Reviews from

in the past


Limited in scope, but that actually gives it a decent amount of purpose. This is immediately obvious with its transportable nature - less impressive now with Smash Ultimate, but unique at the time. But there's other stuff too. Smash Run, while perhaps not as reliably fun as City Trial, is still a neat experiment and good for a couple runs. The lower technical capabilities meant the game would need to experiment with its stages, lending itself to personal favorites like Magicant, Unova Pokémon League, and Arena Ferox. Both "Smash 4" games sharing development assets means that Smash for Wii U is less ambitious as a result, but Smash for 3DS's ability to replicate the Wii U title's physics and gameplay is all the more impressive.

I think I'm generally okay with leaving Smash 4 in the past (revisiting it, I was shocked at how little there was to it), but if I tripped and had to play one of them, I'd rather this game than the Wii U one.

Using your 3DS as a controller for the Wii U version was wild

dont ask how many hours i have on this game bro

I used to record king dedede gameplay of smash 3ds in 2018

my setup involved a tripod placed on top of a plate in front of my 3ds

My peak was 13 views

The amount of time I spent playing this on bus rides was insane

minus one star for breaking my circle pad

An acceptable way to play smash on-the-go a decade ago. still somewhat fun but the Wii U version is better.

It's a lot of fun, one of the better road-trip games for the DS line.

Why did they make content in the historic console-only franchise exclusive to the 3ds? Smash Wii U was openly made a worse game just so this one could exist.

good game, but not the best smash bros game. it was probably really cool while it was the only handheld smash bros, but now that ultimate exists, this game just can't meassure up to it

continuously underrated. they actually made classic mode fun

Honestly a better experience in lots of ways to the Wii U version.

I have like 600hrs on this game for no reason

Here we are with Smash 4. This was my first experience with Smash 4, but I had not become competitive with Smash yet. I still had no one to play with so I was stuck just playing it on my own like with the others. Smash was still just something I played on few occasions and without a story mode like Subspace I had no real reason to play it extensively. Hell, I didn't even know Smash attacks were a thing. The character I did best with, SOMEHOW, was Little Mac. Yes, I mained Little Mac in Smash 4 on the 3DS. Fuckin' sue me. Anyway, Smash 4 is almost my least favourite of them, be it 3DS or Wii U. I couldn't go back to this one even if I wanted to. My copy fucked off somewhere and I have no idea where it could be.

This game was heat before smash got a better portable game

I had quite a bit of fun playing the game casually

This game had good singleplayer and I had decent fun with it. But when I had to choose between this game or U, I ultimately choose U. It had nice graphics and all, but it didn't felt as good as U and all in all I think they should've combined U and 3DS.

The 3DS version of smash bros is fun, but it is the one I would rather play any of the other games in the series over this one. The combat is pretty simple and is more casual than Brawl or Ultimate. Also the fact that in the 3DS version you can't play with eight players kind of defeats the purpose of the upgrade to this version when the Wii U version has all the extra stuff. This game is literally the Wii U version minus a lot of game modes and add-ons which make it fun.

Smash run is kino and the game plays surprisingly well on 3DS.

The combination of the camera mode and zero suit samus was absolutely fantastic to me when I was 12. I have no shame

portable mediocrity

smash on 3ds does its job very well. it's smash on the go. that is really all you need! unfortunately, it's smash 4 on the go. that's when things get dicey

smash 4 in general is kind of a big mess, a big contributor to why it's the worst one. so many ideas are thrown at you, with only a couple MAYBE sticking, this version being no different. smash run is a pretty good time, but a lack of customization holds it back by an extreme amount. played it for hours and hours on end as a kid, did everything i wanted to (which is why it's marked as completed), but looking at it now, i realized there was always something missing

Better than Wii U because of Smash Run and Pac-Maze alone.

This and Wii U sadly get overshadowed by some of the more popular Smash entries. But this plays surprisingly well on 3ds and is honestly so much fun. Most of the content is the same, but Smash Run specifically elevates this so much. This game was also so monumental to me when it came out. Started playing again to unlock all custom moves, so hopefully i can accomplish that soon!

EDIT: Just unlocked all custom moves and mii hats by grinding Smash Run and it was so much fun. Glad I've finally 100% essentially everything in the game. Can’t wait to come back to the game and just play. Love this entry.

I thought I was cracked at this. I enjoyed this version a lot since I only had a 3DS at the time. I got destroyed when I went online, though. Still loved the hell out of smash.

Probably one of my favorite features as a kid was the fact that you could put your 3DS into sleep mode and just play the music through your headphones. I remember doing this a lot on long car rides.

I'd say it's meh, on par with the Wii U version, and a technical feat, but the Smash Brothers series hasn't ever really been my thing, I usually just played as Palutena (sign #1 I was a lesbian as a kid.)

Was the first Smash I owned. Used to play it with my cousins when we visited them and they had the Wii U version and they were compatable. Now we just play Ultimate. Still remember the excitement we felt when we saw the trailer for the first time.