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in the past

Playing it in the completionist mindset of getting all the fruit, Pikmin 3 feels like the sequel that Pikmin 2 wished it was for Pikmin 1. With the wii u gamepad, the aspect of multitasking is highlighted more than ever, making the day to day process of collecting very fun.

This games focus on more of a linear story works too. Detracts even more from the arcadey aspect of 1, but it proves itself to not require it.

Best pikmin game so far. . .

Amazing game, very very enjoyable. Need to play the second one but i can say its on a roughly similar level to the first game

I have a lot of respect for this game, i mean it tried to change and mix the pikmin franchise and build something with that.
Pikmin 3 feels very different than its predescessors, it's easier, less sketchy and well refined, maybe too refined.
I rarely had chaotic moments in this game, moments where i would be more angry at my pikmin than myself.
The graphisms are strangely amazing, i mean it makes sense they would choose pikmin to showcase the performance of the wii u but still.

Also the game is toooo short, after Pikmin 2 that took 20~ hours to beat this kinda feels like a joke, but at least it has the best final boss of the first three bosses.

The amount of hours I've sunk into this game as a kid, man I FUCKING LOVE PIKMIN

This was my first pikmin game and it led me too realize that this might be one of my favorite game series’ of all time. Sure, this game gets rid of the cave mechanic from 2 which I loved (even though they were kinda stressful) but it still makes up because of the amazing area, new pikmin types, the bosses, the story, and also the 2 amazing game modes that I have great memories with. 5/5

A nice little homage to the first game, with just the right amount of polish both in terms of gameplay and visuals. There were some challenges that felt less challenging and more infuriating, and as someone who doesn't really do multiple runs, the amount of content in the main campaign was slightly disappointing. Still a very good game overall, and another solid entry in the series.

Pikmin 3: HD visuals, new camera angles, rock Pikmin and THERE'S VOICE ACTING? Well, it had been 9 years since 2. Pikmin 3 is beautiful and has a lot to offer new and existing players in the series. It has a slower start than the first two games, but it also does not drag. It has new visual cues and UI that is still reminiscent of the previous games, which I really like. One of my favorite additions, which doesn't sound like a big deal, is the lock on. The lock on mechanic was a godsend after how brutal some of the angling was in Pikmin 2. I also love the new enemy variety. Pikmin 2 was a nice jump in variety from the first game, but it very clearly used Pikmin 1 as a base. Pikmin 3 includes familiar enemies while introducing many new ones to the mix. I kind of see Pikmin 3 to be more similar to 1 than 2. The gameplay is out on the surface rather than dens, which I prefer. There's a sense of urgency with a crash landing and limited food. AND JOURNAL LOGS ARE BACK! I didn't really dig the emails, so I'm glad the logs came back. It's also closer to length and difficulty to 1 than 2, which I know a lot of people are unsure about, but I liked. I didn't want 3 to be as long as 2, since 2 felt padded with dens. I also like that there is side content in the game if I wish to keep playing later. Also I didn't like how unforgiving 2 could be at times with its difficulty, so I preferred 3 in that way as well. Overall, this game aligns closer to 1, which while others may not like as much, I preferred. It felt like I was on a big adventure with nice puzzles rather than a dungeon crawler/collectathon. I think Pikmin 3 is just as good as 2, and I'm excited to get into Pikmin 4. That is, after a much needed break, as now it's time for Spider-Man 2 and Mario Wonder

2nd best pikmin game, better than the original but can't reach the peaks of pikmin 2. Seems to me like the sequel to pikmin 1 which is still great

Really fun strategic game with some of the best looking environments around definitely would recommend

Very fun and easily the best pikmin entry

3 captains is too many captains man. I enjoyed the fruit system but the fruit just gave you way too much juiceand was just way too easy outside the 1 day Louie comes to ruin your damn day.

The atmosphere and gameplay loop make this game so fun no matter how stressful the time management is! I am so glad this was my first pikmin game because it only makes me want to check out the other games more <3

My only regret is that I haven't played this game sooner

Good game but the first two were better

Controls and visuals are good however not much to really say about this is just an average pikmin 1 with a different story to say the least

Overall the best pikmin game IMO, although it is incredibly easy. This game plays like an optimized pikmin 1, where the main fun of the gameplay is seeing how fast you can beat it. 3 captains lets you play much more efficiently compared to 1 with just Olimar, although it may make the gameplay feel more mechanical than 1 where you're struggling for survival.

The day limit returning in this game is a cool idea but anyone who's even relatively competent will never see it get close to running out. The new pikmin types are really cool, although blues are essentially useless in this game and yellows are on life support.

Bingo battle is the best sidemode in any pikmin game by a wide margin. Mission mode can be fun if you're into that, but I never liked it that much personally.

Overall just has the most fun gameplay with the best functioning mechanics and controls. The areas are all fun to explore and giving each area 1 big boss to do is unique to this game (2's bosses function much differently to these, with not every cave having them and not having any time restriction). If enemies just had higher pikmin kill caps then the game would actually be difficult to, but as of now it's the easiest game in the series by far.

This game is amazing. The feel and look is immaculate. This game does so well at being Pikmin, but it lacks a lot of design decisions that made 1 and 2 feel so whimsical.

Charlie has a rubber duck. 10/10

This game utilized what the Wii U had perfectly both in its power and controller. This game is still beautiful to look at and is a multitasker's wet dream. The gamepad feels like it was made for Pikmin, and even with the switch release I still somewhat miss using the gamepad stylus to play Pikmin.

Pikmin 3 is not a game we deserve as a species. It is baffling to me that a game so polished, so unbelievably amazing, has gone so unappreciated for so long. This game is an artistic achievement on every level. The level design is impeccable. The environments are gorgeous. The music is enchanting. The gameplay is satisfying. The campaign and mission modes are endlessly replayable. People often wonder why this game took so long to come out, but when you really think about it, to make a game that works this well on a fundamental level must have taken years and years of effort. Play this game. Just play it. Buy it right now and play it. I promise you will not regret it.

Objectively better than Pikmin 2, but it lacks Purple Picked Men

The graphics update compared to the wii/gamecube versions of the game were phenomenal, however the straightforward gameplay of "Do this or you'll never advance the story" always bothered me as a kid. There was barely any free range to the game, which is just a me issue when it comes to it. It doesn't have too many rewarding aspects when it comes to replayability, and overall the ending felt kinda disappointing to me.

Love the game, but definitely my least favorite of the franchise. Still love Rock and Winged pikmin tho. Silly little critters.

First Pikmin game I ever played. The game is a bit short but full of charm. Some of the puzzles actually require a bit of thinking and most of the bosses are fun to fight and not super simple like Mario bosses. Some of the controls are a bit wonky but that is probably due to the limitations of the hardware it was made for. Definitely good enough to get me invested in the Pikmin series for future titles.

Pikmin 3 was my first encounter with the Pikmin franchise. It's such a beautiful looking game, even on the Wii U. The galaxy looks amazing. I played this game in winter, in a cold, empty apartment, so it perfectly matched the vibe and ended it in springs. The soundtrack was amazing and it was a very relaxing game. The game doesn't focus on the story, while it's focussing on the charm. It's not a hard game and the challenges are mostly really easy. I like the new food system and how it pushes the player to strategize the flow of the day so you don't run out of food. The new Pikmins have excellent new abilities and expand the possibilities of finding treasures. This game is in my view a must play and i'm invested for future titles.