Reviews from

in the past

(played as part of ATARI 50)

A disastrous side-scroller that is terrible in every way, and the system it's on isn't an acceptable excuse. Looks like it's not so easy to just bang out a Mario or a Sonic, huh guys? Along with the crushingly bad platforming mechanics and level design is the notably ugly character art ... secretly British-made?

What in the god damn is this. The lynx version is certainly better stylistically but I just have so many questions about the concept/character design here.

A middling platformer with bad level pacing and drab visuals.

Played as part of Atari 50.

A horribly wonky momentum system... level design so boring and repetitive it feels randomly generated... dogshit crazy bus style music and some remarkably ugly presentation... could this be the best video game of all time??

offering a 2d platformer on their console was a smart move for atari at that point. however a smarter move would be to have one that's actually fun to play

Atari Lynx:
While it is an improvement over the 7800 version, the only positive I can give it is that combat and style is better than whatever the hell the 7800 version was trying to be. But this game has the issue of everything on the screen trying to kill you and giving you this stupid Arc attack that causes you to have to reposition yourself when having to take out enemies that usually can take 1 hit to kill, or 2 hits sometimes. The worst thing is the crane claws as they halt your progress and if you so much as barely graze the claw, you're dead. I got to the second level, and I know this game isn't that hard, but honestly the music doesn't make me want to play this. It's a better version of the 7800, but it's meh.

Played on Atari 50


This game is a load shit that's attempting to be like a 2D sidescroller like Mario but it's just tedious with it's amount bs enemies, and also stupid puzzles. Also the music is awful, not CRAZY BUS bad, but bad in the sense that it just sounds annoying to hear. The game just feels like an awful response to that of Mario and Sonic.

Felt like there was potential for a good game here, but had a very rough and unfinished feel to it. The jumping and combat was all just a little too scruffy. Wasn't a fan of the art style, but it was a stylistic choice at least. Tighter controls would have made it something I'd have powered through but instead it was easily and quickly moved on from.