Reviews from

in the past

So, this game was my first ever interaction with a soulslike, although its not really a souls game, its more like a crossover between Ninja Gaiden X Dark Souls with tons of loot and very loot-based like Diablo.
At first i didn't like it and left it only to pick it up 2-3 years later and i actually liked it.
Man oh man, i have a love-hate relationship with this game. Sometimes i'd be like: "man this game is badass!" and sometimes: "man this game sucks big time!"
Its definitely a great game, loved the style, the atmosphere, the gameplay, how its based on historic battles and real people.
Very fast paced, and very loot based from a point onwards. So the platinum is quite easy, like a 5/10 difficulty. But the 100% is a different breed. You need to complete every mission in this game on the Way of the Demon difficulty which is pretty much NG+2.
The game has 5 difficulties:
-Way of the Samurai
-Way of the Strong
-Way of the Demon
-Way of the Wise
-Way of the Nioh
Some of the missions are very hard, I had to go to WotNioh to farm gear and amrita to have a chance at the harder WotDemon missions.
What i hate about Nioh is... some missions are just bad, repetitive and unfair. It might sound like skill issue but idk, when you die in any souls game you know it was your fault 99% of the times. In Nioh.... sometimes shit happens:)))
All in all, great game, way harder than any souls game.

We could have had Ninja Gaiden Souls.

Instead we got Nioh, Nioh 2, Chinese Nioh and Final Fantasy Nioh. May God smite Team Ninja.

Surpreendentemente bom, com uma gameplay ótima e bosses excelentes em sua gigantesca maioria. Facilmente o melhor soulslike que não é da From, adicionando muita coisa legal ao gênero.

I love dark souls. I love Japan. Being a non-Japanese person who lived in Japan and learned a lot about the language in culture and worked there I loved the idea of Nioh. I absolutely hate the bonkers stamina pump mechanic and the logic for the enemies is some of the worst I've ever encountered in gaming. Stance idea has some promise but I don't have the patience to deal with this any time soon.

Yeah, I don't know man :D Actually it was pretty cool but my gosh, it has such a shit story :D I liked the setting ok and the gameplay was fun I guess. Unfortunately, I found it very repetitive very quickly, but I understand why people like it. For me, it's another one of those games that tries to be a bit like Souls, but emulates it mainly in gameplay without paying attention to the other aspects like worldbuilding and lore.

Uma das maiores decepções que eu tive nesse ano, me lembro de ter começado a jogar no ano passado e dropado, só que não sabia o motivo. Quando fui rejogar, imediatamente descobri o porque. Até hoje não sei por que diabos platinei esse jogo, mas enfim, o que já foi feito não pode ser desfeito.

Do início ao fim do jogo, ele é totalmente repetitivo, entediante e desbalanceado. As áreas são muito lineares, com pouca exploração, essa sendo feita de maneira preguiçosa, assim como seu level design, que é um dos principais fatores do jogo ser desbalanceado e entediante. O jogo é desbalanceado devido ao fato da dificuldade dele ser baseado em quantidade e não qualidade, então ao invés de termos espalhados pelo mapa inimigos diferentes, com padrões de movimentação e ataque, em menos quantidade porém bem posicionados de maneira a surpreender e punir o jogador, temos áreas entupidas de inimigos idênticos, com nenhuma ou quase nenhuma variação, em que o jogador tem que, frequentemente lidar com um gangbang de 4 a 6 inimigos. Os inimigos em si não mudam em nada de aparência e movimentação/padrão de ataques, que para tentarem um "balanceamento" inventaram de escalonar o dano desses monstros a um nível colossal que, mesmo você estando com o mesmo nível de personagem e equipamento da missão, te dão hit kill. Isso tudo acaba sendo refletido nas batalhas contra chefes que, ou são ridiculamente fáceis, ou ridiculamente difíceis, com quase nenhuma curva de aprendizagem.

Por outro lado, a história do jogo é boa, a narrativa é agradável com o pacing certo para seu desenvolvimento. Gostei como foi pensado o plot, misturando fatos e acontecimentos históricos do Japão com mitologia e fantasia e o modo como isso foi feito encaixou muito bem com a narrativa. Os personagens em sua maioria são meio sem sal e esquecíveis, mesmo sendo personagens históricos japoneses acabaram fazendo um mal trabalho com isso.

Dark Souls if it was unfair

as a big fan of souls games, i figured id try this game, seeing as its always praised as one of the better souls likes. playing this game (and many other souls likes), made me come to the conclusion that i just really like fromsoft games, and dont actually care for the souls formula that much.

Better than the second one, creative ideas mixed with not so creative ideas. Combat is snappy but sometimes has an overreliance on the complex move system that makes it unfun to play.

o yo soy tonto o este juego es muy dificil

A great gamed marred with some questionable design. This is a soulslike, but with much better combat and a random loot system similar to a looter. Level design isn't so great and none of the levels are interconnected. It's odd that you can't really make a build till around your third playthrough. The beginning is a bit too hard as well, it ends up being much easier later on because it's all about the power of your gear which you don't have much choice of early on. A bit too long as well.

Great game, it doesn't try to hold to all the tropes that come with the genre and pretty much does it's own thing, drinking deeply from japanese history to spin it's narratives and justifying all of it's mechanics in-universe.

Combat is simple to learn and hard to master, options galore both weapon and style-wise, ninjutsu, living weapon and onmyo (magic) are sewn into the main story in an interesting way that allows you to really use all the cards the game gives you.

The only bad thing that I can say about it is that the last story boss of the Omi region is quite weird and janky, some of the later stages tend to appeal to tricks and "gotchas" to keep players guessing, which can get tiring but it's somewhat understandable that it's there. Also the hardcore gearing for the NG+ is a complete madness, but that's extremely optional so get into it at your own peril.

Overall a great game that suffered from being launched into an oversaturated market of weird soulslikes at the time of it's release, but that it went above and beyond to do it's own thing and stand out as a full-fledged game. Really impressed by this one.

The beginning is interesting but having to constantly improve your weapons and farming xp gets very boring eventually.

Wanted to do more damage in an action game? We had a method for that: It was called "GETTING GOOD"
"Yes please give me -4% Backstab Damage Taken. Please give me -8% Quick Attack Ki Usage"
-Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged
LOOK at what gamedesigners have been demanding your Respect for all this time, with all the computersoftware WE built for them
"Hello I would like +3.8% Yokai Close Combat Damage"
They Have Played us for ABSOLUTE FOOLS...

I've been trying to finish this game for years, but I keep hitting roadblocks with the bosses. Actual skill issue, but I will probably never finish this one.

one of the best soul likes out there, combat is perfection, i would say its even better then dark souls, also underrated pvp mode that is unfortunatly swarmed by hackers, cant wait to try out the sequel

Its so difficult to describe my issue with Nioh in an intuitive way, but I guess I would say: if it feels more rewarding to underutilize or completely avoid components of your combat systems, youve probably designed your combat poorly. The Souls formula centers around oppressive conditions but Niohs mistake was putting all that oppressiveness in the player mechanics.

ótimo combate e ideias mt criativas presas a um loop de gameplay extremamente chato.
pretendo jogar o 2, entretanto

The funniest thing about Nioh to me is just how pancake-flat the difficulty “curve” is. You are just fighting the same 5-10 dudes over and over for 20-30 hours, and your numbers are bigger-ing at more or less the same rate theirs are, so not only are you fighting the same enemies in the same environments, but the experience of fighting them, how quickly you kill them and they kill you, is almost exactly the same every time. Occasionally you will get a nice drop and you will kill Dude #3 in 5 hits instead of 6 for a mission or two, but then it goes back. Less occasionally, one of the enemies will get a new twist which means they have one more move, or you will get a new skill to try out, but it's all a wash, it doesn’t change the texture of any encounters much at all.

This was genuinely humorous to me and I would kind of object personify the different enemy types as they inevitably showed up every level, but I obviously don’t think this is good and I don’t think I have it in me to do it again, so here’s to hoping Nioh 2 has maybe 15 or even 20 enemies!

Sıkıcı ve kötü bosslar. Saçma ekipman sistemi. Sürekli tekrar eden tasarımsız bölümler. Olmayan denge. Tek olumlu yanı dövüş sistemi ama karşınızdaki düşmanlar sizi iki vuruşta indiren 5 canavar ve düz askerlerden oluştuğu için bununda anlamı kalmıyor. Hikayeyide öylesine yazmışlar sanırım.

Nioh is fun, and frustrating, with spectacular bosses and way, way too much loot.

Challenging and exhilarating.
The game combines intense combat, deep customization, and a richly detailed world inspired by Japanese history and mythology. Basically Dark Souls in Japan.

While it draws inspiration from the Soulsborne genre, Nioh manages to carve out its own identity with its distinct setting and mechanics, making it a standout title for fans of challenging action RPGs.

Como foi o primeiro Nioh, ele tem umas coisas bem desbalanceadas e o combate em si por consequência de ter sido o primeiro não é tão bom e refinado igual o segundo jogo, porém isso não significa que ele é ruim de forma alguma.

Você pode fazer builds extremamente roubadas nesse jogo, tem cada efeito especial nas armaduras/armas quebrado que matar um BOSS em menos de 30 segundos ou em 1 HIT como eu vi jogando co-op ou vendo vídeo de outras pessoas jogando é comum, acho que tira a graça dos bosses e principalmente meio que "joga terra" ao profundo sistema de combate que o jogo tem. Aparentemente é uma opinião controversa entre os fãs de Nioh mas eu gostei de terem nerfado bastante os efeitos especiais dos itens -mas claro, não o bastante para se tornarem inúteis.

Não só o Loot desse jogo é OP, mas as Magias Onmyo e Ninjutsu também, a quantidade de talismãs e sla bombas hoyoku-dama que você consegue levar é TÃO GRANDE que não ironicamente tu talvez vá precisar comprar conjunto de atalhos no ferreiro pra conseguir ter espaço pra todas sem abrir o inventário. Só de exemplo: Eu levo 6 pílulas de força, 1 pergaminho de troca rápida e todo o resto em bomba, com 4 talismãs de preguiça, 3 de fragilidade, 3 de enfraquecimento, 2 de Defesa, 3 de Aço e 1 de Regeneração

some good ps2 vibes but damn i hit that 2nd boss and just felt the comparison of game feel to difficuly curve reduce me to completely uninterested
but i like the level design and world map progression style too much to not come back to

I enjoyed it at the time, but there have been much better Souls-likes since then. It tipped the scales of challenge a little too far into the unfair category.

Nioh is like if Dark Souls and Ninja Gaiden had a baby – it's super satisfying to master the combat, but it's also brutally unforgiving. The loot system is addictive, and there's a ton of builds to mess with. The Japanese folklore setting is cool, but the story gets confusing fast, and the level design is kinda uninspired. If you like that hardcore challenge with a side of awesome samurai action, check it out. If not...maybe try something a little easier.