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in the past

Why yes, I do believe André Segers would slurp up his employee's intestine like spaghetti if they didn't bring him something to drink

Game was okay but it was worth it for the Teensy hitting the gritty during the credits

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Great sequel with lots of new features, humor and content.

Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc is a worthy successor for the second game. It adds new game play mechanics, new enemies and a fun new story filled with jokes, new challenges and beautiful locations.

In terms of story, Rayman 3 stays true to the previous games. You got your villain, in this case a Hoodlum called André who wants to take over the world by turning all the Lums into the black, plushy Hoodlum enemies in the game. Rayman (and Globox) need to stop him and his army of Hoodlums and save the world.

You travel trough many different worlds with the help of the Teensies, who are always partying and sometimes take a moment to teleport you to the next world. Every time you are about to enter a new world, you need to complete a skateboarding level in a space dimension with rails that you need to stay on. You go to swamp worlds, icy mountains, forests and fairy landscapes. It is all great fun and no level looks the same. The levels are linear but designed in a way that you can explore them however you want, and you can backtrack almost any time.

The mechanics in Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc have been greatly improved. You now have a targeting system to hit enemies more effectively, can throw punches in an arch around them and the best new feature of all: The different suits that you collect, each with their unique power. You got power fist armor which can be used to insta-kill most enemies and break wooden doors, swinging grappling hook armor which lets you swing on rings, a rocket suit that let you guide a rocket towards a target or enemy and many more. They last a short amount of time but when you got a can (yeah, they come in cans), you can recharge the suit infinitely. Although the cans and their use are heavily scripted in order to progress (a button out of reach that you need to hit with the rocket suit for example), you can still use the suit for an advantage against enemies or discover hidden locations in the area. Many times, I walked back to a can so I could get a stronger punch against the enemies.

Speaking about the enemies, I really like their appearance as sack like dolls with sewed mouths and wobbly movements. They make funny noises when punched and can present a real challenge sometimes. I thought they were just as fun and well balanced as the Pirate Robots from Rayman 2: The Great Escape.

The graphics are also improved from Rayman 2: The Great Escape. Although Rayman himself and Globox look the same, the environments are all completely fresh and filled with live and moving objects. The artwork and colors are just stunning for a game from 2003.

The sound effects are great, and you can feel the punches that you throw at your enemies. The snappy sounds when you grab rings, the destruction of a wooden door that you break, it all sounds perfect. The music tracks are also a work of art on their own. The best examples are the swamp levels, in which the music is a tragic, almost depressing tune that fits the flat and lifeless environment, and the boss battle, in which you get pumped up and the tracks increase in intensity when progressing trough the different phases of the battle.

The controls are fluent and a big improvement over Rayman 2: The Great Escape. Although the controls were all right in that game, in Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc, they feel more responsive and less stiff.

The end boss battle was epic. It did not have the right to be this amazing and thrilling but it did. Conquering the three phases of the final battle was, as a kid, one of my proudest achievements and one of the best boss battles that I experienced.

The best feature in this game is the sarcastic and humorous approach that the game takes on all of a sudden. Murfy reads from the original Rayman manual and makes multiple jokes about the first games and video games in general. Globox is portrayed as an idiot and lives up to that title. His facial expressions and commentary are hilarious, and I still think the humor in this game is one of the best I experienced.

Overall, I think Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc is a very good game, and I loved every second of it.

Definitely recommend it.

jogava com a minha mãe, muito legal recomendo a todos

ima be real, i don't like 3d platformers all that much but rayman? rayman some real ass shit

A fantastic and greatly overlooked 3D platformer. Despite being the only mainline Rayman without the usual series director, it has just as if not more charm as the rest of the series. More so than any other platformer I can think of Rayman 3 nails the feeling of going on a grand adventure through a vibrant fantasy world. Some parts like the vehicle section towards the end and the final boss are pretty jank.

This is a game that I really wish was better.

Rayman 2 is one of the best platformers out there, so Rayman 3 feels like it should be better, right? In a lot of ways it actually kind of is. The visuals are incredible, the music is beautiful, and the environments have a lot of more variance and interesting things going on than the previous game's somewhat samey locales. The new enemies (particularly the Hoodlums) are very creative in design and fun to sock in the face. Rayman's new design is really fresh and he animates exceptionally well, with a lot of fluid movement and funny expressions. The gameplay feels really smooth (even smoother than before), and Rayman's finally got his projectile punch in 3D and it feels great! Curving punches left and right is also incredibly smart as it adds a layer of depth you don't find in most platformers with combat. A lot of great ideas are at play here, and shape potential for a killer sequel.

Unfortunately the game squanders a lot of these things by being really, really, really, really annoying. The enchanting tone the game feels like it wants to carry is talked over loudly by what seems to be the writers team trying to pull a weird French take on Shrek, where we make fun of everything we were just treating genuinely in the previous game. Everyone quips and thinks they're the funniest person ever (besides Ray himself, which the game gracefully excludes from most of that). Almost no characters from 2 return (goodbye forever Ly the Fairy....), leaving only Globox, the Teensies and Murfy (the characters you can laugh at). A lot of the dialogue is mean-spirited in a way that just feels uncomfortable, the game is insistent on breaking the fourth wall, and you hear far too many jokes about burps, farts and getting drunk on plum juice. The lore is, while present, an afterthought and the game is desperate to let you know how little it cares that you got invested. The overall vibe is a very boy's club frat house energy. And it feels kinda.. gross?

Those things have bothered me since I was a kid, but I (child who grew up in the edgy 2000s) was pretty used to it, and learned to ignore it to appreciate the amazing art, catchy music, creative worlds and stellar gameplay. Or at least, what I thought was stellar gameplay back then. Playing it now, it's got a lot of great moments, but the level design is so much less involved than 2 was. 3 cares way more about waves of enemies to fight and alternate gameplay gimmicks (hello 2003 game design, I missed you none!). You have to stop progressing repeatedly to clear out a whole room of it's enemies, which was usually only optional in Rayman 2. The game wants you to try these new powerups ("combat fatigues" as Rayman puts it), which are neat in concept but are used so often (and with such annoying jingles) that it bogs down the flow of the game by a lot. And yeah, like your average 2003 game, there is sudden genre roulette. You will drive vehicles and shoot from turrets at least once or twice.

There is so much less actual platforming than Rayman 2 that when you get to the Teensie hide-away level later in you'll be thrown off by how the game suddenly became a puzzle-platformer again. It's a welcome switch-up to suddenly play a whole world of jumping, sliding and climbing through areas that need your fists to break doors and activate switches, but it'll really throw you through a loop and make you notice how much they changed style between games. Bizarre how this game just kinda shed a lot of what made the previous one so compelling..

That said, I still think it's a pretty decent game. Definitely worth playing for the sake of good controls, art and music. You just may want to temper your expectations. And play it with the voices muted. Believe me, you don't want them.

je pense qu'ubisoft préfère vendre des armes pour sauver l'entreprise plutôt que sortir un rayman 4

Nice game, nice story!
Decent franchise entry.

Wangjangle the limbless boy and put him in a silly story and fun gameplay

Varför var det så jävla svårt!? Eller ja, kanske för att jag var typ 4 år gammal eller ngt.

graliśmy w to jakieś niecałe 2 godziny bo takie nudy ale ta gra ma najlepszy dubbing w historii polskiego dubbingu więc zasługuje również na mój szacunek

Unironically the best game ever made

Divertidin e uma boa evolução em relação ao segundo 🙏

This game is one of my favorites and will probably be forever. I have played through this game more than I can count and I never get bored of playing it. I first got Rayman 3 hoodlum havoc back when I was very little. Me and my brother would have turns and play the game, We wouldn't really get that far cause instead of continuing from where we last left off we would start a new game (we didn't understand English since we were too young & we are from Sweden so we hadn't started learning English in school yet.) The probably furthest we ever got to was the boss fight in Desert of the Knaaren or well, my brother did since I was too scared of the Knaarens and the zombie chickens. Another thing I truly love about this game is the music, everything from the calm soundtracks like Inside the Fairy Council and The Summit Beyond the Clouds to the more scary soundtracks like Haunting Spirits and Ghosts! every single soundtrack is good. Really the only problem I have with the game is the camera not working how I want it to sometimes. Some people will probably say I'm blinded by nostalgia and that's fine, we all have at least one game where we get carried away by nostalgia. Thank you so much Michel Ancel for this amazing game and I really hope that we can get a remaster or Rayman 4 sometime in the future or at least a new Rayman game since the last one came out over 10 years ago.

While maybe not as classic as Rayman 2, I definitely had a blast with Hoodlum Havoc. The voice-acted dialogue is pretty funny & the levels are huge & make for great 3D platforming fare. There's even a slew of nifty bonus unlockables for folks looking to go the extra mile. A solid albeit pretty goofy platformer that looks good, sounds nice & plays well.

Jedes mal wenn ich dieses Spiel spiele entdecke ich irgendwas neues und es ist so großartig. Das Spiel ist absolut seiner Zeit vorraus und der Humor ist so super. Mit Abstand eines meiner Lieblingsspiele, nach Rayman 2 natürlich.

I've never been so disappointed revisiting a game that was special to my childhood and one of the first games I remember playing in my life

Unfortunately this is a very bland 3D platformer in level design, with repetitive and boring combat - certain enemies are not fun to fight against or simply too tiring, and some are not intuitive at all to make things worse

The best thing about this is the well-made steampunk and trippy atmosphere with great soundtrack, but other than that, I don't see many qualities in this game that aren't aesthetic to be honest

Really bad discovery upon revisit, holy shit I wanna cry REEEEEEE

this is truly a certifed globox moment

Rayman 3 is peak gaming.
It's funny as hell, dude.
If they remade this game or even made a sequel, it would save the entire franchise and I'm not joking.

I'm still mad about them cancelling Rayman 4.
I can quote this game from start to finish, that's how many times I have beaten this game in the last 20 years.
And while we're confessing here, I had a huge crush on Rayman when I was like 6.

This is the only 3D Platformer from this era with a focus on combat that doesn't actually suck shit at having combat. This game I'd honestly be even more willing to call something other than a 3D Platformer (If I had a good other term to use). The combat feels very smooth and well executed, and blends well with the platforming tools Rayman already possesses, focusing on ducking and weaving through projectiles while you return fire with your own fists. This game is also so fun that it's a score based game that makes you want to actually try and get a high score. See you in Ray Man 4 !

Loved this one as a kid, even though I'd say Rayman 2 is a better game overall, this one is still very fun to this day.

Ottimo platform, mantiene un buon livello qualitativo costante per tutta la durata del gioco, boss finale a parte.
Personalmente non apprezzo particolarmente l'art design, ma riconosco che il setting di certi livelli sia parecchio apprezzabile anche ai giorni nostri.
Ottima colonna sonora, trama puramente secondaria (forse un po' troppo stupida).

Terrible camera, spastic combat, and grating sound design. I don't think I enjoyed a single moment of this game.

in pc,the cgi cutscenes has an audio delay,i played the gamecube version and they didn't have the glitch.
Still a god game