Reviews from

in the past

Eu era o cara com + 200 hrs de jogo e nunca terminei a quest principal, nunca zerei skyrim, mas tinha na categoria da magia a destruição nivel 100 e tinha terminado todas as quests da escola dos magos.

Ensaio de 4 horas do quão podre esse jogo é então preguiça.

Been sucked into the world of Skyrim recently. I think when I last played a elder scrolls game (marrow wind) I was more interested in other games and the story didn't have me too involved since it was such a open world, however this is quite different and they've clearly improved in many places, especially one problem I found was the old journal system, this is FAR better and steam workshop to upload mods just makes it so much better to do simple things like fix errors, better UI, optional beginnings and so on. I haven't touched many of the cosmetic mods, but this game is definitely worth the price. However I recommend getting it only if you have the free time. It's a HUGE world and there are a lot of things to do in it no matter if you choose to be a somewhat nice guy or a evil bastard.

Edit: With time, this game has aged like milk from how the company keeps reposting the same damn game over and over again that has huge worlds, but next-to-no content in this world that they boast about whilst also being filled with bugs that the far better and more competent modding community have fixed decades ago, at this point!

It seems Bethesda are great at making these empty shell of a game, but, refuse to actually put anything into this shell and get angry when others out there fill it up with their own things. To the point that they are once again attempting to do the whole "paid mods" thing that they tried to get away with last time with Fallout 4 and the creation club, however, they didn't learn their lesson from last time. Especially, as pointed out, the mods on the creation club are nowhere near as good as those for free and they were FAR too restrictive in regards to what mods added, including going on about lore and such when they violate that far too much themselves!

I've given up giving Bethesda any money or benefit of the doubt because they've shown themselves that they don't care about the games themselves, but how much they can squeeze out of you. It's especially apparent in the DLC they release often being the equivalent to mods you get for free, with some excuses.

Um épico RPG que sobreviveu muito bem ao teste do tempo. Voltando lá na época do seu lançamento eu tive uma experiência bem superficial com o jogo. Eu ainda não tinha muito apreço por RPG`s e a proposta de um jogo tão longo não havia me atraído, acabei deixando passar. 12 anos depois resolvi dar uma nova chance, e em 2023 finalmente completei Skyrim e suas expansões. Foi uma jornada que me tomou por volta de 120 horas de pura imersão no universo de Elder Scrolls, onde tentei explorar o máximo que pude das mecânicas e dos segredos encontrados pelo imenso mapa.

A história em si não me pegou muito, mas se formos falar daquilo que faz um jogo ser um jogo Skyrim é impecável. A forma como você pode personalizar seu personagem e desenvolver um caminho que é só seu é a grande sacada do game. Me diverti coletando diversos tipos de armamento e armaduras, fiz questão de adquirir uma casa, mobiliar e até cheguei a adotar uma criança (confesso que não fui um pai tão presente assim hahaha). A árvore de habilidades é gigantesca e permite que você opte por diversas formas de personalizar a maneira que você irá jogar. Você prefere magia? Gosta mais do arco e flecha? Está disposto a uma briga de espadas? Quer estar sempre pronto com uma poção que irá te salvar nos momentos mais difíceis? São tantas as opções para criar um protagonista da jornada que ao final me ficou um vazio de abandonar tudo aquilo que eu tinha criado.

As masmorras são bem interessantes, mas muitas vezes um tanto quanto repetitivas. Mas as recompensas são tão interessantes que acaba valendo a pena fazer, porque ao deixar de lado alguma que pareça "mais do mesmo" você pode perder algum conteúdo ou item relacionado a história do jogo/universo expandido. Foi assim que acabei encontrando a famosa espada Dawnbreaker por acaso. Ainda sobre conteúdos extras é impressionante a quantidade de livros que você pode encontrar que expandem mais daquele universo.

A história do conflito civil que acontece em Skyrim é mais interessante, ao me ver, do que o mistério por trás do retorno dos dragões do arco principal. Pesquisei muito por fora para entender os prós e contras de cada lado para no fim perceber que ninguém está completamente certo. E isso que é o mais interessante, o game te sugerir através das conversas com NPC`s opiniões diferentes para que você escolha qual caminho seguir.

Por fim se você ainda tem esse jogo no backlog e está em dúvidas se ele chegou na casa dos quase 5 anos datado a resposta é não. Pode pegar e aproveitar a vontade, inclusive as expansões que são bem interessantes, principalmente a de vampiros.

Landscapes and music are great, everything else is dogwater

Still gotta finish it but after about 50 hours the thing that stood out the most was the feeling of discovery. The atmosphere and ambience is also top notch. Just a good world to get lost in for a while.

I could go on and on about how much I adore the lore, worldbuilding and politics of The Elder Scrolls universe, and it's on full display here.
It's refreshing to see a fantasy universe where every race does actually maintain their own "clique" and customs, like how the Khajit are all wandering traders and the High Elves being straight up racial supremacists, obviously there are a lot of allusions and influences from real world racial customs and politics, but not as heavy handed as something like Warhammer.
To add to that the amount of random caves, mines, bandit, quests or strong enemies camps you can just discover by going off the unbeaten path is simply remarkable for its time and is only matched by Elden Ring in terms of exploration.

Unfortunately, the gameplay is about as fun as watching your oneitis get fucked in the ass by another man, and I couldn't continue past the 30-40 hour mark.

I'll take a game with a bunch of imperfections and shitty systems if it has the charm and atmosphere that makes Skyrim such a mesmerising game. Even if many open world games have since been more technically impressive and flawless, there's something about this game (and Oblivion) that no other game can replicate. I think Skyrim's dominance and universal praise early in its lifespan has left a lot of hardcore gamers feeling sour about it, but there's definitely a reason it still sells like crack amongst its many remasters. I don't think the community of people who love to mod the fuck out of it are the ones keeping it alive either. If you leave the internet bubble there's still a massive fanbase for Skyrim's base game and demand for more of what it offered beyond funny tellytubby marge simpson nae nae mods.

Call me a normie I don't care this is still the essential high fantasy experience in gaming.

Skyrim is such an amazing game, it's an RPG fanatics dream. There are so many side quests and storylines to this game you can't ever get bored with it.
There is a few bugs with it on console versions but otherwise this is genuinely a five star game, and you can tell the creators put so much effort into it.

One of the best games ever in the genre because of all the possibilities that the game had out of the box. Story was very good and the core abilities are still unique to this day. The soundtrack is just unreal.

Similar to Rockstar, Bethesda has milked this game till the last drop which sucks because they could have used all the money to properly create a remake but we know how the industry works nowadays. The good thing is that they were pretty open for the modding community, and event if I never went into it, everyone speak wonders about it which is reflected into Youtube videos.

It's still better than Starfield.

They finally made a good Elder Scrolls game and it’s fantastic. It took me a decade before I even did the main story. I would just wander around doing random stuff.

Hey you, you’re finally awake

i have atleast 4000 hours into this game across platforms and i still love it.

From nostalgia to now, this game has been with me and gave me so many hours, modded, unmodded this is the best game even being a buggy mess at times

most overrated game possibly ever?

The game that keeps on giving.

Base story was generic; "You are the chosen one. Please save the world!" where this game really shines is the seemingly endless amount of side quests you can stumble on by just exploring the world.

Combat is surprisingly fun for the simple fact that it doesn't lock you to a specific class; want to be a magic welding archer? Done. what about a fists only medic? Hell yeah!

Don't even get me started with the endless amount of content that can be added with mods.

Skyrim is similar to FF7 as in they were the most popular RPGs of their respective generation, many people's first RPG, and eventually had their reputation attacked, and them even being a good game has been put into question.

I'll be frank here, unlike FF7, which what it received has been outright character assassination based on supplementary material that shouldnt affect the quality of the original game. Skyrim is actually deeply deeply flawed game, and quite frankly the score I'm giving it seems perhaps too high.

First of all, its an incredibly basic game, with most quests devolving into go fetch something in a dungeon. And these dungeons are the problems. They're not inherently bad so much as, there's too many of them. And they swarm you with an insane amount of enemies you have been killing for way too long, especially those stupid dwarven robots I hate oh so much. This would be exarcebated in Fallout 4. Beyond this, the game cruely lacks player agency in many scenarios where it would seem obvious where to add it. For example, when X character says "we're having beef with Y faction". When your Dragonborn goes there, he immediatly gets attacked by mindless enemies who decide to kill you on sight without you ever having a chance to say, initiate a conversation, bargain with them, side with them, or anything. No this game is just made to be a dungeon crawler rather than an actual deeply involved world, and that's a shame, cause while I havent played them, I know that the previous entries, Oblivion and Morrowind, offer a lot more substance in that regard.

This is a very harsh blemish on this game, but I also reject the idea that Skyrim is completly devoid of substance, many quests in this game are actually very good, notably the civil war quesltine and the faction quests. And the core gameplay is also pretty good, even if simple, I found myself actually quite enjoying the combat, looting, questing etc.

What brings this game up is ultimately, THE VIBE. Skyrim is beautiful, the open world is beautiful, and walking in it feels better than pretty much any open world out there, bar perhaps Breath of the Wild. This game nails so much so high that I end up quite minimising its eggregious flaws, and I just look back on my time with it as a lot of fun.

Ultimately, yeah, it's baby's first RPG, its a shallow kiddie pool, its even frustrating in some regards. But it is an experience I am beyond glad to have lived. Ever since I started this game I always put the OST on spotify whenever I go for a walk and I will for quite a while.

TLDR: The shallowness of its core gameplay is overpowered by the beautiful world it lets you lose yourself in.

just the best open-world rpg ever. the side quests are so detailed and I literally never wanted to put this game down.

Mjoll my love.

Just a reminder: I'm not an open world rpg specialist, just an honest opinion of a moron

This is an amazing game. I never used the carriages to get to another city cause I wanted to walk and see the BEAUTIFUL landscapes and structures this games has. It's fun to explore and see every small detail this game can offer. Like when I was cleaning my inventory and I dropped a sword I wasn't using anymore and a guard stopped me and said: HEY, DON'T LEAVE IT HERE, SOMEONE CAN STEP ON IT

I found out you can marry, have a house and adopt a kid in this and I was like w o w. Also you'll have eargasms with the music of this game. Secunda is probably my favorite song. When I was in a lonely night, walking through the snow and the harp was just there keeping me company.

I did the main story and some secondary missions, but the story of this game is way deeper than just this. So deep you're gonna find a playlist of 3 videos of 8 hours each to explain everything to you

Yes, It has a bunch of bugs, but It's definitely not something huge, trust me

Listen, this is a good game, everybody knows that. But if you find yourself awake at a certain time with a certain mindset, this will be the greatest piece of media you will have ever touched.

The epitome of escapism. To this day, I love firing Skrim up, listening to Jeremy Soule's iconic soundtrack with headphones whilst wandering around the incredible world they created, just shooting the shit. Whenever I'm stressed, this reminds me of simpler times and immediately cheers me up.

Bethesda game, tried it, got bored.

I always play this once a year and always make a different character and try to do different this super fun, the mods on pc are so amazing too. I played some much as a kid

always gonna come back to this game

An all time classic with such a vast open world that keeps you playing for hours.

Muito marcante e com certeza ums dos RPGs que mais tenho boas memórias e tempo gasto, universo bem imersivo, mas depois de um tempo fica insuportável jogar sem mods QoL para melhorar certos aspectos da interface, progressão e até combate (cujo vanilla é um tanto sem sal). Talvez algum dia eu jogue de novo com as versões remasterizadas.