Reviews from

in the past

Short review because I don't have the time to collect my thoughts.

This game rules! It's truly a best-of-both-worlds situation where Nintendo's retro catalogue meets something along the lines of Wario Ware or Rhythm Heaven. Games remain faithful to their source while still having some nice twists.

Was very impressed by the challenge it offered. Grabbing 3-stars on every challenge will likely go down as my gaming achievement of the year. Though that challenge does stem from some classic NES bullshit every once in a while. I'm looking at you Golf.

Overall this solidifies my opinion that NES games are best enjoyed through a modern lens. Gameplay can be timeless, but sometimes it needs to be repackaged to be palatable.

Pretty solid game honestly. I remember really wanting this game back in the day. It was fun for a good amount of time. Wii U era was super underrated.

really fun game. i love going for the rainbow stars for every level. the remixes are cool even if they would get better in the sequel. its just a great little pick up and play game that is really fun if you can get your hands on it

Fun. I can really enjoy the idea here, though I do not care about NES games as much to really enjoy this any more than just the novelty of it all.

Enjoyed this a lot. Some fun challenges that really add to the entertainment value of some games I would only have previously played for a few minutes.

Brilliant idea to rejuvenate the classics we have played many times before.
I wish Nintendo made more consoles.

being entirely honest i dont really like first nes remix a whole lot. the idea behind the game of course is really cool, and there are definitely many fun moments within the challenges and remixes, but most of the games in this first nes remix just arent very good and have really odd physics which hinders my enjoyment of alot of the challenges.

you can now play as luigi