Reviews from

in the past

There's so many things wrong with this game.

Syberia fue la saga que me introdujo en las aventuras gráficas. Esta tercera entrega, no obstante, y a pesar de tener buenas intenciones, no está a la altura de su nombre, más por falta de trabajo en algunos parámetros jugables que por lo que es el juego en sí.

As someone who has played both of the first Syberia games I have to say that I'm both happy and disappointed in the third sequel.

When it was announced I was glad that there finally would be a continue of Kate Walker's adventure and there I wasn't disappointed. This game was, as the earlier games, a beautiful journey with interesting story plots and scenery. I was glad to see that even Oscar came back!

The less good part with this game was the voice-acting, I'm sure that the original French version had way better voice-acting but the English one didn't cut it. You noticed that there was a lack of variety in actual actors (and some characters had voices that did not fit them at all, I'm looking at you Olga). I would want to comment on the puzzles, while most puzzles were good and streamlined there were some where I really had to pick up a walkthrough because it was almost impossible to get what they wanted.

Other than that I would say that overall this game was decent and a worthy sequel to the good ol' Syberia games. The open ending/cliffhanger makes me hopeful that we will one day revisit Kate Walker and her automaton friend Oscar.

Dated Interactive Adventure.
Story: straightforward, yet directionless at the same time. Every section has its premise and conclusion. However, the transition between them is not well established. Moving forward feels like a compulsory task.
Characters: They are well crafted. They are relatable: players are able to identify with their personality and finally empathise, espacially in the beginning hours. The same can not be said about a certain antagonist, whose goals and motivations do not feel sensible at any point.
Gameplay: dated. As an interactive adventure, core gameplay mechanics fail to impress. It definetly is an Interactive experience, yet wether it is an adventure or not is quite rather questionable.

Mechanically not perfect, and massive story-downgrade.

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très sympa, mais le nombre de dialooooogues aled, laissez nous passer les dialogues svp c'est infernal
et de + les commandes chaotiques, genre horrible a jouer malheureusement, ça casse de fou le rythme et tout, t'es là tu pètes ton crâne parce que les commandes n'ont aucun sens mais bon,
il reste sympa

par contre la fin ??? pas de générique, cinématique trop nulle, Oscar qui recrève pour rien du tout et Kate qui finit par se faire kidnapper de manière trop pourri aussi, bon, autant ne pas faire de jeu si c'est pour bâcler la fin comme ça.