the gameplay is stellar despite the limitations it had.


this is a good game. sakurai spin the block and make another one please

Please Nintendo, port this and save my wrists.

Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)

I don’t usually gravitate towards shooters like this but I loved it. Action was pretty fluid and I think that the use of the 3DS's two screen was executed well, required a good bit of focus and finesse. The characters had cool designs, were funny, and wacky. The banter between them was always fun to listen to xD.

I’m surprised this hasn’t gotten a remaster or sequel but after playing Uprising, I hope that Kid Icarus returns someday, preferably if this got a remaster or remake on the switch then an eventual sequel.

Kid Icarus Uprising surprised me. I went in with 0 expectations and I was blown away by the writing. This game doesn't just send a shit ton of enemies your way, it also sends you one joke and funny bit after the other. The characters get so much dialogue, because the whole story takes place during gameplay, I love that! And it's fully voiced!!! When does that ever happen in a Nintendo game?

The gameplay is also a ton of fun. Kid Icarus Uprising never gets old, as it's not afraid to constantly push forward, always exploring new ideas. The fact that they got this game working on the 3DS is just insane.

I also love the weapon variety, allowing you to choose your favourite style of playing with so many options. And the length is also great! It's long enough to be satisfying, but also short enough to not overstay it's welcome and leaving me longing for more after seeing the credits.

kid icarus uprising is like an eagle trapped in a 4cmx4cmx4cm cage
(please port it)

Despite the controls, the game is a masterpiece. Great story, dialog, music, artstyle, and massive variety of weapons and loadouts. Add in a large challenge list (similar to SSBB and Kirby Air Ride) and adjustable difficulties and you have Mashiro Sakurai's magmun opus.

One of the most fun games I've ever played. The art direction is incredible, the music is phenomenal, the writing is HILARIOUS but knows when to take itself a little more seriously, and despite the odd control scheme feels really good to play and is very responsive. There's so many ways to play and a lot of replayability with all of the difficulties, weapons, and abilities to collect, fuse, and use. R.I.P. online matches.