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in the past

Clunky controls and mild frustration aside, SotC is a masterpiece aesthetically, thematically and it’s OST is amongst the greats. I view this as one of the most ambitious games for its time.

Português: Top 10 remasters mais fracos e sem melhorias já feitos

English: Top 10 most useless remasters ever made

Unfortunately it has aged very poorly. Its epic and expressive soundtrack goes to waste when you are listening to it on a loop while stuck for fifteen minutes in frustration, trying to figure out which pixel in the colossus' back is grabbable.

While the atmosphere is undoubtedly powerful and the visual design of the colossi stands out even today, the actual design of most encounters is honestly bad and the entire game is seldom readable. More often than not I finished the boss fights feeling exhausted and grumpy, instead of fulfilled or celebratory, and annoyed at the fact that I wasn't really following my own ideas or playing as I thought I had to at first.

I guess it is one of those games that felt way better "at the time", for a generation that had more patience or a different sense of curiosity in videogames, and that is probably something wrong with me rather than with the game, but it feels weird to say so, as the only thing that prevented me from playing this 15 years ago was the fact that I didn't own the magic Sony box.

Edit: boosted up the rating a bit after the moving final section (and that traumatic scene) :(

It's definitely aged, because controlling things can be relatively clunkly and awkward by modern standards. But Shadow of the Colossus is nonetheless a beautiful and compelling experience unlike any other. Fans of frenetic action may be bored by the more meditative lulls, but I think they serve to punctuate its more dramatic and epic moments. Truly a gem. Highly recommend.

OST perfeita
Provavelmente o jogo mais único de todos.
Lenda do Ps2
Atmosfera indescritível.


O jogo tem uma vibezinha boa
Revolucionou o mundo dos games😲
Tem uma atmosfera muito foda e interessante😯
Tem uma física que deu vontade de enfiar o controle no meu cú.
Complicado definir o que acho dele, mas considerando que até platinei o remake dele, acho que eu gostei

Peak "play it at a friends house" gaming

One of those few, rare games that show you that a game can be art. It is beautiful, fun, intelligent, and has an awareness of the medium that it uses to tell a story in a way only a game can.

Jogasso, queria ter terminado, mas eu ainda acho genial esse jogo.

First time beating this classic. Man what a game. Really short but leaves an impact for sure. Not surprised this is often cited as one of the best of all time.

Sempre amei esse jogo, a ideia, os mistérios e amei ele mesmo sem nunca joga-lo durante anos, só pude experimentar esta obra prima depois de comprar meu Ps3 e foi incrível porém, abandonei a ideia de escalar o jardim secreto na época, pensei q seria mt difícil e eu não queria me esforçar, meses depois em novembro de 2023 coloquei minha namorada para jogar, ela matou alguns colossus até ela cavalgar em volta do santuário e perguntar pra mim:"Da pra escalar?"
Naquele momento um brilho passou pelos meus olhos, ela tentou escalar por um tento mas logo desistiu porém, eu peguei o controle e passei a caçar cada um dos lagartos para aumentar minha estamina, depois descobri que podia matar os colossus para conseguir estamina e passei a caça-los novamente, cada colosso derrotado era uma tentativa de escalar o santuário, fiz bugs da versão de ps3 mas ainda necessitava de muita estamina, depois de horas tentando eu finalmente consegui, cheguei ao topo e pude eu mesmo observar as terras proibidas, a sensação foi incrível e finalmente senti que havia feito tudo que deveria e senti de novo a sensação que foi descobrir tudo sobre esse jogo, as pessoas que jogamos podem despertar e fazer-nos experienciar momentos incríveis.

Um jogos que de uns tempos para ca tinha começado a me questionar se era só overated, ate eu rejogar e lembrar que não, ele realmente é tudo que falam dele e ate um pouco mais, Fumido Ueda e a sua equipe mais uma vez sendo mestres em utilizar video game como sua propria midia, ico ja fez isso muito bem, SOTC fez tão bem quanto.
Um jogo que todo mundo, assim como ICO, deveria jogar e estudar as decisões por tras de cada escolha de design

Kinoest game to have ever kino'd but with better graphics

Amazing. Great in every way.

pfff what can I say about one of my favorite games? A fairly simple but fulfilling story, but what makes it so unique is its beautiful world and the colossi with those unique designs, the way to defeat them, what a good game and I hope one day it will have a sequel or something like that <3Wander and Agro <3 🏹🗡️🐎

A vibe única de SOTC é o que me fascina com ele até os dias de hoje, o sentimento de solidão é imposto de uma maneira tão imersiva que faz com que as cavalgadas com a Agro não sejam apenas um caminho até o próximo colosso.
As batalhas com eles apesar de alguns terem designs parecidos, são todas únicas, tendo estratégias diferentes e coisas distintas a se fazer durante o combate, destaque aqui para as lutas com o Avion e Dirge, de longe as melhores.
A trilha sonora é um ponto forte aqui também, acho sensacional como as trilhas tocam nos momentos da batalhas, mudando de tom quando estamos prestes a acertas os pontos vitais dos colossos.

No PS2 pelo que eu me recordo ele rodava a no mínimo uns 20 FPS, esse port além de aumentar a resolução para 720p, ainda roda a 30 FPS, tendo algumas quedas apenas em alguns momentos de muitas coisas acontecendo na tela, porém para mim foi um port bem descente, conseguindo melhorar a experiência do jogo original.

uma das experiências mais maravilhosas que videogames tem a oferecer, problemas pontuais que tornam a batalha contra alguns colossos arrastada e frustrante se tornam completamente irrelevantes quando os momentos grandiosos desse jogo aparecem, especialmente o final

qualquer um que cultiva um mínimo de gosto por videogames precisa jogar isso

This review contains spoilers

Nem em si uma review, mais um relato de que esse game marcou a transição entre eu ser um fake gamer🤓(zerador de YouTube) pra um gamer raiz🤢 (que joga o game sem ver tutorial e ir na marra) graças a um amigo meu que me convenceu a mudar a maneira que eu jogava as coisas, e que jogo bom pra começar isso.

O mapa aberto, com o game que não fala NADA do que fazer, só tenta deixar autoexplicativo unicamente te dando uma espada que aponta os lugar pra ir, foi uma decisão que eu achei esquisita por parte de design mas que fez eu olhar com outros olhos os games que são bem dirigidos e não te falam tudo que você tem que fazer.

Não impediu de fazer eu sofrer com o mamutão e depois só no boss voador que eu perdi as contas de quantas vezes cai por causa que ele entra e sai da terra slk vsf aquele bicho🖕

Tirando tudo isso, foi épico lutar contra o primeiro boss voador pra uma puta duma OST perfeita tocar enquanto tu tá quase sem estamina pra se segurar nele.
Foi muito foda lutar contra o boss Serpente que eu tinha visto como ele era medonho e que as crianças tinham cagaço dele na época 😨.
Achei chato mas necessário o colosso marítimo.
E por último, a ambientação do game é linda, uma mistura de branco, com amarelo, com verde, junto com a sensação de solidão, é algo muito gostoso.

Pra época que esse jogo saiu (no caso, a versão de PS2) é incrível como existia Elden Ring desde aquela época.
Piada bosta a parte, esse jogo tem seu mérito de ser tão diferente dos outros na época.

This is the first game i ever played that felt like a dream.

For what it is, a perfect game and an all time classic.

What an achievement this game is.

The mystery of the lands explored in this game are so engrossing.

Also love my boy Agro.

Type of game where I can say "this boss fucking sucks" and have to search up the solution on how to beat it and then also say it's one of my favourite games of all time. Besides the soundtrack, bosses, story and emotion, I love the open world and just how empty it feels. Unless you get super lost there you will probably miss half of the map on your initial playthrough. The world design feels so intentional and yet so untouched at the same time. I can see why the Secret Seekers thought there may be something to find like a 17th colossus.

This game is sorrowful and lonely, Taking down each collosi is emmensely satisfiying but each kill leaves the world of the game that much more desolate. shadow of the collosus is held as a absolute classic of the ps2 for a reason.

This could've been the definitive version had the physics bug been patched. It was scummy of Bluepoint and Sony to leave this game in a broken state. It's a major issue that shouldn't be overlooked. This is a great game, but I recommend emulating the PS2 version instead.

from cinematography to boss designs this game is amazing probably the best ps exclusive game

Foi um dos meus hiperfocos por um tempo

Shadow of the Colossus still displays Ueda's signature approach to minimalist and subtractive design, and it benefits greatly from that still. There’s a lot I still love about Shadow of the Colossus. The character dialogue is excellent at painting a picture of this haunting world and the characters within it, suggesting character motivations and themes to chew on.

I love the narrative setup of Shadow of the Colossus. A man, Wander, has come to a forbidden place bearing the body of a seemingly dead woman. He wants to heal her, and in his quest he gets the direction of a mysterious entity who tells him to slay the colossi that roam the land. Immediately this setup suggests a lot of really compelling themes. There is the contrast between life and death, or life that comes about through death. If Ico is a game about the strengths of human bonds, SotC asks what people will do to restore bonds they have lost, and the price that can come with that. And the game pays all of this off really well with its conclusion. I won’t spoil its ending, but it brings these ideas and themes which have been simmering over the course of the game to a close.

In between it’s exceptional start and end, is a middle which is good, but feels like a lot. Maybe it’s a bit absurd to complain about the size of an adventure in a game literally about confronting foes of gigantic proportions. I certainly felt the size of the adventure! Where Ico was very compact, very tight, SotC has you fight 16 of these giants, and the structure doesn’t really change in between each one. The voice tells you to kill a beast, you ride across the land to find its lair, you kill it, and then you repeat. This is the structure of the game, and it doesn’t deviate from this path for a single moment. I found that this made the pace drag a bit. Where Ico would have you bounce between combat, exploration, platforming, and puzzles very regularly, SotC has riding to the fight, maybe hunting some lizards or exploring parts of the environment, and then doing a fight. I just found it a bit more tiring, which again, maybe that’s the point. Still, maybe if the game was slightly shorter I’d be more inclined to replay it.

The world itself is still lovely and haunting. The Forgotten Lands are gorgeous and full of nature, but there is a history etched into the rocks. You can only observe fragments of old structures, with very little ability to comprehend their original purpose and meaning. The land can’t be understood, but its atmosphere is felt.

The battles are also memorable. Each is unique, with their own personality, and that lends itself to a very unique form of puzzle combat where defeating a Colossi isn’t about matching their raw strength, but in outsmarting and outlasting them.

There is a lot to love about Shadow of the Colossus. Its narrative setup injects this adventure with such potent and complex themes that leave players with few simple answers. To play Shadow of the Colossus is to accept that it won’t be an easy experience, not just with the gameplay but in the questions the game forces you to answer. I have immense respect for it, even if the compact beauty of Ico is just slightly more to my own personal taste, but honestly, after writing this I could maybe convince myself that Shadow of the Colossus is the better game. Maybe.

I'm not normally one to enjoy quiet, introspective games like Ico and the like, and that aspect of this game doesn't interest me. Nonetheless, I feel like the appeal of this game is just in the sheer spectacle of fighting these colossi, and everything else if just icing on the cake to frame these cinematic boss fights. Truly, nothing else I have experienced has been able to recreate the scale of these monsters, while also having an engaging gameplay system that meshes with that scale. Too many games throw a big boss at you, but really, you just interact with a hitbox it throws at you every now and then. In this game, those giant bosses are levels unto themselves, ones that you can interact with any way you want; very few scripted moments here. It is all up to you to square up to these skyscrapers, then figure out how to shiv them to death. Nothing else has really captured that same mixture of gameplay blended with cinematic scale.

The roster of colossi can be a bit hit or miss, with not every one of them being very memorable or enjoyable to fight, but on the whole, these bosses are fantastic, and rank among some of the best boss encounters within the medium. They each present a unique puzzle to solve in order to beat them, and then ask you to prove that you can actually execute on that plan. The plot itself also manages to be engaging despite how minimal it is, though it's hardly the main draw of this game, at least for me.

What you come to this game for can vary, but a lot of the things in between the boss fights can be a bit tedious for those, like me, that are unengaged by the quiet moments of exploration and travel between points on the map. This game is all about the colossi, and those fights offer some of the most unique gaming experiences I have ever encountered, and remain some of the most cinematic boss battles I have ever experienced.

Simplesmente o meu jogo favorito de todos, a imersão absurda de explorar o mapa no silêncio é o que me faz tão apaixonado no jogo e me mantém buscando a mesma sensação em outros jogos.

Overrated for being the classic cult that tries to define "the gamers tm" but it is just another game on the big list of things.
People should stop practicing onanism with the same 3 games over and over tbh.

It's a very good game tho, but y'all should get some analytical ass about what the state of the art means and why LSD dream emulator was a bigger push than this in terms of videogames as a medium and HONESTLY I also kind of think LSD was overrated too.