Reviews from

in the past

Really enjoyable but sadly cut short, this is basically an indie castlevania clone with its own flourishes so if you like sotn style castlevania games (with multiple weapons and spells and such) you’ll probably love this. Infact, gameplay wise, I may even like it more than sotn and aria of sorrow, which is high praise, because it offers a really interesting and unique elemental spirit system that is fun to use and a bunch of welcome quality of life changes like being able to strike diagonally and upwards. The bow is also a great addition but can be a little awkward to control. There’s a great range of weapons, and though its very linear, the action is constant and rewarding, encouraging aggressive, close quarters fighting instead of hunkering down and fighting from a distance, since you want to keep your elementals’ ‘meters’ up to dish out max damage and gradually restore hp.

This is also a gorgeous looking game with some really wonderful pixel art and animations. There’s weight and intensity behind all attacks and genuine expressiveness in its characters and sentimental moments which is often missing from similarly styled games. Deedlit is a cool character with a fabulous design and the story is quite lean and easy to follow, but still meaningful and drives the game forward nicely.

Despite the lovely animations and effects in isolation though, boss fights can be a bit of a visual mess, with too much busyness to keep track of things, especially when you need to watch your tiny hp, ap and both elemental bars whilst you’re fighting. Its nice having enemy health bars onscreen mind you, and sometimes the cluttered visuals were cool in their own right during particularly frantic encounters, but there’s also times where the very intentional, methodical vania style combat verges on being a bullet hell game and it doesn’t really work too well. This, the length and maybe some grating audio does hold it back a little, but not enough to make this anything but a great metroidvania that is 100% worth checking out.

A simple, beautiful and lighthearted metroidvania about Deedlit, from the 90s anime "Record of Lodoss War", it's very short and quite enjoyable.


Um jogo de ação/plataforma interessante, claramente inspirado em SOTN, mas as mecânicas eram bem diferentes, e menos foco no lado RPG. A história também foi legalzinha. O gameplay é legal, mas algumas mecânicas são estranhas. A maioria dos chefes eu matei tankando tudo. Foi bom enquanto durou.

This game is a good tie-in for an anime show that I didn't watch. My lack of knowledge was alright, though. The story, for what I understood, was very spin-offy, if you know what I mean.

Deedlit isn't a metroidvania as much as it is a "Castlevania-like". You'll get Symphony of the Night vibes immediately. Your character even leaves a trail.

The game isn't very hard. This genre leans towards soulslike trappings, these years, and Deedlit doesn't go down that same road. Some battles can be challenging, but this is one of those metroidvanias in which you can farm easily. There are a lot of rooms with easy monsters right by the entrance, so you can exit, enter, kill, exit, enter, kill...

Combat is defined by directional strikes (you can point your sword horizontally, vertically, and even diagonally) and "auras". You have a red aura and a blue aura. Some enemy skills emit red or blue projectiles, and you can absorb those as MP if you're wearing the same colored aura.

This carries over to exploration too. Blue aura can float a little, and red aura can survive fire. I didn't feel particularly challenged by any of the platforming sections, which is good for me.

Also, there are magic skills that you can practically spam if you want, and they are very powerful. The very first you obtain is a barrage of homing missiles. You can kill most enemies, even bosses, by spamming missiles, if you want.

The map is kind of good. It informs you well, if you look at it hard enough. It is medium sized, and I liked the different biomes.

At the end of the day, this feels exactly like what it is: a metroidvania that is above average, but that doesn't feel super special.

Made me want to watch the anime this was based on as soon as I finished, awesome little game reminiscent of Castlevania symphony of the Night almost plagiaristic in some ways but great nonetheless

Short, sweet and a blast to play, recommend this to any metroidvania fan, just wish it was a bit longer, beautiful pixel art and plays great


This has been on my radar for quite a while but after trying out Touhou Luna Nights and not liking it much I kinda started ignoring it thinking I'd feel the same way about it. I'm glad I picked this up on a whim because it's wonderful. solid pacing, tight controls, fun bosses, great level design and gorgeous visuals. The solidest of solid metroidvanias. Just don't let Konami see even a screenshot from this game because they'd want to sue and I don't blame them because holy shit does it look like a SOTN reskin.

Don't know anything about Lodoss War but this was a very good Metroidvania with a super cool magic system. Blasted through it because I couldn't put it down.

Não fique triste que coisas acabaram, mas fique feliz que elas aconteceram e viva para lembrar delas

A great adaptation to an old forgotten Manga/Anime Series.

I great up watching the anime. It kind of abruptly ends. This takes place long after that. A lot of story I never got to read. So in terms of story, I honestly had no idea what was going on. But I still feel like it was good. I didn't need any info from other material. It does tell you basic things. The story just kind of exists. You don't play metroidvanias for the story.

This is pretty much Castlevania Symphony of the Night. The only major twist being the bullet hell nature with a mix of Ikuruga. Essentially there are 2 elements of attacks. You and switch in between them to avoid damage but also helps you replenish MP. Gameplay is fun.

Exploring is a lot of fun. It's the best part. The classic metroidvania formula. I completed 100% of the map. Traversal is fun too.

My only really gripe is boss fights can be major difficulty spikes. Especially the final boss. It can also be it bit flashy. In both the photosensitivity way and the there is too much going on.

A great game to get your metroidvania fix. It has some great ideas. An evolution of the Tohou Lunar Nights gameplay. It's well worth your time. Don't let not knowing the source material stop you.

I have 12.6 hours in this game and got half the achievements. It's honestly a blast. I little on the shorter side as you can blast through it pretty quick. Now it is time to watch Record of Lodoss War.

Symphony of the Night ta diferente kk

Super pretty Metroidvania in the RoLW universe. The story is easy to follow, even if you don't know the anime (like me^^), as it is very much in the background. Very nice pixel art, good soundtrack and pleasantly short game length. I never got lost, the level design is top notch and boss battles are crisp but not unfairly difficult (just a bit confusing at times). The idea with the 2 forms (wind and fire) that you can switch between at the touch of a button is simple and ingenious at the same time, the game designs its levels and battles around this mechanic, really nice.

Not into anime tie-in anymore, but damn. This was a very really nice exception from the same creators of SMT Synchronicity.

What a delightful little game, and a marked improvement over Luna Nights. There is, however, not a lot to say about this one. It's just a very solid, very enjoyable SOTN clone and that's about it. Plays and looks like SOTN, but very well-made with smooth combat that feels very familiar without feeling like a hollow ripoff, interesting and rewarding exploration with genuinely good equipment to be found in secret passages, as well as cool aesthetics and fantastic pixel animation. This one's not going to blow any minds as far as originality is concerned, but it's an easy must-play in the SOTN-style subcategory of metroidvanias. There's a flaw or two, of course, and some might argue that the game's length is one of them, but I find it refreshing that you can completely 100% this game in like a dozen hours and the short runtime allows me to not really care that maybe inventory management isn't ideal. Get in, enjoy some very solid metroidvania action, out before it gets old. Hope these guys make more, even bigger and better, metroidvanias!

Okay, actually, I will add one major complaint: this game is way too easy. I cheesed almost all of the bosses on my first attempt by just keeping one of my spirit skills at level 3 and using it exclusively to heal, which makes sense if you try the game, while using the boss attacks to refill my magic and constantly spamming magic attacks. It's kind of a joke how easily this game design can be completely broken with obvious tactics. I don't personally hate easy games, though, so it didn't take away much for me and I'm just noting it in case someone reads this. I actually really enjoyed that this game and dev team is focused on opportunities and not limitations. In a post-Dark Souls world, it feels like every game is obsessed with punishment and this game just lets you do cool shit without being too concerned about difficulty. I like it.

Seems like I can't even complain about this one without turning that paragraph into a positive, so I guess that means I very much enjoyed this game. I can muster one final complaint, though; if you care about story, but haven't seen the anime, you will have no clue what's going on. This game is a sidestory for fans of the anime and it does not concern itself one bit with explaining itself to people who haven't seen it. This is not one of those side stories you can enjoy without knowing the main story because it's nothing but what seem to be callbacks and references and the story does not stand on its own. I guess Deedlit was in love with some dude named Parn, he died and this game is basically her dealing with his death? Luckily for me, I couldn't care less about the plot in a game like this, so it didn't matter for me, but story hounds beware. I'll just end this paragraph, and the review, by repeating that this game is great and any metroidvania fan, especially SOTN fans, should play it immediately.

Cortito, nada expositivo, con enemigos desafiantes pero asequibles, con una mecánica de toma de decisiones durante los enfrentamientos muy interesante y con unas físicas más que decentes tratándose de un juego pixel art. Infravalorado.


Que jogo gostosinho de jogar...história ok, jogabilidade muito boa e precisa, apresenta uma mecânica interessante envolvendo os espíritos e é bem curtinho (perfeito pra quem está com pouco tempo para jogar)
Mais um excelente Metroidvania!

Mas alguns jogos a gente só enxerga os problemas quando vai atrás da platina/1000G
Pensei em pegar os 1000G do jogo e desisti mesmo depois de pegar 100% do mapa...e por incrível que pareça, liberando todas áreas, matando todos inimigos e tudo mais, não consegui gold necessário pra comprar todas as armas (que são todas mais fracas que as que eu já tenho)
Ou seja, farmar pra nada! (no máximo facilitar o boss rush mode)
Sem paciência pra isso kkkk

I am Deedlit. I am a bodacious babe. This game is pretty sick, good combat, cool systems, fun exploration. Going to 100% it soon, but that stupid ass bow training achievement exists. Only real cons I can think of for the game are no omega horizontal movement option (but we do got SotN backdash which is sick as fuck), omega vertical option isn't infinite, and it's a little short. Overall, really good shit, I'll probably watch the anime at some point.

i did not know this was an anime so i was very confused when the game expected me to know who woodchuck is

é bem competente mas prefiro até mesmo um jogo quebrado do que com pouco carisma e personalidade
Eu fiquei enjoado da estética da Lady Bug e acho que podia ter mais Djinn no jogo, o minigame de tiro a alvo é forjado

Why is this game so short. It's so good.

Solid metroidvania. Loved the spirit/color swapping mechanic but game is a little easy and the environments aren't especially mazelike, there are a lot of dead ends. Soundtrack is pretty average.

incredible game with impeccable level design. everyone knows this game is inspired by SOTN but i appreciated how they were able to introduce new and unique mechanics to the gameplay. i also enjoyed how by the end of the game the boss battles get more "tactical" - it was really fun fighting the bosses and planning which power would be more appropriate for the moment/which item i should choose.
wasn't really a fan of the story and i think the UI for choosing your power/item gets unpractical displayed vertically when you have lots of items/powers. but yeah, it's a wonderful game and doing it 100% was really fun!

Firstly, that's a terrible name. Second, I had no idea this game was part of an actual IP. Apparently Record of Lodoss War is a popular japanese d&d campaign media.

This is my 2nd team ladybug game. They seem to have a formula for metroidvania games that is pretty obvious when you compare touhou luna nights and this. The games are still like distinct, but they also are both so obviously different flavors of the same gameplay. Overall they focus much more on the "vania" part of metroidvania. This style of game isn't a huge appeal for me, but it's still fun

I think i prefer touhou luna nights, that had better bossfights,music and more interesting enviornments.
The best part about Deedlit in Wonder labyrinth is the core mechanic of switching between two different elements. This is pretty rad. It's cool how killing with one element will charge up the other. This mechanic is kind of like the color switching in ikaruga, where you can absorb attacks of an element but want often want the opposite element of an enemy to be good at hurting them.
I enjoyed how you get the ability to hover really early on, it felt kind of sweet for that to be the starting point of 'vania movement.

This game is really generous with healing. That's both negative in how it hurts boss fights but also a positive because I'm not exactly a fan of retrying boss fights. {Generally i prefer games with high difficulty/low punishment}

The bow & arrow puzzles in the environment were hot garbage

Every area has some colored doors which you can open. Sometimes an area will have doors that are opened by a future area or bonus rooms out of reach with your current movement. It's kind of boring to trek back over to these once you get whatever key progress. Like it just feels like a waste of my time. It's not a meaningfully challenge to look at your map and remember you had some small inaccesible bits of previous areas. Most other metroidvanias i've played do this much better.

My biggest problem with the structure of the game is that it's linear, you just freely explore each level (and sometimes do minimal backtracking to previous areas to pick up more bonuses). To me that isn't worth calling a metroidvania. Yeah you get new abilities that "open up paths in the world", but it's really just a sequence of finishing each level to unlock the ability to go into the next area (which is directly connected to the previous). The world design also felt very pick a pathy, which was annoying.

The story did absolutely nothing for me. Maybe i'd like it better if i was familiar with the IP? Current take is that it's a complete waste of time

Fun if short metroidvania, with great graphics and interesting mechanics.

Gráfico LINDO, gameplay muito bem aperfeiçoado e divertido e uma história bonitinha

De momento me tiene atrapada este homenaje a Castlevania Sinfonía de la noche.

A very beautiful, but short Metroidvania, telling the mysterious story of an elf from the rather old Japanese franchise Record of Lodoss War, which I'm hearing about for the first time. The game is not too complicated, but it sparkles with nice sprites with smooth animation, and a good soundtrack to boot. The complexity of the game is, of course, quite low, and the process itself is very smooth and linear, so you forget these shortcomings.

Очень красивая, но короткая Metroidvania, повествующая о загадочной истории эльфийки из довольно старой японской франшизы Record of Lodoss War о которой я слышу впервые. Игра не слишком сложная, но очень сверкает приятными спрайтами с плавной анимацией, да и в придачу неплохой такой саундтрек. Сложность игры конечно довольно небольшая, да и сам процесс идет очень плавно и линейно, что забываешь эти недочеты.

Superbe aventure, les environnements sont très beau, le gameplay du personnage est précis et fluide. la variété d'ennemis est bonne, avec chacun leurs pattern et faiblesses. Dommage que le système d'éléments soit sous exploité. Les boss sont sympas mais parfois trop simple car ils meurent trop vite, ce qui permet de les tuer sans avoir à apprendre leurs patterns. Enfin l'histoire m'avais l'air très bien mais malheureusement je ne connais absolument rien à la licence Record of Lodoss War donc je passe surement à ôté de beaucoup d'éléments de l'histoire. Je recommande aux amateurs de mtroidvania.

We didn't deserve a treat such as Lodoss before, and we don't deserve a treat such as Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth now.