Reviews from

in the past

(played as part of ATARI 50)

A disastrous side-scroller that is terrible in every way, and the system it's on isn't an acceptable excuse. Looks like it's not so easy to just bang out a Mario or a Sonic, huh guys? Along with the crushingly bad platforming mechanics and level design is the notably ugly character art ... secretly British-made?

Played as part of Atari 50.

A horribly wonky momentum system... level design so boring and repetitive it feels randomly generated... dogshit crazy bus style music and some remarkably ugly presentation... could this be the best video game of all time??

offering a 2d platformer on their console was a smart move for atari at that point. however a smarter move would be to have one that's actually fun to play

A middling platformer with bad level pacing and drab visuals.