Reviews from

in the past

I used to never finish Metroidvanias because they lose me in the first few hours. But something about this game's level design, hud, visuals, music, it got it's hooks in me and I couldn't put it down until I saw credits. Now I love Metroidvanias. So, thanks for that.

Cortito, nada expositivo, con enemigos desafiantes pero asequibles, con una mecánica de toma de decisiones durante los enfrentamientos muy interesante y con unas físicas más que decentes tratándose de un juego pixel art. Infravalorado.

Un Castlevania con otro nombre, sencillo, divertido y con un apartado sonoro espectacular. Estando gratis en Gamepass se lo recomiendo a cualquiera si le gusta el género metroidvania

It's very pretty, but otherwise it's just a decent-to-middling Symphony of the Night clone. Not bad at all, but you can probably do better.

I'm basically bumping this up by half a star because I have some affection for the Lodoss franchise.

EDIT: Actually ended up liking this a bit more after beating it. The intro areas are really bland, but they eventually get more interesting. The fake Ikuraga mechanic allowing you to blast enemies with magic also becomes more satisfying as the game leans into it.

Bem bom. Muito curto e algumas mecânicas são bem chatinhas.
Visualmente sensacional e a maioria das lutas são bem legais.

Superbe aventure, les environnements sont très beau, le gameplay du personnage est précis et fluide. la variété d'ennemis est bonne, avec chacun leurs pattern et faiblesses. Dommage que le système d'éléments soit sous exploité. Les boss sont sympas mais parfois trop simple car ils meurent trop vite, ce qui permet de les tuer sans avoir à apprendre leurs patterns. Enfin l'histoire m'avais l'air très bien mais malheureusement je ne connais absolument rien à la licence Record of Lodoss War donc je passe surement à ôté de beaucoup d'éléments de l'histoire. Je recommande aux amateurs de mtroidvania.

Estilo bonito, bom aproveitamento dos personagens e seus visuais.
''Vários'' poderes e armas diferentes, podendo usar qualquer um e jogar no seu (mais ou menos) estilo.
Um bom metroidvania onde não fica cansativo a exploração ou você fica perdido muito fácil, o mapa é fácil de aparecer na tela.
Boss figths boas, variáveis e lutas bacanas.

Preço um pouco elevado se levar em conta as horas necessárias para terminar, tendo consideração que é um metroidvania.
Não há muitos segredos, coisas que faz você se instigar a explorar mais, além de querer terminar o jogo.
Ost/músicas são neutras, nada demais, nada memorável ou que instigue uma certa parte da gameplay.

é um jogo casual bom, bom metroidvania, bom uso de personagens e boa gameplay, mas nada que profundo, apenas um jogo raso. Não vejo alguém jogando ele e pensando ''Meu jogo favorito'', mas isso não o faz ser ruim, apenas não o destaca muito.

Couldn't really hold my attention, despite it being a short game. The metroidvania elements don't seem super inspired and the Flame/Ice switching is shallow and quickly wears out it's welcome.

It's not bad, and for fans of the original series I'm sure it's great, but nothing could grip me for an entire playthrough. I'll just watch the anime instead.

I'm not familiar with the Record of Lodoss War IP, but I still really enjoyed this metroidvania. The game is short but the gameplay is solid and the art really charming and well done. Some enemies are especially creative.

This game is just Symphony of the Night but you play as a woman, ew!

Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth is a Metroidvania, actually, it's more than that it's a Symphony of the Night-inspired game. You might say that these two mean the same thing but not all metroidvania plays like Symphony of the Night, like their previous game for example, Touhou Luna Nights. This game doesn't play or look anything like Symphony of the Night while Wonder Labyrinth actually takes many cues from SOTN like the same type of melee weapon, similar art style, similar walk animations, similar enemies, and this isn't a complaint by any means I actually support games taking cues from other, why bother being original when you can just improve on past works.

Other than that I have no complaints about the game, it's just a really well-made Metroidvania game that may be a bit short but it is always often to be expected with this type of game.
Should you play it? It's definitely a must-play and a hidden gem, I never hear many people talk about this game as much as Luna Nights.

We didn't deserve a treat such as Lodoss before, and we don't deserve a treat such as Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth now.

Not really a Metroidvania fan, but Deedlit is just a really great video game in general. Gorgeous pixel art, smooth and engaging combat mechanics, exploration that is intuitive, recommend this for folks looking to try out this genre.

Don't know anything about Lodoss War but this was a very good Metroidvania with a super cool magic system. Blasted through it because I couldn't put it down.

Muy bien metroidvania, pero, no tan bueno como otros del mismo estudio

A charming little game that boasts dazzling pixel art and an enchanting soundtrack. Thanks to great animation work, the gameplay is immediately satisfying and gives you enough enjoyment throughout its short runtime. It is however somewhat unambitious and can be easily mastered within a few play-sessions. Due to a lack of difficulty and mechanical depth, the game doesn't offer much in terms of replayability, which only makes some of the less favorable gameplay and control decisions stand out more. It is also difficult to recommend to anyone not familiar with the Record of Lodoss War series, as the story makes little attempt to contextualize what is effectively the prologue to a sequel series of novels.

Wasn’t familiar with the source material, so I unfortunately didn’t really understand a lot of the context for the story until googling it afterwards.

Outside of that, it was a fun time. A VERY linear metroidvania, with a gorgeous pixel art style evocative of SOTN, and some fun boss battles. Not too challenging, not too long, a good weekend game.

Pretty good metroidvania.

Short and sweet, just an overall good time.

My only complaint was the game was a little too short

Very good metroidvania, i liked the map a lot, the powers were pretty good and i loved the 2 spirits mechanic! The gambling and archery things were weird but not bad.
The combat is a little too button-mashy but it was okay!